DIY Fail.

Dulcis Ultio

Noob Vaper
Garden Route
Hi all.

I bought some one-shot flavours to dip my toes into the DIY game along with 1L of each 3mg and 6mg VG/PG mix. The 3mg is in 50/50 ratio and the 6mg is in 60/40 ratio.
The purchase was made at the beginning of April, stock arrived around the 5th April.
Flavours purchased were:
Fanta Orange

That weekend I mixed Pineapple and Jellybean (Seperately of course) in both 3mg and 6mg. I let them steep for a week, allowing them to air and shaking them up and so forth every 2nd day. The following Thursday came and I tried the Pineapple on new coils and a wick. It was disgusting! It tasted like i'd just vaped Sunlight Liquid! Well obviously I made a mistake somewhere, right? (It must be noted that I used four used chubby bottles that had been thoroughly rinsed in clean water with no soap used at all.)
I threw out the coils and the wick, re-coiled and re-wicked and tried the Jellybean. Nope, same result. WTF!? I contacted the vendor the following day and was informed that I should really let it steep for 3 weeks or so. No problem, i'm happy to let it steep for 3 motnhs if necessary! Thanks for the advice! :D

Armed with this new info, I decided to mix the other flavours into used chubby bottles that were also cleaned with just fresh water. Take them out of the cupboard every second day, shake, air, etc. Then I got the idea to use a coffee frother and a bottle warmer as these would help sspeed uo the steeping process a little (Google & Youtube) It made sense so i did that.
Come today and I take out the Pineapple and Jellybean because it's been 5 weeks now and, by all accounts, those two should be good, right? New coils, new wicks, and... Soap! For phuque's sake man!!! Did I waste over a grand on something that isn't working!? Well... Then I checked the mixes.... They both taste soapy! Like, really soapy!

So, my question is this: Should I be steeping the mixes like i'm doing with the ones i've mixed first before I actually make up any flavours or are the mixes supposed to be good to use after the recommended steeping period?

please forgive what may seem like a totally inane question but i'm clueless and severly disappointed right now.
If I may ask. Why are you mixing 3mg with a 50/50 Ratio. That would give a harsh throat hit... and what oneshots did you purchase? Usually one shots have recommended % at which you should mix them.
Sounds like you've been dealing with a frustrating situation, mate. DIY mixing can have a bit of a learning curve, but One-Shots should be pretty straightforward. I haven't really dabbled in one-shots myself, but here is my two cents.

Did you happen to taste the flavours on your fingernail before mixing them? If they tasted off or soapy even before mixing, it might not be the steeping process causing the issue.

If all the mixes are coming out with a similar soapy taste, it could be worth looking into the base you're using (the PG/VG mix). Sometimes, the base can impart unwanted flavours if it's not high-quality or has been contaminated.

By the way, we're hosting a DIY e-liquid mixing event tomorrow, and it would be awesome to have you join us. We'll be sharing tips, experimenting with different flavours, and having a good time discussing all things vape-related. Let me know if you're keen to swing by!

If I may ask. Why are you mixing 3mg with a 50/50 Ratio. That would give a harsh throat hit... and what oneshots did you purchase? Usually one shots have recommended % at which you should mix them.
Hi Dave.

No real reason for the 50/50. I don't want to name the company as far as possible but the recommendation was to add the 30ml to 90ml of mix which is what I did.
Sounds like you've been dealing with a frustrating situation, mate. DIY mixing can have a bit of a learning curve, but One-Shots should be pretty straightforward. I haven't really dabbled in one-shots myself, but here is my two cents.

Did you happen to taste the flavours on your fingernail before mixing them? If they tasted off or soapy even before mixing, it might not be the steeping process causing the issue.

If all the mixes are coming out with a similar soapy taste, it could be worth looking into the base you're using (the PG/VG mix). Sometimes, the base can impart unwanted flavours if it's not high-quality or has been contaminated.

By the way, we're hosting a DIY e-liquid mixing event tomorrow, and it would be awesome to have you join us. We'll be sharing tips, experimenting with different flavours, and having a good time discussing all things vape-related. Let me know if you're keen to swing by!

Hi Goat

Yes I did taste them and whilst they did taste really strong, I didn't get the soapy taste. They smelled terrific though! As for the base, I didn't think to taste or smell it before today but I do understand that perhaps they might need time to develop. They were both sealed so i thought nothing of it but after tasting them both today, I now know where the soapy taste is coming from. It's put a severe dent in my aspirations to do DIY though as The Minister of Finance (Read: Wife) is wanting to know when we'll start using the mixes I made and I have to explain that I may have boo-boo'

As for the meetup, i'd love to attend but i'm a long way away from you guys so i'm afraid that's not an option :)
Hi Goat

Yes I did taste them and whilst they did taste really strong, I didn't get the soapy taste. They smelled terrific though! As for the base, I didn't think to taste or smell it before today but I do understand that perhaps they might need time to develop. They were both sealed so i thought nothing of it but after tasting them both today, I now know where the soapy taste is coming from. It's put a severe dent in my aspirations to do DIY though as The Minister of Finance (Read: Wife) is wanting to know when we'll start using the mixes I made and I have to explain that I may have boo-boo'

As for the meetup, i'd love to attend but i'm a long way away from you guys so i'm afraid that's not an option :)
Glad to hear you gave the flavors a taste test beforehand. It's unfortunate about the unexpected soapy taste, but sometimes these things happen when diving into DIY. It's all part of the learning process!

If the one-shots aren't quite hitting the mark for you, full-on DIY might be worth considering down the line. It offers a lot more flexibility and creativity to tailor your flavors exactly how you like them. Plus, once you get the hang of it, you can create some seriously unique blends that'll impress even the Minister of Finance!

No worries about the meetup—distance can be a bummer sometimes. However, if you ever have questions or need tips about DIY mixing, feel free to reach out. There's a whole community of mixers here ready to lend a hand.

Keep experimenting and don't be discouraged by the setbacks. Every mix gets you closer to those perfect flavors.
Glad to hear you gave the flavors a taste test beforehand. It's unfortunate about the unexpected soapy taste, but sometimes these things happen when diving into DIY. It's all part of the learning process!

If the one-shots aren't quite hitting the mark for you, full-on DIY might be worth considering down the line. It offers a lot more flexibility and creativity to tailor your flavors exactly how you like them. Plus, once you get the hang of it, you can create some seriously unique blends that'll impress even the Minister of Finance!

No worries about the meetup—distance can be a bummer sometimes. However, if you ever have questions or need tips about DIY mixing, feel free to reach out. There's a whole community of mixers here ready to lend a hand.

Keep experimenting and don't be discouraged by the setbacks. Every mix gets you closer to those perfect flavors.
Thanks very much Goat, i really appreciate that! And thanks for the feedback :)
If the base is 50/50 and the one shot is pg based (most of them are) then it will lower the ratio even further.

No amount of steeping will change a mix from awful to great. Not saying that steeping doesn't work, I'm saying that it allows flavours to mix properly and develop. But an awful soapy taste is unlikely to go away with a steep.

I would look at the components separately, like Old_goat said. The culprit is likely to be the one shot or the base used. (As long as no sunlight liquid found its way into the bottles :)

Btw. I've had this experience with one shots before too. Not soapy, but definitely an awful vape. Mine went down the drain and ivve never bought that brand again.

Not all one shots are made equal, so perhaps try a different one shot using the same bases to try to determine where the taste is coming from.

Also, try to aim for a 70/30 ratio of vg to pg for a 3mg mix, and you will have a much smoother finished product.
If the base is 50/50 and the one shot is pg based (most of them are) then it will lower the ratio even further.

No amount of steeping will change a mix from awful to great. Not saying that steeping doesn't work, I'm saying that it allows flavours to mix properly and develop. But an awful soapy taste is unlikely to go away with a steep.

I would look at the components separately, like Old_goat said. The culprit is likely to be the one shot or the base used. (As long as no sunlight liquid found its way into the bottles :)

Btw. I've had this experience with one shots before too. Not soapy, but definitely an awful vape. Mine went down the drain and ivve never bought that brand again.

Not all one shots are made equal, so perhaps try a different one shot using the same bases to try to determine where the taste is coming from.

Also, try to aim for a 70/30 ratio of vg to pg for a 3mg mix, and you will have a much smoother finished product.
Thanks very much Veecee, these are definitely headed to the drain. Sadly.
On a positive note, I discovered another company that provides recipes and the aromas i'll need so we'll give that a try next month.
Thanks very much Veecee, these are definitely headed to the drain. Sadly.
On a positive note, I discovered another company that provides recipes and the aromas i'll need so we'll give that a try next month.
I hope you mean BLCK. I get all my mixing stuff from them and never had any complaints. They are the best.

This post is not sponsored :p
Thanks very much Veecee, these are definitely headed to the drain. Sadly.
On a positive note, I discovered another company that provides recipes and the aromas i'll need so we'll give that a try next month.
Before you toss them. Take a 10ml of any mixed and steeped juice you made and dilute it in 30ml VG. If something changes then it's not the one shot but either the base that's too PG'ish or too much one shot %.
Taste is subjective and differs from person to person. A little is sometimes alot.
Before you toss them. Take a 10ml of any mixed and steeped juice you made and dilute it in 30ml VG. If something changes then it's not the one shot but either the base that's too PG'ish or too much one shot %.
Taste is subjective and differs from person to person. A little is sometimes alot.
Thanks for the advice Resistance, much appreciated :)
Sorry to hear about your fail. I have been DIY for around 8 years now and yet still fall onto my old favourite Red pill as a one shot. I have found with one shots you have to adhere strictly to the % mix, For example Red pill is 22% and as this is predominantly pg using an 80/20 VG/PG mix gives about the right mix for an RDL guy like me. Going 70/30 makes the mix too heavy on the pg.

However some of my own DIY mixes need a 70/30 as they are down to 6-7% flavours
Hi all.

I bought some one-shot flavours to dip my toes into the DIY game along with 1L of each 3mg and 6mg VG/PG mix. The 3mg is in 50/50 ratio and the 6mg is in 60/40 ratio.
The purchase was made at the beginning of April, stock arrived around the 5th April.
Flavours purchased were:
Fanta Orange

That weekend I mixed Pineapple and Jellybean (Seperately of course) in both 3mg and 6mg. I let them steep for a week, allowing them to air and shaking them up and so forth every 2nd day. The following Thursday came and I tried the Pineapple on new coils and a wick. It was disgusting! It tasted like i'd just vaped Sunlight Liquid! Well obviously I made a mistake somewhere, right? (It must be noted that I used four used chubby bottles that had been thoroughly rinsed in clean water with no soap used at all.)
I threw out the coils and the wick, re-coiled and re-wicked and tried the Jellybean. Nope, same result. WTF!? I contacted the vendor the following day and was informed that I should really let it steep for 3 weeks or so. No problem, i'm happy to let it steep for 3 motnhs if necessary! Thanks for the advice! :D

Armed with this new info, I decided to mix the other flavours into used chubby bottles that were also cleaned with just fresh water. Take them out of the cupboard every second day, shake, air, etc. Then I got the idea to use a coffee frother and a bottle warmer as these would help sspeed uo the steeping process a little (Google & Youtube) It made sense so i did that.
Come today and I take out the Pineapple and Jellybean because it's been 5 weeks now and, by all accounts, those two should be good, right? New coils, new wicks, and... Soap! For phuque's sake man!!! Did I waste over a grand on something that isn't working!? Well... Then I checked the mixes.... They both taste soapy! Like, really soapy!

So, my question is this: Should I be steeping the mixes like i'm doing with the ones i've mixed first before I actually make up any flavours or are the mixes supposed to be good to use after the recommended steeping period?

please forgive what may seem like a totally inane question but i'm clueless and severly disappointed right now.
Hi, any progress on this or is it still a miss.
Hi, any progress on this or is it still a miss.
Hi Resistance. No, it's still a miss. Still incredibly "soapy" taste. Both when testing the liquid directly (tip to tongue) as well as when trying to vape it. It has definitely not improved over time.

I've checked both bottles of premix and they both taste soapy. I've left them in a dark cupboard over the last month to see if that helps any but, nope, no luck there either.

I've convinced my wife to let me have another go at it and try a different company (the one that's named after a dark colour ;) ) and buy the VG, PG, Nic and aromas seperately. As long as I sit on a hole, i will never buy premixed stuff again. Lesson
Hi Resistance. No, it's still a miss. Still incredibly "soapy" taste. Both when testing the liquid directly (tip to tongue) as well as when trying to vape it. It has definitely not improved over time.

I've checked both bottles of premix and they both taste soapy. I've left them in a dark cupboard over the last month to see if that helps any but, nope, no luck there either.

I've convinced my wife to let me have another go at it and try a different company (the one that's named after a dark colour ;) ) and buy the VG, PG, Nic and aromas seperately. As long as I sit on a hole, i will never buy premixed stuff again. Lesson
Sorry it all ended bad for you. I hope you get the next one right seeing that you went over to the dark side.
Never give up, you'll reach the end goal.