A Convert to Vaping


Vapin' up a Storm
I'm happy to announce that a friend of mine has decided to switch from stinkies to vaping.

I lent her my iJust S for an evening and the next evening the Innokin Endura T20, which @BumbleBee from The Vape Guy so kindly sent me. The T20 won fair and square!

What I find interesting is her comments. Firstly, she was immensely grateful that she could give the devices a trial run before buying them. As a complete newbie to vaping, how do you decide on a device if you can't experiment first?

Why didn't she like the iJust S?
Too big
Makes her cough
(I agree on both counts!)

Why does she like the T20?
It's much thinner than the iJust S
The inhale is soft and smooth
No coughing

Secondly, how do you know which juice to buy? I lent her a few bottles to try out and she's welcome to try more. Yes, one can have a test vape in a vape shop, but it's just one or two inhales. Being able to vape a tankful is so much better.

I hope that she'll join our forum, but she doesn't have Internet at home so perhaps not.

To my friend I say, "You go, Girl" :thumbup:
So great to hear @Hooked !
Kudos to you for helping your friend

I hear you about the challenges of selecting the right device and juice
But also the benefits of trying before you buy.

I think with vaping one needs to go to a good retail shop which has a wide enough variety AND a patient and skilled sales person who can help you through selecting that first device.

That first encounter with vaping and getting a decent device and juice that fits your preferences makes a big difference
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I've given the T20 to my friend, with the blessings of @BumbleBee.

I also decided to do a clear-out of juice and those which I don't like have been passed on to her, as well as some other bottles with a little left - enough for a tank on the T20.
PIF is for Pay it Foreward. Members donate unwanted hardware, which is given to those in need to stop smoking. I think that the PifMaster is @shaunnadan

@Puff the Magic Dragon
It's a good idea. I think most of us are in need when we start vaping and particularly if you don't know other people who vape. I'm in that situation and so is my friend. She knows me but I'm still learning too. Most of us don't have money to waste on a mod that isn't right for them and buying the wrong one could put a newbie completely off vaping.
@Hooked, this is fantastic, I wish your friend a successful vaping journey! :campeon2: