Mod charging - but not connected to charger


Vapin' up a Storm
Vapor Storm Charging.jpg

Vapor Storm starts charging as soon as I insert a battery - but it's not connected to a charger!
I tried another battery, but the same thing happens, so problem is with the mod, not the battery.

I've always wanted a self-charging mod, but this is really weird.

How on earth can this be happening? I'm too scared to use the mod, as clearly something is not quite right.
So are you saying that when one switches the mod off (i.e. the usual 5 clicks) it's not off??? Find that difficult to believe.

The clicks on the fire button is digital. If there is no background current, then how does the chip register the clicks? It's always on standby. Put a battery in a mod, fully charged, switch it off and leave it for a week. Then turn it on and watch the battery level. You'll see.
Some further troubleshooting ideas.

Clean the battery terminals on the mod, and also inside and around the switch button and usb port thoroughly. Rubbing alcohol or Meths will do for this. Follow up by using a hair dryer.

Some further troubleshooting ideas.

Clean the battery terminals on the mod, and also inside and around the switch button and usb port thoroughly. Rubbing alcohol or Meths will do for this. Follow up by using a hair dryer.

Instructions unclear. Got a headache from the meth spirits but I got straight luscious hair after using the hairdryer.
In his defense, he's quite right.
If you press your light switch in the house 5x during an Eskom blackout, do the lights come back on? :)
There must be a small "keep alive" current to the IC thats looking for the 5 clicks on the fire button.

Any luck with reflash of the firmware?

Have no idea how to upgrade firmware or even if it can be done. I'll Google it later.
Just a long shot but is the battery being put in the right way round?


Yep! If you put the batteries in the wrong way the mod doesn't switch on at all, so one can't make a mistake. Besides, the positive and negatives are clearly marked when you open the battery door.
Sorry to reply on an old thread, but if the mod is doing what u described, charging without being plugged in etc, it is most likely cos some juice has spilt inside the mod and is shorting on the board.
Open it up, clean the board, use some electronic contact cleaner or any cleaner suited for electeonics. Let the board dry. Put mod back together and your problem should be gone.

I had 3 puma mods do exactly the same and everytime its cos theres juice on the board .
Sorry to reply on an old thread, but if the mod is doing what u described, charging without being plugged in etc, it is most likely cos some juice has spilt inside the mod and is shorting on the board.
Open it up, clean the board, use some electronic contact cleaner or any cleaner suited for electeonics. Let the board dry. Put mod back together and your problem should be gone.

I had 3 puma mods do exactly the same and everytime its cos theres juice on the board .

Where does one get a cleaner suited to electronics? Could you suggest one?
I think if you check on the inside, it'll say somewhere "This is the property of the Half Blood Prince"
I'm sure of it.
Unfortunately the o-ring on the 510 connector in the puma mods doesn't seal it off properly and any juice spill that gets onto the connector generally finds it way onto the board.

I have 2 puma mods that swallowed their 510 pin when connecting and rda onto it... the oring doesnt keep it very secure either. So again, i had to open the mod and push the pin back.

Theyre nice lil mods, they just need to sort the oring issue out.
This happens frequently, does it?

This happens more frequently than you would think. While working IT for GE, in my 8.5 years there, our team dealt with almost double the amount of wine on laptop spills vs coffee spills. "Got to drink the wine to make those numbers fine".... most of them around financial year end and when quarterly reports were due to the big brass.