
Vapin' up a Storm
Creme de Vape_Coffee Walnut Cake.jpg
(Int. - UK)

Flavour Description: None given

VG/PG: Unspecified
Nic: 6mg

My comments:
Walnut Coffee Cake is one of Crème de Vape’s in-house e-liquids, purchased directly from Crème de Vape in the UK. Many thanks to @charln for allowing me to participate in his well-organised group-buy. Much appreciated!

Before I comment on the flavour, there are a number of interesting aspects about this e-liquid.

Why are there three 10ml bottles in the box, instead of one 30ml?
This is a “ready to vape” e-liquid, meaning that it contains nicotine (unlike shortfills, where nicotine must be purchased separately, if required).

Crème de la Vape is in the UK, which belonged to the European Union at the time of purchase, about two months ago. According to TPD regulations, e-liquid which contains nicotine may be sold in 10ml bottles only. (Shortfills may be sold in bigger bottles). It will be interesting to see what happens in post-Brexit UK.

I don’t understand the reasoning behind limiting e-liquid containing nic to a 10ml. I was still able to purchase 30ml, albeit in three bottles.

However, having 10ml bottles is a decided advantage.

Firstly, it is easy to carry an extra bottle of juice with you when going out.
Secondly, it is cost-effective when trying different flavours. If you don't like the flavour, it is easier on the pocket to discard or PIF a 10ml bottle, than a 60ml (or more) bottle.

Quite frankly, I think that 10ml bottles should always be available for purchase, as well as the other sizes.

Needle Tip
The bottles themselves are very interesting. I don't know what the real name is for these bottles, so I'm just calling them "needle-tip". The bottle has a very thin, hollow needle inserted into the spout. I tried to remove it, just out of curiosity, but I could not.

Creme de Vape_Needle-tip.jpg

This thin needle makes refilling an absolute dream! No more sticky mess! However, it took absolutely ages to fill my 6ml tank, since the e-liquid comes out drop by drop! Moreover, by the time I had vaped just over half the bottle, it was really difficult to squeeze it.

Nevertheless, this kind of bottle would be ideal for refilling pods, which usually have quite small fill-ports. What a pleasure that would be!

Delivery Per Dose
Now here is something which I’ve never seen before. Underneath the box it states:

Creme de Vape_Coffee Walnut Cake_Nic per Puff   COPY.jpg

It doesn't say that it refers to nicotine, but I assume that it does.

How much is 95.9Ug?

Ug converted to mg.JPG

Thus, every puff supposedly gives you 0.10mg (rounded) of nicotine.

Finally, we come to the flavour. The tongue-tip taste is sweet, but the flavour is completely different when vaping it. It’s not sweet at all! It’s a fairly strong coffee – stronger than one usually finds in a coffee cake. In fact, I wouldn’t describe it as a coffee cake.

The nutty flavour is quite pronounced, although I couldn’t identify it as walnut per se. More than likely that is a failing of my palate, rather than of the juice.

Overall, this is a strongly flavoured juice and at some stage I will try it with a coil that is higher than 0.15ohm, which will mute the flavour somewhat.

Would I buy this juice again: No, not it's not for me.

Mod: Eleaf iJust 3
Coil: Commercial - Kanthal Net and Multihole HW-M 0.15 ohm
Watts: 80W

Coffee Review #144
