E-cigarette advice


All Vaped Out
Cape Town
I have been using a Twisp Clearo e-cigarette for a while and would like to upgrade to something that gives me a fuller taste. Also, twisp juices are very expensive, currently going for about R180 for a 20ml bottle.

So, I am looking for a device that
1. really allows me to taste the full flavour of the e-juice.
2. has a decent throat hit
3. has a similar shape and size to that of the Clearo
4. is simple, easy to use and reliable
5. is easy to maintain since I will not be doing rebuilds or self modifications.
6. has a good reputation
7. variable air intake if possible.

I do not see my self as becoming a master vaper at any stage so I do not want the hassle of changing ohm and power settings, etc. That is why I enjoy the SIMPLICITY of my Twisp Clearo - it has been simple (although expensive) to use; all I do is purchase new coils when needed.

Also, I do not like the bulky mods, that is why I like the shape and size of the Clearo

I use my device like one would smoke a cigarette - pull into mouth first, then suck into lungs.

As far as twisp e-juice goes, they are all 50PG/50VG (excluding the pure range that is 100% VG). I really enjoy the following twisp flavours :
a. Grape
b. Litchi and pear
c. Rebel
So any recommendations regarding flavours would also be appreciated.

As a side issue, my research on the net seems to indicate that e-juices with high VG content may be healthier ???

Can you please recommend 2 or 3 good starter kits - I would rather pay a little more up front for a good setup than to take a device with high maintenance costs afterwards.

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Just saw ur post on mybroad****...good luck...someone on here should have some advice for u..
I would suggest looking at the Joyetech AIO, it is cheap and I have heard great things about it.
I second @Rossouw 's advice on the Joyetech Ego AIO. I own one myself and it's a brilliant little device for the price! It would more than fulfill all the criteria that you have mentioned, although it has quite a bit wider diameter (i.e. it is 'thicker') than the Clearo. However, it is still a pen style device such as the Clearo and you won't find a pen style device with the diameter and length of the Clearo that fulfills your first criteria. The price for the device, including 2 coils, ranges from R 350 - R 500 (closer to R 350 at most retailers). The coils that comes with the kit are 0.6 ohms, meaning that they are of a much lower resistance than the Twisp Clearo coils and will thus give you a more 'powerful, intense' vape than the Clearo. The draw will also not quite be as tight (although the device does have variable airflow). If you want the transition to perhaps be a bit less dramatic, you might want to consider buying some Joyetech Cubis 1 ohm coils which go for about R 200 for a pack of five. It will give you a slightly cooler vape and tighter draw more similar (but still superior) to the Twisp.

Check out more in this thread: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/ego-aio.t20340/

As far as juices go, there is such a vast variety of excellent quality local juices on the market that it's hard to recommend specific juices and I would recommend reading through as many of the e-liquid reviews as you can: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/forums/e-liquid-reviews/

However, based on the flavor profiles that you mention, I think one logical choice would be XXX from Vapour Mountain. It very recently co-won the forum wide poll on the best juice across all categories: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/top-of-the-top-best-of-the-best-local-juice-2016.t21767/
Its main flavor profile is Litchi. It does have some menthol added, but if you do not like menthol, you could request @Oupa from www.vapourmountain.co.za to make the juice for you without menthol as far as I know.

For a great review on XXX: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/vapour-mountain-juice-reviews.t473/page-18#post-299418
Welcome @ddk1979
Great advice above. I can't add anything. Trust you find what you are looking for on the device. You will definitely find that this community is extremely helpful.

@ddk1979 first of all, welcome to the ecigssa forum. Please introduce yourself in the 'Introduce yourself' topic.

Joyetech AIO

Regarding e-juice, man o man, did you come to the right place! Be sure to check out our local vendors and find some GREAT (local) juices!!!

For me personally, Vapour Mountain's range of juices is some of the best, at a good price. And my All Day Vape still stays their XXX juice.

I recently acquired some of their "Banana Cream" juice and it blew my mind!
Joyetech AIO.. Bought my gf one recently and shes very happy with it

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6032 using Tapatalk
Hey man! Welcome to the forum. You'll love it,bunch of awesome people here. The guys above have hit the nail on the head device wise. All I want to say is that high VG juices aren't healthier than juices with a similar VG/PG ratio. VG gives you cloud and PG gives you throat hit (which is one of your prerequisites I believe). So when choosing juices don't go for high VG juices for now, stick to 50/50 or maybe 60/40 (VG/PG) as you take mouth to lung hits.

As far as I know the PG and the VG both absorb moisture and cause the dry throat. I am not sure if the nic content will add to this or not.
I was told to drink continuously while vaping to prevent dehydration.
Thanks to
1. @Rossouw for the advice that everyone seems to agree with,
2. @Lingogrey for a detailed and informative reply,
3. @theyettie for info regarding PG/VG juices,
4. and everyone else who commented.

Just a request to PLEASE be patient with me and all my questions since I have absolutely no knowledge or experience with vaping as a whole.

1. @Lingogrey you mention that the draw will also be not quite be as tight (although the device does have variable airflow). This might be a bit of a problem since I enjoy the initial pull/draw and like some "resistance". I tried a device where it felt like I was just sucking air through a LARGE straw and did not like it at all. So using the same analogy, I like the "effort/resistance" when sucking air through a very thin straw.
So, I need to try out the device first. Does anyone have any idea where I can do that in Cape Town ???

2. Regarding e-juices, I tend to vape continuously like a chain smoker and find that the twisp juices (18mg) are drying out my throat quite badly and I am suffering with a sore throat. So I need advice regarding what type of juice to vape continuously without the dry and sore throat problem (and where to purchase them). Since I still have my twisp clearo working, I can put different types of juices in the clearo and the new device that I will be buying based on your advice.

3. One thing I definitely want is HIGH QUALITY juices. @Clouder referred to local vendors who have some GREAT (local) juices. Any advice regarding the vendors TOGETHER with the great juices that each one specifically sells, e.g.
Vapour Mountain - XXX
other vendor - name of their juice

Thanks again for your patience and advice.

I promise you that patience is the name of the game here. No one will give you a hard time for asking,that's the purpose of this forum. I can give you some answers from my understanding and perspective. I'm not sure there's much to do about chain vaping and the "side effects" thereof for now. I had the exact same problem at the beginning and the only advise I got that actually worked was upping my water intake. You must remember that vaping dehydrates the membranes in your mouth and throat to some extent. I also chain vape. I go through obscene amounts of juice... It's as if my body has now made peace with the fact that I vape heavily and the problem subsided quite a bit. I do sometimes get that dry mouth and throat,I then just make sure to get in more water that day. More in quantity and frequency.

I know vapour mountain is somewhere in CT,maybe contact them and arrange a visit at the shop. You'll be able to sample juices and test devices.

Keep the questions coming.

Thanks to
1. @Rossouw for the advice that everyone seems to agree with,
2. @Lingogrey for a detailed and informative reply,
3. @theyettie for info regarding PG/VG juices,
4. and everyone else who commented.

Just a request to PLEASE be patient with me and all my questions since I have absolutely no knowledge or experience with vaping as a whole.

1. @Lingogrey you mention that the draw will also be not quite be as tight (although the device does have variable airflow). This might be a bit of a problem since I enjoy the initial pull/draw and like some "resistance". I tried a device where it felt like I was just sucking air through a LARGE straw and did not like it at all. So using the same analogy, I like the "effort/resistance" when sucking air through a very thin straw.
So, I need to try out the device first. Does anyone have any idea where I can do that in Cape Town ???

2. Regarding e-juices, I tend to vape continuously like a chain smoker and find that the twisp juices (18mg) are drying out my throat quite badly and I am suffering with a sore throat. So I need advice regarding what type of juice to vape continuously without the dry and sore throat problem (and where to purchase them). Since I still have my twisp clearo working, I can put different types of juices in the clearo and the new device that I will be buying based on your advice.

3. One thing I definitely want is HIGH QUALITY juices. @Clouder referred to local vendors who have some GREAT (local) juices. Any advice regarding the vendors TOGETHER with the great juices that each one specifically sells, e.g.
Vapour Mountain - XXX
other vendor - name of their juice

Thanks again for your patience and advice.
My pleasure @ddk1979

As far as your comment on the tightness of the draw is concerned, I personally mainly fall under those who quite like the "sucking air through a LARGE straw" (great description for open lung hits btw) feeling - so when I say that you can get quite a tight draw with the AIO it would be compared to what I'm used to (to me even the standard 0.6 ohm coils offer quite a tight draw and the 1 ohm coils should theoretically definitely be tighter) and I might not be the right person to advise you. I know that some highly seasoned and knowledgeable mouth to lung tighter draw vapers have noted that they find the draw on the AIO in an uncomfortable space between too tight for lung hits, but not quite tight enough for mouth to lung (at least on the 'standard' 0.6 ohm coils). Some very knowledgeable members have also commented that they weren't impressed with the flavour on this device. PERSONALLY I have been very happy with the tightness of the draw as an alternative to my open airy large straw sucking and with the flavour, but this just goes to show that it's definitely not for everybody (even the most expensive high end devices work for some and not for others) and you would be wise to perhaps try it first.

I would suggest posting a query in the "Who has stock" subforum in the retailers subsection (and to indicate Cape Town specifically and that you would like to try a demo model before purchasing), as vendors are not allowed to reply in the general section: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/who-has-stock.f68/

As far as high quality local juices are concerned, there are literally tenfolds / hundreds (depending on who you ask I suppose) of very high quality local juices of various flavour profiles (tobaccos, fruits, beverages, breakfasts (mostly fruit loops and yogurts), desserts, menthols and bakeries). Perhaps a good place to start would be to see which juices fared well in the recently held polls (below) and then to go and read their reviews in the juice review threads:


As far as the XXX is concerned, you can only order VM juices directly from Vapour Mountain and AFAIK you can specify your preferred VG / PG level.

Four other local vendors that I can think of that stock a wide variety of great local juices would be

If you upgrade from the Clearo to a slightly more powerful device (even if it is still pen style and with a tight draw), it would probably be wise to drop the nicotine level from 18 mg to 12 mg. Nicotine delivery would be more effective in a more powerful device and you would probably find that vaping (especially chain vaping, as you mention you tend to do) the 18 mg in these devices could lead to what is called "Doing a Silver": http://www.ecigssa.co.za/doing-a-silver-what-does-this-mean.t4335/

Higher nicotine levels also tend to be harsher on the throat, as do higher PG levels (you mention earlier that higher VG levels are healthier. Whilst this is not necessarily the case, PG does lend itself to more "throat hit", which some prefer and others don't. Also just keep in mind that most pen style devices will struggle with anything higher than 70 % VG juices, so 60 - 70 % would probably be optimal for not too much throat hit, but effective wicking {juice absorption by the cotton keeping the coils saturated}). However, even though dropping the PG and nicotine levels would probably significantly ease your sore and dry throat problem, both PG and VG are humectants which absorb moisture and vaping would thus still dehydrate you to a certain extent. Therefore, it is very important in any case to drink lots of water - even more than you would have usually needed to stay healthy and hydrated as a non-vaper / non-smoker.

I hope the above helps a bit.

EDIT: I just noticed that my last paragraph is basically a repeat of what @theyettie has already very informatively replied to. My apologies! :)
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Man i love this forum

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6032 using Tapatalk
@Lingogrey - you just sent me back to school.
Wow, what a comprehensive follow-up post with loads of stuff to read up.
Thanks a million.

Now its a matter of getting to a vendor. I have advertised as you suggested. Some of the vendors I have googled indicate the AIO as being out of stock and those who have it (VapeMob) are RIDICULOUS with their prices - almost twice as expensive.

Thanks again
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Thats what i like about this forum. Its not a bunch of 'know it alls' who thinks you stupid just because you new to the vaping world. Honestly if it wasnt for this forum i wouldve probably never given vaping a chance.

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6032 using Tapatalk
My pleasure @ddk1979

As far as your comment on the tightness of the draw is concerned, I personally mainly fall under those who quite like the "sucking air through a LARGE straw" (great description for open lung hits btw) feeling - so when I say that you can get quite a tight draw with the AIO it would be compared to what I'm used to (to me even the standard 0.6 ohm coils offer quite a tight draw and the 1 ohm coils should theoretically definitely be tighter) and I might not be the right person to advise you. I know that some highly seasoned and knowledgeable mouth to lung tighter draw vapers have noted that they find the draw on the AIO in an uncomfortable space between too tight for lung hits, but not quite tight enough for mouth to lung (at least on the 'standard' 0.6 ohm coils). Some very knowledgeable members have also commented that they weren't impressed with the flavour on this device. PERSONALLY I have been very happy with the tightness of the draw as an alternative to my open airy large straw sucking and with the flavour, but this just goes to show that it's definitely not for everybody (even the most expensive high end devices work for some and not for others) and you would be wise to perhaps try it first.

I would suggest posting a query in the "Who has stock" subforum in the retailers subsection (and to indicate Cape Town specifically and that you would like to try a demo model before purchasing), as vendors are not allowed to reply in the general section: http://www.ecigssa.co.za/who-has-stock.f68/

As far as high quality local juices are concerned, there are literally tenfolds / hundreds (depending on who you ask I suppose) of very high quality local juices of various flavour profiles (tobaccos, fruits, beverages, breakfasts (mostly fruit loops and yogurts), desserts, menthols and bakeries). Perhaps a good place to start would be to see which juices fared well in the recently held polls (below) and then to go and read their reviews in the juice review threads:


As far as the XXX is concerned, you can only order VM juices directly from Vapour Mountain and AFAIK you can specify your preferred VG / PG level.

Four other local vendors that I can think of that stock a wide variety of great local juices would be

If you upgrade from the Clearo to a slightly more powerful device (even if it is still pen style and with a tight draw), it would probably be wise to drop the nicotine level from 18 mg to 12 mg. Nicotine delivery would be more effective in a more powerful device and you would probably find that vaping (especially chain vaping, as you mention you tend to do) the 18 mg in these devices could lead to what is called "Doing a Silver": http://www.ecigssa.co.za/doing-a-silver-what-does-this-mean.t4335/

Higher nicotine levels also tend to be harsher on the throat, as do higher PG levels (you mention earlier that higher VG levels are healthier. Whilst this is not necessarily the case, PG does lend itself to more "throat hit", which some prefer and others don't. Also just keep in mind that most pen style devices will struggle with anything higher than 70 % VG juices, so 60 - 70 % would probably be optimal for not too much throat hit, but effective wicking {juice absorption by the cotton keeping the coils saturated}). However, even though dropping the PG and nicotine levels would probably significantly ease your sore and dry throat problem, both PG and VG are humectants which absorb moisture and vaping would thus still dehydrate you to a certain extent. Therefore, it is very important in any case to drink lots of water - even more than you would have usually needed to stay healthy and hydrated as a non-vaper / non-smoker.

I hope the above helps a bit.

EDIT: I just noticed that my last paragraph is basically a repeat of what @theyettie has already very informatively replied to. My apologies! :)

This is the type of post that will be mentioned many times in future. Stunning
Thats what i like about this forum. Its not a bunch of 'know it alls' who thinks you stupid just because you new to the vaping world. Honestly if it wasnt for this forum i wouldve probably never given vaping a chance.

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6032 using Tapatalk

We all working together here for one goal to keep people from going back to stinkies.
And we all started out the same way all new members did and everyone is always so helpful on the forum and i guess we repay it back the same way it was payed to all of us.
We all working together here for one goal to keep people from going back to stinkies.
And we all started out the same way all new members did and everyone is always so helpful on the forum and i guess we repay it back the same way it was payed to all of us.

You folks have been really awesome and as @theyettie said, an awesome post by [B]@Lingogrey[/B].
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@Lingogrey - you just sent me back to school.
Wow, what a comprehensive follow-up post with loads of stuff to read up.
Thanks a million.

Now its a matter of getting to a vendor. I have advertised as you suggested. Some of the vendors I have googled indicate the AIO as being out of stock and those who have it (VapeMob) are RIDICULOUSLY expensive.

Thanks again
Lol @ddk1979 - Being sent back to school is definitely not something I would want to have done to me, so my sincere apologies ;) For the loads of stuff to read up on (I hope you like reading), my pleasure :)

I'm sure many of the vendors would have the AIO restocked soon. There might also be a chance that Vape Cartel Cape Town might have in stock, since the online stock of the Jhb store (currently shown as out of stock) and the physical stock of the CT store are not directly linked
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Thats what i like about this forum. Its not a bunch of 'know it alls' who thinks you stupid just because you new to the vaping world. Honestly if it wasnt for this forum i wouldve probably never given vaping a chance.

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6032 using Tapatalk

It's awesome that that is how you experience the forum. I couldn't have said it better and I think it's safe to say just about all of us feel the same about ecigssa!! Sometimes whilst doing research one stumbles upon threads in international forums that make you cringe. I am thankful for this place. Cheers all. Time to sleep
Lol @ddk1979 - Being sent back to school is definitely not something I would want to have done to me, so my sincere apologies ;) For the loads of stuff to read up on (I hope you like reading), my pleasure :)

I'm sure many of the vendors would have the AIO restocked soon. There might also be a chance that Vape Cartel Cape Town might have in stock, since the online stock of the Jhb store and the stock of the CT store (currently shown as out of stock) are not directly linked
Vape Cartel Cape Town has the AIO in stock. Bought my gf one on saturday for R350. Really helpful guys there.

Sent from my ALCATEL ONE TOUCH 6032 using Tapatalk
Also just keep in mind that most pen style devices will struggle with anything higher than 70 % VG juices, so 60 - 70 % would probably be optimal for not too much throat hit, but effective wicking {juice absorption by the cotton keeping the coils saturated}).

Can you please explain "pen style devices will struggle with anything higher than 70 % VG juices"


Can you please explain "pen style devices will struggle with anything higher than 70 % VG juices"


I think what he means is that the stock coils on most (some pen style devices handle 70%VG juice - like the iJust2) pen style devices will not be able to correctly wick 70%VG juices. This is because 70%VG juices are quite thick and the wicking holes on pen style stock coils are too small to allow fast enough wicking.