
Vaping Life
Hey fellow vapers, I have a question...

Why do all the vape shops, online and actual walk in shops, advertise RTA's, RDA's and RDTA's, but yet vaping wire is in very short supply... There were even shops that received tanks and drippers during lock down, but most of the wire they used to stock is now out of stock and they haven't restocked on vape wire.
I really enjoy building my own coils, well, wrapping it myself from a nice lengthy vaping wire...

Is there something I am not aware of?
I'm seriously in the dark about this and am asking a question in ignorance...
I saw the same thing. Most vape shops sell ready made coils at a hefty price. They have to make money somewhere!

Interesting I have bought my wire from 2 shops where I buy my diy e liquids. Since they are into diy they sell a wide variety. Try Blck or Boss. I got some 3 weeks ago from blck.
Hello @myBru .... valid question and most rebuilders can ask the same question, so dont think you are alone in this boat.... there is still plenty of the regular use wires around, but if you are looking for something more exotic and more out of the regular scope of wires (other than 24g or 26g) you are going to have to dig a little deeper to find it or ask around for someone that has half a roll to spare.

The current R/$ situation is also not helping for anyone to bring in wire, as it is either too expensive to import or the price reselling it locally is going to kill the consumer market.

Covid-19 unfortunately messed up a lot of things for a lot of people, everything will come available again and hopefully someone is bringing in a big shipment at a decent price for the consumers to help bring the market in line again. There is a need for wire, someone will pick up on it and make it right for us soon, I hope...
I saw the same thing. Most vape shops sell ready made coils at a hefty price. They have to make money somewhere!

Interesting I have bought my wire from 2 shops where I buy my diy e liquids. Since they are into diy they sell a wide variety. Try Blck or Boss. I got some 3 weeks ago from blck.

Thanks @Kiai, will check there sites out, I know Boss is a little out on the ones I want, bit will see whats at BLCK
Hello @myBru .... valid question and most rebuilders can ask the same question, so dont think you are alone in this boat.... there is still plenty of the regular use wires around, but if you are looking for something more exotic and more out of the regular scope of wires (other than 24g or 26g) you are going to have to dig a little deeper to find it or ask around for someone that has half a roll to spare.

The current R/$ situation is also not helping for anyone to bring in wire, as it is either too expensive to import or the price reselling it locally is going to kill the consumer market.

Covid-19 unfortunately messed up a lot of things for a lot of people, everything will come available again and hopefully someone is bringing in a big shipment at a decent price for the consumers to help bring the market in line again. There is a need for wire, someone will pick up on it and make it right for us soon, I hope...

@DarthBranMuffin thanks for the info.
Ja, this Covid-19 thing caught all of us off-gaurd hey! I feel for all the businesses struggling out there... That's why I will always support my local vape shops even if they don't have stock of certain things. Cash flow has been really affected for a lot of shops, and fully understand that they can't just suddenly order everything in, and carry on like nothing has happened like Covid-19...