Introduce Yourselves:


Im the real boss
Supporting Vendor
Fourways, South Africa
Welcome to our newer members

Thanks for joining ECIGSSA, South Africa's Electronic Cigarette Enthusiasts Forum.

Allow us to give you a brief introduction and a couple of pointers to get you started...

Make the most of it - and have lots of fun!
ECIGSSA is a great place! It was started in October 2013 and has grown fast to become SA's leading home of vaping. Its members are the friendliest and most helpful bunch of people you will meet online. Getting the most out of your forum experience depends on you. Put in the effort and you will be pleasantly surprised at the reward. Many folk say that the forum is a major part of their ongoing success in staying off the stinkies. Make it work for you too!

First things first, please pay attention to the rules
All forums need rules. Keep it clean and don't get personal. Stay polite and be courteous. Read the rules here:

Get set up
  • Load a cool avatar picture. It makes it easier for people to recognise you on the forum. (Click on your name in the top right and then "Avatar")
  • Make sure your location is entered - a city is fine - e.g. JHB or Cape Town. This helps with many things on the forum from getting help to posting goods and arranging vape meets. (click on your name in the top right, then "Personal Details")
Introduce yourself
Tell us a bit about yourself, how you got into vaping. Tell us what gear and juices you are using. You will be surprised how well you are received if you take the time to introduce yourself properly.

Share the excitement - post photos of your VapeMail
We all know how exciting it is to get Vape Mail. Please share it with the forum. The "Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!" thread is one of the most popular threads - have a look what others are getting and share your surprise with us here:

Ask the Vape Veterans - if you need some help
Not sure of something with your vape gear? Or has something broken? Well don't worry, there are many experienced folk that are usually willing to help you out. Head on to the "Ask Vape Veteran" forum and start a new thread with your question:

Attend an ECIGSSA Vape Meet - a must for any vaper
Be sure to keep an eye on the Vape Meets forum. There are meets happening in JHB, Cape Town, Durban and even in outlying areas. Vape Meets are fairly informal gatherings to meet fellow vapers, discuss juices and compare equipment. Often, there are coil building and cloud blowing competitions with amazing prizes. At the larger meets there are retailers that have good deals on gear and juices. In JHB they happen every few months. Be sure to check out when the next meet is happening closest to you and pop along for a most enjoyable afternoon.

Buy or Sell your gear in the Classifieds - major bargains here!
The ECIGSSA Classifieds is a large and very active resource for members. Take a look and find a bargain. But you may have to be quick - the items are often sold very fast. Very important - if you want to sell your gear on the Classifieds, make sure you read and comply with the rules. And please, don't join ECIGS SA just to flog your gear. This is an added resource aimed at folk that want to be part of the community.

Check out the Retailers / Supporting Vendors
The forum is first and foremost for us vapers, but we do have SA's leading vaping retailers on board with their own sub-forums, where they are allowed to market their products. The local retailers have come a long way over the past few years and now offer some of the world's best gear and the finest locally brewed juices. Check them out and support them here:

Your team of Admins & Mods
ECIGSSA has a strong team of Administrators and Moderators who give their own time to help guide and steer the forum. They are a special bunch of people and are all experienced vapers themselves. If you have a question about the forum send one of them a message. If they ask you to do something, please listen to them - they are here to make our forum stay a pleasant one. Here is a thread which announces changes or additions to the team:

Other tips and tricks
  • Fancy an informal public chat with other members? Use the shoutbox on the home page.
  • If you want to send a private message to another member, make use of the PM system. Click on the Inbox in the top right hand side of the page and compose your message.
  • Make sure to use the search facility if you are searching for something you can't find. Try a search of your current gear and see what has been said about it. The search box is always available in the top right.
Once again, welcome. We hope your stay is a memorable one and may it help you as much as it has helped many of us to stay off the stinkies and live a healthier lifestyle!


Firstly welcome :). Please introduce yourselves and tell us a little about where you come from here. To do that just click on the last page number above and start typing in the "Write your reply" box at the bottom of that page.
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hi my name is ettiene, it's been about 3 months since i started smoking ecigs, fallen off the wagon a few times since then but mostly vaping up a storm. :)
hi my name is ettiene, it's been about 3 months since i started smoking ecigs, fallen off the wagon a few times since then but mostly vaping up a storm. :)

I myself have fallen off the wagon - I think we all do, its very hard to stop completely when you first start but it does make a huge difference!
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howsit people. lovely forum you got here.

my name is Riaz, im from Cape Town.

off the stinkies for about 5 months now and still going string. fell off the wagon a few times but mainly due to curiosity.

but still going strong
howsit people. lovely forum you got here.

my name is Riaz, im from Cape Town.

off the stinkies for about 5 months now and still going string. fell off the wagon a few times but mainly due to curiosity.

but still going strong

thanks Stroodlepuff

i see everyone on here is a moderator.

how do i become one?
Software Developer by day, Gadgeteer by night.
In my spare time, I build high end audio, and tweak my vaping gear. (and chase after the kids etc.)
Quit smoking in May. Vaping became a hobby, not just a way to get off cigarettes.
Awesome CraftyZA. Nice too meet you. What kind of software dev are you?
Awesome CraftyZA. Nice too meet you. What kind of software dev are you?
We have a Windows application (VB) that is quite big, and I do some ASP as well. (C#)
Then of course MS SQL in the backend.
The system is a financial system used in the automotive industry. It is aimed at wholesalers, but it comes with a dealer portal as well.
Very cool, I mainly do PHP. Nice to meet another coder..

Anyway my name is Warren, I am the owner of

Got into Vaping about 5 months or so. Started with terrible green smokes, then went to eciggies and got a EVOD KIT.

from then its been downhill. Own a Evic and now this SVD, been through 3 different tanks - protank1, vision eternity ( i broke it though ), vivi nova now the protank 2. Got two batteries, 3500mah panasonic and 2200mah samsung.

I would love to get more advanced and know how to work re-buildables nicely and not break them like I did. I truly believe that's where the vaping goodness it at.
Oh and, I'm a developer as well - reeeeeeeeaaaallly old school - I work on IBM mainframes in COBOL - currently working on improving the JSE's systems a bit :)
Oh and, I'm a developer as well - reeeeeeeeaaaallly old school - I work on IBM mainframes in COBOL - currently working on improving the JSE's systems a bit :)
My goodness!!!! Small world. I was working for the jse as one of their DBA's. This eventually lead to me to development.
Hi guys. I am a robotics software and hardware electronic technician.
Been vaping since June 2011. Never had an analogue since. No desire whatsoever to do so after 38 years of 30 smelly ciggs per day. Sies.
Welcome to the forums Johnny.

Damn since 2011! That really is achievement.. What set-up are you currently running?
Hi guys. I am a robotics software and hardware electronic technician.
Been vaping since June 2011. Never had an analogue since. No desire whatsoever to do so after 38 years of 30 smelly ciggs per day. Sies.

Woah, my daughter really wants to get into that line of work - give me some more info - what did you study and what is working day like?
Oh and, I'm a developer as well - reeeeeeeeaaaallly old school - I work on IBM mainframes in COBOL - currently working on improving the JSE's systems a bit :)
Welcome to the forums Johnny.

Damn since 2011! That really is achievement.. What set-up are you currently running?

Well it started like this. My wife and I got really bad chest infections during the 2011 winter. Could not smoke as it made me cough so bad that I severed some muscles from my ribs. That was really painful. Got myself a Joy e-cigg with menthol and it tasted good and did not affect my cough spells. The cartos were not available so we bought Lavatubes and Vivi Nova tanks. Been vaping this since long time ago. Now ordered Innokins for us and waiting for delivery.
Woah, my daughter really wants to get into that line of work - give me some more info - what did you study and what is working day like?
Old Techikon s4. I would not recommend it as if anything goes wrong, you are the first to be called at midnight or 24/7 only to see that it is a mechanical prob and not yours.
Bosses looking over your shoulder while you trying to find the fault on the computer and hurrying you on is draining.
Tell your daughter to study something else. Not worth it as I started getting panic attacks due to lack of sleep and the pressure.
Oh and, I'm a developer as well - reeeeeeeeaaaallly old school - I work on IBM mainframes in COBOL - currently working on improving the JSE's systems a bit :)
Got any insider info for me? I trade stocks on the JSE for a living since I resigned my job.