OK,gotta say it,know I'm gonna get nailed!!!!!

Philip Dunkley

So I was quite excited today when I chatted to fellow vaper and he said to me, quite nonchalantly, "Oh, I smoke a Reo, Let me get it" I had not seen one as yet, being relatively new. He handed the device over, and my first instinct was, damn that thing is ugly!! Now I know I'm starting something here, but I really don't like the look of them!! I know everything is subjective, but generally I agree with most people on Vaping gear, but this just does not do it for me. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the Reo is the FIAT Multipla of the Vaping world. Practical but not so pretty!!!!!!!!! Even the pimped out ones look a little OTT, and the lengths that some people go to, to try and make them look good. Wow!! Sorry if I offend, but I've gotta get it out.
So I was quite excited today when I chatted to fellow vaper and he said to me, quite nonchalantly, "Oh, I smoke a Reo, Let me get it" I had not seen one as yet, being relatively new. He handed the device over, and my first instinct was, damn that thing is ugly!! Now I know I'm starting something here, but I really don't like the look of them!! I know everything is subjective, but generally I agree with most people on Vaping gear, but this just does not do it for me. Is it just me, or does anyone else think that the Reo is the FIAT Multipla of the Vaping world. Practical but not so pretty!!!!!!!!! Even the pimped out ones look a little OTT, and the lengths that some people go to, to try and make them look good. Wow!! Sorry if I offend, but I've gotta get it out.

Lol @Philip Dunkley
I agree, the Reo is not the most beautiful of vaping devices
But in many other respects it is a winner in my book
You didnt mention the vape on it, just the looks. Did you try it if ai may ask?
I agree that the REO is not at all pretty however the vape on it more than makes up for the lack in the looks department.

It is a ruggard, practical device that gives an outstanding vape
I did, and yes it was good, but not that far off similar builds. I love my Lemo more than regular RDA's, i suppose it's just me. The Lemo on a Smok Xpro M50 brings out the best of every single juice I put in it, more so than any of my RDA's.
I actually like the looks of a REO. It's not the best in the looks department but still good looking.
I did, and yes it was good, but not that far off similar builds. I love my Lemo more than regular RDA's, i suppose it's just me. The Lemo on a Smok Xpro M50 brings out the best of every single juice I put in it, more so than any of my RDA's.

The dripper vape is not for everyone
And I have crazily found that a few juices taste better to me on the humble Evod1 than in my Reo
But for tobaccoes and richer more complex juices I love the taste of the dripper

Any dripper can give me a good vape, but none i have tried give me the convenience of the bottom feeding mechanism of the Reo, with as little fuss as possible.

Some people prefer tubes and I respect that. Some people prefer the vape on the tanks to the drippers.

Each to their own.

By the way, while the Reo may not look like the prettiest or sleekest device, the raw tumbled aluminium finish actually looks quite good to my eye. But I am less concerned about the looks and more about the vape and the convenience.

Definitely don't think it's a Multipla!

I did not like the look of them initially. Didn't like the cut out and the bottle showing. And the fire button on top.

It changed when I started to understand what it does and how it does it.

Strange actually. I would say like a Land Rover became instantly more appealing once I became a man, not a boy racer.

Still, I don't exactly thing they are 'pretty'. More 'beautiful'.
Maybe ugly is a harsh word. I've also been spoiled with some of the newer mods and tanks, so I might be a little biased here. I'm also very biased towards my Lemo and Atlantis on this new SMOK Device. As I said, subjective.
I might actually be starting to realize that I might be more into tanks and Clearo's than RBA's, although the build convenience on the Lemo is great. That reminds me, anyone seen stock of the Kangertech Sub Tank yet?
*Gets popcorn*
This might get good!

I might actually be starting to realize that I might be more into tanks and Clearo's than RBA's, although the build convenience on the Lemo is great. That reminds me, anyone seen stock of the Kangertech Sub Tank yet?

I think one of the vendors has a preorder going for the Sub Tank, but I think no one in SA has one yet? After getting my hands on a Atlantis I really want to see what the subtank can do.
I get what you're saying, as I felt the same way back in March when I joined the forum and first discovered them. Speaking for myself, the Reo design is something that grows on you over time. To the point now where I prefer the look to any other mod out there. To the uninitiated it probably seems like a lemon, but once you join the club, watch out. You'll be on the hunt for another one in no time.

And my raw aluminum mini is by far the sexiest Reo in SA. :p
Allow me to explain a bit further

Its taken me quite a while to understand

The Reo is not for everyone. If you don't enjoy drippers and you prefer the vape on a tank, then you probably wont get along too well with the Reo. And if you dont like mechanical devices then the Reo is not for you.

For me what the Reo does remarkably well is package the dripper vape in such a strong bulletproof package.
The vape itself is really good. Low voltdrop (0.2 volts under load). The action happens so close to your mouth. Its instant. As if you dont need to inhale too much, the vapour comes out at you. The RM2 is a small atty with outstanding flavour.

And the whole Reo package just works flawlessly without any hickups. You can drop it, bathe it and fix it.

A full tank on the grand plus a spare battery will give you a top class vape for an entire day. Changing juice is simple. Changing coils and rewicking is far easier than on the tanks Ive tried.

Its just a damn good package allround. And a very special one at that. I am a Reo fan but because its well deserved. I've tried a fair amount of other gear and nothing has kept me so captivated like the Reo. 8 months and showing no sign of slowing yet.
I myself am a little torn, I don't know if I like the looks of it, But I will only be sure when its between my other PV's ;)
Incidentally, I really dont mind if some folk dont like the Reo @johan

And from time to time I like to lay it out. Its nice to articulate it again and perhaps helps others to understand the Reo's strengths.

I dont mind if people think I am crazy to like something for which the design has hardly changed for a long while in vaping terms.

Now that I have sung the Reo's praises, i think it would only be fair for me to say what I dont like

- The squonking is not as easy as a grab n vape solution while working on the computer.
- Being a mechanical, you cant just wind up the power to see what the juice tastes like at more power. You have to build a coil specifically for the power you want.

Thats why I suggest having a convenient grab n vape solution at your desk and having a regulated device to test juices out.

Then the Reo for your favourites ;-)
Look at this one though...

View attachment 18631

Side button, and that is a Chalice on top, which is gorgeous!
Retro-chique! Lol, looks like something from the 1960's.

Regardless of brand, a bottom feeder is an ADV evolutionary rite of passage noobs won't understand. For me the functional practicality outweighs the looks.
@r0gue-z0mbie now that one looks good, maybe the top button affects the look to me. I don't know. I'm sure for the guys that have them and love them, it works, and in the end that's all that counts. Out of interest, is there anyone on the forum that maybe bought one and went "naaah, not for me". I'd love to hear what the experience was. The reason I'm sparking this debate is twofold. One, I was seriously going down the path of buying one, and secondly, there's rubbish on telly tonight :D
Incidentally, I really dont mind if some folk dont like the Reo @johan

And from time to time I like to lay it out. Its nice to articulate it again and perhaps helps others to understand the Reo's strengths.

I dont mind if people think I am crazy to like something for which the design has hardly changed for a long while in vaping terms.

Now that I have sung the Reo's praises, i think it would only be fair for me to say what I dont like

- The squonking is not as easy as a grab n vape solution while working on the computer.
- Being a mechanical, you cant just wind up the power to see what the juice tastes like at more power. You have to build a coil specifically for the power you want.

Thats why I suggest having a convenient grab n vape solution at your desk and having a regulated device to test juices out.

Then the Reo for your favourites ;-)

Not going to get involved in this - the horse is already dead :p
Incidentally, I really dont mind if some folk dont like the Reo @johan

- Being a mechanical, you cant just wind up the power to see what the juice tastes like at more power. You have to build a coil specifically for the power you want.

It's for that reason specifically why I want to have a good regulated device first, before going anything mechanical.

I do like to go up and down the power with juice changes, and from early morning to night.

I get that having a few REOs sorts that out though - building coils for different needs.
This thread reminds me of the tale of the short stick and the hungry lion :rofl::rofl::rofl:
It's for that reason specifically why I want to have a good regulated device first, before going anything mechanical.

I do like to go up and down the power with juice changes, and from early morning to night.

I get that having a few REOs sorts that out though - building coils for different needs.

I like forcing myself to use a mechanical for a day every now and then. forces me to try other methods of coiling. I usually line up a couple of RDA's with different coils and swap them as I go. I know its not that simple with the reo because of the bottom feed.
@r0gue-z0mbie now that one looks good, maybe the top button affects the look to me. I don't know. I'm sure for the guys that have them and love them, it works, and in the end that's all that counts. Out of interest, is there anyone on the forum that maybe bought one and went "naaah, not for me". I'd love to hear what the experience was. The reason I'm sparking this debate is twofold. One, I was seriously going down the path of buying one, and secondly, there's rubbish on telly tonight :D

I have actually seen a (very) few buy and sell quickly, claiming they weren't that into it.

But the fan base far out weighs the non-believers... which speaks volumes.

My suggestion is, if you haven't already, try dripping to start.
@huffnpuff And there's exactly the response I was looking for. It's as if the more seasoned vapers, and even non seasoned vapers have a belief that this is a device one must own, before anyone takes you seriously. Kind of like the petrol heads with an Alfa, or a Golfer playing St Andrews. It's strange how certain communities have specific "rites of passage". I heard someone at a store the other day say to someone who was smoking a twisp, "Hey, if your'e going to Vape, at least do it on some proper hardware". My immediate thought was, isn't the point of this supposed to be that the person has quit stinkies, and well done. I am still definitely interested in buying one and trying it, but it's a hell of a price.
@r0gue-z0mbie I have been dripping for a while. Still a little harsh for me. I am also forcing myself to use my Panzer Mech everyday as @Arthster, and I'm slowly getting used to it.