Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome @Flo

Congrats on giving up the cigs (mostly) - I too came too vaping from RYO, but haven't rolled up since I started. Nothing wrong with a bit of that every now and then, and I'm sure your lungs agree ;)

If you need mod and a tank, I'd recommend the Subox Mini - fantastic little kit - there's currently one in CPT in the classifieds ;)

Enjoy the forum
@free3dom Thanks for the welcome, the one thing I missed about RYO was the rolling , but somehow rebuilding coils is just as satisfying as rolling a perfect rollie :) Not too sure about the Subox mini... is it better than a MVP 3.0 or a smok 50 / 80?
@free3dom Thanks for the welcome, the one thing I missed about RYO was the rolling , but somehow rebuilding coils is just as satisfying as rolling a perfect rollie :) Not too sure about the Subox mini... is it better than a MVP 3.0 or a smok 50 / 80?

I too miss rolling, it was my little zen garden - but that's where it ends, absolutely hate the smoking part now ;)

The Subox isn't really better than the M80 - but I'd definitely rate the mod better than the MVP3 and M50/65.

The Subox is a kit though, so it comes with a mod and tank - and the SubTank it comes with is exceptional! Should be an amazing upgrade to the Kayfun. Also, since the battery is easily replaceable you can carry a spare with you and never run out of power again :D

Have a look at this post of mine on the kit if you are interested (you can skip the first post as you're not a noob) :)
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Hello all! from Houston, TX and just stumbled across this site
Hi guys
Im a new vaper been vaping nw for about 3weeks and i havent smoked a cigg in dat time i recently lit one for one of my friends nd it was horrible.... My current gear is a istick 30w and Nautilus mini...and its flipin awsome...jus to let youl knw this forum has helped me out alot youl a awsome group of people and its a awsome place for a vaper so yeah thanks to all:clap:;)
Hi guys
Im a new vaper been vaping nw for about 3weeks and i havent smoked a cigg in dat time i recently lit one for one of my friends nd it was horrible.... My current gear is a istick 30w and Nautilus mini...and its flipin awsome...jus to let youl knw this forum has helped me out alot youl a awsome group of people and its a awsome place for a vaper so yeah thanks to all:clap:;)
Most welcome. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit. You have now done the hard yards and your taste buds will start to kick in. Happy vaping and do shout if you have any questions.

The new noob to the community!
Stopped smoking since I got my twisp, a year and a half now.I have not touched a smoke since Oct 2013.Anyway been trolling these forums for a while an finally ordered myself a ego one and I'm now on a learning Vape journy.

The new noob to the community!
Stopped smoking since I got my twisp, a year and a half now.I have not touched a smoke since Oct 2013.Anyway been trolling these forums for a while an finally ordered myself a ego one and I'm now on a learning Vape journy.

Welcome to the forum @Nova69
Well done on stopping the smokes!
And all the best on your journey - enjoy your stay here.

The new noob to the community!
Stopped smoking since I got my twisp, a year and a half now.I have not touched a smoke since Oct 2013.Anyway been trolling these forums for a while an finally ordered myself a ego one and I'm now on a learning Vape journy.
Welcome to the forum @Nova69 :D
Thanks guys!I bought the ego one mega, will take things from there.The sub box mini looks tempting as well.figured I'll start off easy coming from a twisp.I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you guys on how to build coils etc.For now im lazy an it looks like some work
Thanks guys!I bought the ego one mega, will take things from there.The sub box mini looks tempting as well.figured I'll start off easy coming from a twisp.I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you guys on how to build coils etc.For now im lazy an it looks like some work
That is a great device, I'm sure you're going to enjoy it :)

I stand under correction but I think you can get rebuildable coils for the Ego One, the CLR coils if I'm not mistaken?

Also, you won't go wrong adding the Subox to your collection, the Subtank is a very versatile tank, easily one of my all time favourites.
Hi All. Names Metalgearx been vaping for one month now and enjoying every moment. Smoked two packs a day and have not looked back.

Aerotank mini x 2
ZNA 7 with Silverplay and Marques
Istick 30 w
Kanger nano with ego one 2200mah battery
Hi@Metalgearx,I can relate w/you as I was a heavy smoker for the best part of 50yrs.This forum is one of (if not the best)in the world.I joined in Jan. 2015 and I'm constantly amazed at the knowledge, wit and kindness of the members .Vapeing is a great hobby not to mention a lifesaver .So take advantage of this forum and all it offers.Good luck in your vapeing journey !
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Thanks guys!I bought the ego one mega, will take things from there.The sub box mini looks tempting as well.figured I'll start off easy coming from a twisp.I'm sure I'll learn a lot from you guys on how to build coils etc.For now im lazy an it looks like some work
Hold on tight, your in for one hell of a ride!
Howzit guys really well done. My name is Yaron I'm a vaper and love it currently have an istick 50w with a melo atomizer and aspire 0.3 ohm coils looking to upgrade hope you guys can help thanks
Hey @kark01,you picked a winner w/the melo as your first tank.It was my first sub tank and though my collection of gear has grown considerably it's still a go to tank for me .luck to ya'
Hello Fellow Vapors!
I have been vaping for about 10months, I enjoy the DIY side of it as much as I enjoy the experience of vaping! It started as a healthier alternative from roll your owns, I now only smoke 5% of the time and that is usually when I'm out with friends, and either run out of liquid or my battery is dead... Currently vaping Rocket Sheep - Purple Alien which wasnt what I expected, but its growing on me, with a kayfun lite clone, unfortunately IM also using it on an old EGO X6 VV as my box mod broke... Hence me actually joining the site; Ill be posting an ad in the classifieds :) (Instead of just hovering over all the great info this site has!)

Im also a Graphic Designer, Illustrator and do Motion GFX for a living, self employed in the Mother City.
Hi@Flo, soon you'll never want another smoke, it's a process believe me.I'm from R.I. and stumbled on this site to my luck.(you'll see) Canada's a cool place, played a lot of hockey there back in the day. Go Bruins! Good luck to ya!
Hey everyone. Awesome finding a community like this. Looking forward to learning about the world of vaping.

I've only been vaping for a month now and not missing those darned ciggies at all so far. Hope it stays that which (pretty sure it will).

It's like wine, gets better w/ age.
Howzit guys

I started doing this vapidng thing a few weeks ago and outgrew the starter kit within a week of strictly vaping...
I bought the Subox mini today from VapeKing as soon as I heard that the truck had just delivered them (also one massive thanks to @free3dom ) for that lovely intro post.

I'm looking forward to learning a lot more on this forum and also just plain having fun!

Regards Stoef

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@Stoefnick the kbox was my 1st mod and I envy you w/the subbox as yours.Welcome.