Top Local Juices 2017 - Nominations for FRUIT

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Your nominations (no more than 3 per member, but less is fine) will become the shortlist for the final vote for the Top Local Juices 2017.

Here every member has the opportunity to name up to 3 juices in one posting.
Feel free to edit/amend your posting until the final date.

After that date a maximum of the 10 most nominated juices in each category will enter a poll to finally decide which are the most liked locally made jooses in SA per category. Thereafter the top e-liquids will compete by way of a final poll by members for the title of the best of the best of 2017.

A juice may be nominated in more than one category if it fits. The categories are:
  1. Beverage (coffee, milk, milkshake, soda, cola, tea, etc.)
  2. Fruit
  3. Tobacco
  4. Bakery (cookie, biscuit, dough, pie, donut, waffle, tart, pastry, roll, cake, bake, etc.)
  5. Breakfast (cereal, yoghurt, fruit loops, etc.)
  6. Menthol and Mint
  7. Dessert (sweet, rich, candy, cream, nuts, custard, pudding, ice cream, etc.)
The final day for nominations will be a date determined by me - with or without notice.

Go for it - nominate your favourite FRUIT juices in this thread! Each category will get a thread like this.

Do it in something like this way:
  1. Fetch by Wiener Vape Co
  2. XXX by Vapour Mountain
  3. Heavenly Peaches by ComplexChaos
In no particular order:
1. XXX by Vapour Mountain
2. Paulies Guava
3. Blackout by Sickboy77
Icy Cola - Ace of Vapes
SNLV - E Joose E Liqz
Glitch - Opus
Rainbow monster by wiener vape co

Glitch by opus

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  2. SNLV - Joose-e-Liqz
  3. Havanna Nightz - Joose-e-liqz
  4. Trinity ICE - NCV
Trinity- NCV
Yo Mamma-Milklab
  1. Icy Cola- Ave of Vapes
  2. Summer Kiss- Cloud Burst
  3. Havanna Nightz- Joose
1. Jelly Monster - Wiener Vape Co
2. Rainbow Monster - Wiener Vape Co
3. Blackout - Sickboy 77
1. Weiner Vapers Jelly Monster
2. Sickboy77 Blackout
3. Bradford Vapes Litchi
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Your nominations (no more than 3 per member, but less is fine) will become the shortlist for the final vote for the Top Local Juices 2017.

Here every member has the opportunity to name up to 3 juices in one posting.
Feel free to edit/amend your posting until the final date.

After that date a maximum of the 10 most nominated juices in each category will enter a poll to finally decide which are the most liked locally made jooses in SA per category. Thereafter the top e-liquids will compete by way of a final poll by members for the title of the best of the best of 2017.

A juice may be nominated in more than one category if it fits. The categories are:
  1. Beverage (coffee, milk, milkshake, soda, cola, tea, etc.)
  2. Fruit
  3. Tobacco
  4. Bakery (cookie, biscuit, dough, pie, donut, waffle, tart, pastry, roll, cake, bake, etc.)
  5. Breakfast (cereal, yoghurt, fruit loops, etc.)
  6. Menthol and Mint
  7. Dessert (sweet, rich, candy, cream, nuts, custard, pudding, ice cream, etc.)
The final day for nominations will be a date determined by me - with or without notice.

Go for it - nominate your favourite FRUIT juices in this thread! Each category will get a thread like this.

Do it in something like this way:
  1. Fetch by Wiener Vape Co
  2. XXX by Vapour Mountain
  3. Heavenly Peaches by ComplexChaos
Tutti Frutti - Wicked Wicks
Lemonade - Wicked Wicks
SNLV18 - Joose-E-Liqz
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