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Thanks @free3dom I would never have thought of that. Now for some Google-Fu.

I don't know of any other vendors, but you can get some silver/grey ones from SkyBlue. Just pop @Melinda or @Derick a PM because they don't sell them separately - I'm sure they can help you out and include some if you place an order :)

Here is a picture of one of my Efests I wrapped with one of the wraps I got from them - would look really nice in that SL :D

I don't know of any other vendors, but you can get some silver/grey ones from SkyBlue. Just pop @Melinda or @Derick a PM because they don't sell them separately - I'm sure they can help you out and include some if you place an order :)

Here is a picture of one of my Efests I wrapped with one of the wraps I got from them - would look really nice in that SL :D

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The deal is that you have to say something nice about @Melinda in the order comments first - then ask for some battery wraps :)
I don't know of any other vendors, but you can get some silver/grey ones from SkyBlue. Just pop @Melinda or @Derick a PM because they don't sell them separately - I'm sure they can help you out and include some if you place an order :)

Here is a picture of one of my Efests I wrapped with one of the wraps I got from them - would look really nice in that SL :D

View attachment 28240
Thanks, I need some of those silicone battery covers and some PG and VG liquid from them. I`ll ask when I am placing an order.
Ok back to the REO......Same REO mini different day. After the first outing on Thursday with the REO mini (still haven`t named it yet) and having left it on the side table overnight I get up in the morning and to my horror, there’s juice on the side table. Open the mini up and there it is, a pool of juice at the bottom.
Strip and clean the REO again but this time I pack it away. I emailed VM about a repair kit for the mini and they replied that they would be bringing a few to Vapecon. Yesterday, using the repair kit, I did a complete rebuild on the mini, new center pin, feed ube, bottle, cap, silicone gasket, teflon washer and positive contact. I also noticed that the travel on the push button is a little lacking. I compared it to the new one and it came up a bit short so I replaced the pushbutton as well. As of 22:00 tonight and being in use the whole day/evening theres not a drop of liquid where it should not be and the REO is firing great.
The only problem I cannot sort out now is the delrin insert screw. The original screw that came with the mini had a piece broken off at the bottom. I got a replacement from VM and still no joy. I’m afraid the thread on the REO side of things is damaged. The screw still holds the delrin insert in place, but not securely. When I push down to fire the REO the insert moves as well. It’s not a train smash and I could probably live with it like that as I’m not sure how to repair it.

I also recieved this from Vapour Mountain today:
Lets hope my plans pan out.
The only problem I cannot sort out now is the delrin insert screw. The original screw that came with the mini had a piece broken off at the bottom. I got a replacement from VM and still no joy. I’m afraid the thread on the REO side of things is damaged. The screw still holds the delrin insert in place, but not securely. When I push down to fire the REO the insert moves as well. It’s not a train smash and I could probably live with it like that as I’m not sure how to repair it.

A quote from the man himself :

Redeyedancer wrote "I don't think its a job for most people . A guy with a little mechanical ability can pull it off . I use a punch if you place it just before the threaded hole and wack it with a hammer you can close the threaded hole up enough your screw will work . I use to make a bracket for these but I find it easier to use a flat punch and it looks factory"

Hope this helps ;)
A quote from the man himself :

Redeyedancer wrote "I don't think its a job for most people . A guy with a little mechanical ability can pull it off . I use a punch if you place it just before the threaded hole and wack it with a hammer you can close the threaded hole up enough your screw will work . I use to make a bracket for these but I find it easier to use a flat punch and it looks factory"

Hope this helps ;)
Wow thanks @DoubleD. I`m going to give it a pun intended:)
Hope you get sorted with your Reo Mini @Blu_Marlin

By the way, just wanted to check. Your build you referred to on the Cyclone - it was 6/7 wraps around 2mm with 30g tht came to 0.9 ohms. That sounds too low for 30g. That sort of resistance is what I'd get with 28g. Maybe check with Skipper Rob Fisher on the placement of the coil. Otherwise i cant think why else it wouldnt be good.
Just make sure a small piece of the old screw does not still reside in the hole on the Reo side.
Also, do not overtighten that screw.
I`ve been out on the road the whole day today. I will definitely check that later tonight.
Hope you get sorted with your Reo Mini @Blu_Marlin

By the way, just wanted to check. Your build you referred to on the Cyclone - it was 6/7 wraps around 2mm with 30g tht came to 0.9 ohms. That sounds too low for 30g. That sort of resistance is what I'd get with 28g. Maybe check with Skipper Rob Fisher on the placement of the coil. Otherwise i cant think why else it wouldnt be good.

You were right @Silver and well spotted. In my rush/excitement to build the coil on the Cyclone I took out the 28g instead of the 30g. My Kanthal rolls are not marked :oops: and I can more often than not make out the difference between 28g, 30g and 32g. I removed the coil and measured the wire diameter this afternoon and that confirmed it. I will experiment with the coil, coil position and wicking when I have time.
You were right @Silver and well spotted. In my rush/excitement to build the coil on the Cyclone I took out the 28g instead of the 30g. My Kanthal rolls are not marked :oops: and I can more often than not make out the difference between 28g, 30g and 32g. I removed the coil and measured the wire diameter this afternoon and that confirmed it. I will experiment with the coil, coil position and wicking when I have time.

Ok cool ;-)

Check out the Cyclone thread

Maybe you will get some tips and ideas there
My Reo family. A misty winter's day in Koringberg.

Little Maya got a new paint job and some TLC...

Metallic black with metallic blue door...
Just got my cyclops today in gold, she is looking wet!!! Now just to get a lekker drip tip and fire button to go with the gold colour scheme and she will be a real head Turner :--P:inlove: #headoverhealsinlove with this setup hands down the best mod I have owned

Just got my cyclops today in gold, she is looking wet!!! Now just to get a lekker drip tip and fire button to go with the gold colour scheme and she will be a real head Turner :--P:inlove: #headoverhealsinlove with this setup hands down the best mod I have owned

View attachment 29549
Congrats @mc_zamo She is looking stunning,,,,
Just got my cyclops today in gold, she is looking wet!!! Now just to get a lekker drip tip and fire button to go with the gold colour scheme and she will be a real head Turner :--P:inlove: #headoverhealsinlove with this setup hands down the best mod I have owned

View attachment 29549
Now you are talking my language. Cyclops is the best. Looking good.
Brass button covers available here.
Nice collection of REOs @Andre. I noticed your gold anodized REO missing but then I saw the @VapeViper post in REO mail.

Good looking colour combination @Renesh, reminds me of my mini, black wrinkle with metallic blue door which I carry with me all the time.

Everytime I look at the gold Cyclops cap @mc_zamo I wish that they made the Cyclone cap in gold/copper as well. I think it makes a REO look all that more attractive.
Everytime I look at the gold Cyclops cap @mc_zamo I wish that they made the Cyclone cap in gold/copper as well. I think it makes a REO look all that more attractive.

Agreed! I would LOVE a gold Cyclone. BTW don't ever buy a Copper Cyclops.. it tarnishes in under 5 seconds... if you like a patenia then by all means... but if you are a magpie like me that wants it all shiny then don't get the copper one! :eek: