In the light of the latest addition to a lot of vape collections, the Type Two RTA by Grimm Green has reached all the corners of RSA by now after Black Friday.
Seems we are all in for a slightly bumpy ride in getting this one beat, so feel free to chime in here to tell us your do's and don'ts for this RTA.
I am still in the testing phases of mine, but at least I now get more flavor (and less chance of a dry hit) by trimming the cotton so that it does not touch the base of the deck.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of your inputs and finding the best way to bring out the full potential of this RTA!
(ps: if you do chip a tooth by using the long driptip while driving, please feel free to post pictures of that too)
Seems we are all in for a slightly bumpy ride in getting this one beat, so feel free to chime in here to tell us your do's and don'ts for this RTA.
Type Two: Seems I have to learn to wick all over again, this one is a challenge. First tank and 3rd hit was a dry hit... TOO MUCH COTTON DUDE, YOU KNEW THAT AND STILL VAPED IT.. SUFFER BABY SUFFER!!! Trimmed it down and better now, but not perfect yet. Needs a bit more play time for a final verdict too.
I am still in the testing phases of mine, but at least I now get more flavor (and less chance of a dry hit) by trimming the cotton so that it does not touch the base of the deck.
Looking forward to seeing the rest of your inputs and finding the best way to bring out the full potential of this RTA!
(ps: if you do chip a tooth by using the long driptip while driving, please feel free to post pictures of that too)