Our DIY world is rocking with all the flavour concentrate vendors around.
I thought it might be more convenient for both parties to have a central location to communicate with one another.
Tagging vendors: @drew, @Richio, @RoRy13, @Fogmachine, @Morne, @Sir Vape, @YeOldeOke, @Geoff, @rvdwesth, @Oupa, @Dragon
I thought it might be more convenient for both parties to have a central location to communicate with one another.
- If you need a concentrate, post it in this thread. Remember to include the brand name.
- If you see a request and also need/want that concentrate(s), please press the "agree" button for that post.
Tagging vendors: @drew, @Richio, @RoRy13, @Fogmachine, @Morne, @Sir Vape, @YeOldeOke, @Geoff, @rvdwesth, @Oupa, @Dragon
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