iJust 2 advice


Experienced Vaper
hi, i was wondering if somebody could help me out i bought the ijust2 today at a vape meet i was trying it out as they had samples flavours and i was very impressed with it hence why i bought it however iv noticed that when i vape on my one my vape is hitting very hot almost to the point where i choke or it starts to burn my throat i dont think it could be the nic as its only 3mg..any advice or help?
hi, i was wondering if somebody could help me out i bought the ijust2 today at a vape meet i was trying it out as they had samples flavours and i was very impressed with it hence why i bought it however iv noticed that when i vape on my one my vape is hitting very hot almost to the point where i choke or it starts to burn my throat i dont think it could be the nic as its only 3mg..any advice or help?
Do you have the airflow wide open
And the coil you have on now? 0.3 or 0.5 ohm ?

Not many reasons why Sirvape's one should be running cooler then yours other than maybe they had a 0.5 ohm coil on it & you are running 0.3.

Also , its possible theirs wasn't fully charged so you weren't getting the full hit
And the coil you have on now? 0.3 or 0.5 ohm ?

Not many reasons why Sirvape's one should be running cooler then yours other than maybe they had a 0.5 ohm coil on it & you are running 0.3.

Also , its possible theirs wasn't fully charged so you weren't getting the full hit
the coil it came with is 0.3 ohm coil
0.3 ohm is a hard hitting mofo.
You do get used to it after a while.
If you still battling grab yourself a 0.5ohm coil and youl be a happy camper.
the coil it came with is 0.3 ohm coil
could it maybe that theres some ejuice coming through the top of the atomizer i was told something about some leaking occuring but couldnt really hear what he was saying
If juice is coming out you will feel droplets of juice shooting into your mouth like hot fireballs. So I doubt it is that.
Are you using a menthol flavour juice?
Oh ok I'm using Paulies coffee cake

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Oh ok I'm using Paulies coffee cake

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So it can't be burning from that juice cause I know sometimes menthol flavors at lower ohm can cause a burning sensation.

If you can find out what coil they had on the device . the only thing it can be is the coil .
As previous.
Grab yourself a 0.5 ohm and you should be sweet.
I too found the 0.3 very strong so I bought 0.5. Then I missed my 0.3 :)
I let my ijust coils prime for 15-20 min. Had a lot of dry hits in the beginning but now it vapes like a dream and holds its own against my tfv4 and dripper. And once u get dry hits from a coil its messed up IMO
could it maybe that theres some ejuice coming through the top of the atomizer i was told something about some leaking occuring but couldnt really hear what he was saying

As @Clouds4Days mentioned , if it were liquid/spitback you'd feel it.

Best bet , try out a 0.5 ohm coil . When i was checking review for the ijust many people complained about the 0.5 ohm not giving them a heavy enough hit. Maybe this might work for you.
Ok cool I did leave it to prime but hopefully after a couple of vapes it will "cool down"

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I remember the salesperson recommending to me to buy some coils as the coil it comes with gave quite a number of new buyers dry hits. It hits hard yes but i must admit if i dont overdo the priming with 0.3 coils i get dry hits
Sounds interesting the sales persons/owner primed the coils for me so it should be good

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It's that 0.3 ohm coil man, when I bought the iJust 2 and got home and all setup I thoguht I was going to die when I tried taking a pull! Really felt like I had wasted my money because I couldn't see how I would ever be able to vape on that...

Got a 0.5ohm coil and it was a million times better, the vape was cooler, the throat hit a lot less intense and it was really enjoyable.

I now vape on crown tank and RX200 but still have my iJust 2 as a back but only using 0.3ohm coils, they are a bit rough to start with but you will get to a point where the 0.5 on the iJust 2 mod is too mild (well, for me anyways). If I use a 0.5ohm coil with the Ijust tank now it's only enjoyable if I run the tank from my RX or my vTc mini where I can up the wattage.

So yeah, like the others said definitely buy a 0.5 coil and give it a go, I'm sure you will enjoy it a lot more, the iJust 2 is an excellent device.
hi, i was wondering if somebody could help me out i bought the ijust2 today at a vape meet i was trying it out as they had samples flavours and i was very impressed with it hence why i bought it however iv noticed that when i vape on my one my vape is hitting very hot almost to the point where i choke or it starts to burn my throat i dont think it could be the nic as its only 3mg..any advice or help?
Going direct-to-lung? Inhale more sharply. Harder inhale is much cooler and easier on the throat.

If you have any phlegm it will also hit your throat hard until you cough up the slime. Once again, sharper (harder) inhale.
I let my ijust coils prime for 15-20 min. Had a lot of dry hits in the beginning but now it vapes like a dream and holds its own against my tfv4 and dripper. And once u get dry hits from a coil its messed up IMO
Agreed. One dry hit and can it. Reduced wicking and air flow from that point onwards. I avoid dry hits like they are the devil
Thanks for the advice but I thought what if I remove the airflow ring all together just like they had it on the samples and sure enough the vape is way better and cooler

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Yes that airflow ring is better used for other purposes related to bloodflow problems...
Thanks for the advice but I thought what if I remove the airflow ring all together just like they had it on the samples and sure enough the vape is way better and cooler

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Howzit Nicolas. Glad to read you fixed ur problem. Was nice to meet you earlier:)

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I've also had this problem before with a 0.3 ohm coil. To prevent this, when you prime the coil load it with flavour then wait for it to sink in. It should be fine then.
hi, i was wondering if somebody could help me out i bought the ijust2 today at a vape meet i was trying it out as they had samples flavours and i was very impressed with it hence why i bought it however iv noticed that when i vape on my one my vape is hitting very hot almost to the point where i choke or it starts to burn my throat i dont think it could be the nic as its only 3mg..any advice or help?
Hi there so the ijust 2 should come with a 0.3ohm coil that should regulate itself in the device at 50watts but if you put in a 0.5ohm it'll regulate itself at 30watts. Lower watts and higher ohms will give less of a hard hit. You should make sure you prime the coils properly and make sure your connection point to the battery is clean and that the coil is secured in it. Hope I've helped