Arrow Chasing


Vape Enthusiast

is there a way to set this arrow that it does not disappear after a too short while? If I read a msg it would have disappeared, and it shows up again just after a short scroll....a permanent arrow would be gr8.

talking about this one:
New Posts - Electronic Cigarettes Forum South Africa 2014-02-25 00-44-46.png
Tom changed to below a second.
Tom changed to below a second.

Hehehe... I got used to it... chase the arrow was part of the game! :D

But it's actually quite laekker not to have to chase the arrow now! Thanks Gizmo!
It is the 1st time I noticed the arrow. mouse scroll wheel, and home key on the keyboard ftw :)
It is the 1st time I noticed the arrow. mouse scroll wheel, and home key on the keyboard ftw :)

Sometimes the scroll wheel would take too long and too many scrolls... and to press the HOME key on the keyboard means I have to put my SVD/Nautilus down and use my left hand or lift my mouse hand up... not kewl! :rolleyes:
Wow, @Gizmo, do you ever sleep. Done at 03:34! This must be the only forum where this sort of customisation gets done and with an amazing response time. Well done, Sir. I also used to chase the arrow. A definite improvement now.
thanks @Gizmo

really is much easier to scroll now
Morning guys, I had a bad case of insomnia last night, was in bed by 5am.. Feel like a dog lol :(

Anyway I also think its an improvement, thanks Tom for pointing it out.
thanks @Gizmo ! maybe something else to improve, or maybe I am overlooking it, if its there already. Marking single threads "read" without having to open it in the selection "New Posts".
thanks @Gizmo ! maybe something else to improve, or maybe I am overlooking it, if its there already. Marking single threads "read" without having to open it in the selection "New Posts".

If you go into new posts there is a button there that says mark all forums read :)
thanks @Gizmo ! maybe something else to improve, or maybe I am overlooking it, if its there already. Marking single threads "read" without having to open it in the selection "New Posts".
@Gizmo can this be implemented? unread threads are not coming down, albeit trying my best to read all :) sitting at 1200 unreads atm, up from 800 about 10 days ago.