ECIGSSA Comp 10 - Share Your Favourite Tip! (The E-Cig Inn, Boost, X-Hype Liquid Co.)

Thanks you for the chance :blush:

Vaping steps - Coil It - Wick It - Juice It - Vape It - Make it Cloudy - Enjoy it :headbang:

Just a thought - If you need quick easy atomizer/tank holder - why not just use an egg box - it should do the job well enough...and it's cheaper! :WHAT?:

Choosing a Narrower-Bore Drip Tip
will boost your flavours.
Lemon or Water helps reset your taste buds...if you get vapers tongue!:zlumi:works for me...sometimes :--P

Shake your e-juice a little before filling your tank - it mixes the flavours.:sing::sing:

Remember - do not toss your e-cig out the car window like you would a cigarette! :stop:Cause then it's F#$ked and you will need a new one.:eusa_doh::nusenuse:

Research the kit/mod/tank before buying it, in that way, you will be happier with it :love3:- unless you win it...then thats a bonus.:number_one:

PG does not mean Parental Guidence

@Vapessa Good tips - and good laughs!! When I read someone's post in this thread about using plastic egg holders for tanks, I also thought about using an egg box instead, because it's absorbent.

Your tips about not throwing your e-cig out the car window and PG not meaning Parental Guidance really made me laugh. Just the way to start the day!!
Have a dedicated mod for each flavour profile. That way if there is flavour-ghosting it's not a big deal.
Have a dedicated mod for each flavour profile. That way if there is flavour-ghosting it's not a big deal.

Agreed 100%

In my case its:
Fruity menthol (about 3 devices actually)
Desserts (on the odd occasion)
Agreed 100%

In my case its:
Fruity menthol (about 3 devices actually)
Desserts (on the odd occasion)

@Silver for me it's:
Fruit (fruit mixes without anything added to them)
Fruit (with additions e.g. yoghurt, custard)

EDIT: And Minty
@Silver for me it's:
Fruit (fruit mixes without anything added to them)
Fruit (with additions e.g. yoghurt, custard)

EDIT: And Minty

Wow, thats super!
A device for each type of juice!
Way to go
im pretty new to this hobby and life saving game of vaping but if I had to share a tip it would be a simp,e but effective one:

Tip: Always unscrew or remove your atty/tank from your battery mod. It may seem like a tedious and completely pointless task but this practice can help prevent spillage of juice into the buttons or battery, especially from a tank full of newly dropped in juice, preventing death of your device. :)

@Ruwaid I've never done this before, but I took your advice. I removed the atty and put it in a little container. Someone, can't remember if it was you, said that one must turn the atty upside down. I did this with a great deal of trepidation. The next morning the juice was in the container and none in the atty. So how do you prevent this?
@Ruwaid I've never done this before, but I took your advice. I removed the atty and put it in a little container. Someone, can't remember if it was you, said that one must turn the atty upside down. I did this with a great deal of trepidation. The next morning the juice was in the container and none in the atty. So how do you prevent this?

I dont think you need to turn it upside down @Hooked
Maybe thats why it leaked out
And we're into the final stretch!

Competition closes on Wednesday at 17h00 guys.
Attention all mixers. If you are getting a harsh throat hit from your juice, sort it out by lowering the PH of your juice thus making it more acidic which will diminish the throat hit.
PH < 7 = acidic
PH = 7 = base
PH > 7 = alkaline
Attention all mixers. If you are getting a harsh throat hit from your juice, sort it out by lowering the PH of your juice thus making it more acidic which will diminish the throat hit.
PH < 7 = acidic
PH = 7 = base
PH > 7 = alkaline
Interesting @Oceanic Vapes , ive never heard of this. and will probably never try this as I like a throat hit, But out of interest sake, how would you increase or decrease your PH? mix PH up or PH Down into your juices? or use common Items like Lemon juice or Bicarb? and is it safe for inhalation?

I know PH up contains potassium hydroxide and cant be good to inhale?
Interesting @Oceanic Vapes , ive never heard of this. and will probably never try this as I like a throat hit, But out of interest sake, how would you increase or decrease your PH? mix PH up or PH Down into your juices? or use common Items like Lemon juice or Bicarb? and is it safe for inhalation?

I know PH up contains potassium hydroxide and cant be good to inhale?
There are many thing you could use to lower you PH such as citric, malic, lemon juice and apple cider vinegar to name a few, most enhance or pop additives are made up of citric or malic or a combination of the two, and it's my opinion that it's the acidity that makes the juice pop.

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As I've been cigarette free for a year plus now, I'm passionate about getting people to stop smoking and move onto vaping. I always recommend that their first couple bottles of vape juice be 6mg nic as the nicotine delivery from vaping is slower compared instant delivery from one full cigarette. The amount of times I've seen guys vape only to light up straight after. I believe the higher nicotine will prevent this. I further say try lower the nicotine as soon as your body adjusts to vaping as the 6mg vape juice can be very harsh.

Had a couple success stories with this method, me included.
Another tip, as a result of personal experience yesterday evening (again):
If you have more than one desk dripper, put the bottle of juice you're using in each right next to the dripper it's being used in. Last night I had two desk setups.. one with lemon creams, and one with coffee.

At one point I lost focus and dripped coffee into the lemon cream RDA. therapist says it will take time for me to trust again.
You can get attys really clean by dismantling and leaving in a small glass of water overnight with half a sterodent tablet added. Need to rinse in warm water before reassembly. If you are pit stopping more than one atty place them in separate glasses to avoid mixing parts up.
Another tip is to try and avoid excessive alcohol consumption and then thinking it is a good time to recoil and wick your dripper, trust me I know this from experience.
Make, or have someone make it for you, a juice stand on different levels, so that you can see the bottles clearly. This is one that someone made for me - I have two: one for coffees and one for other juices.

20180508_Juice Stand.jpg
Starry starry night ....

I have two identical mods and need to differentiate them because I use them for different flavour profiles, so I painted one of them with glitter nailpolish. The glitter nailpolish has crystals in it which bind together and makes it hard as a rock - it won't just peel off (I know this to my detriment as I painted my nails with it once!).

Or maybe you just want some bling in your life ...
20180508_Painted Pico 75.jpg
Always have something to drink around when Vaping.

I sometimes get cotton mouth when Vaping alot.

It's best to keep hydrated at all times
Another tip, as a result of personal experience yesterday evening (again):
If you have more than one desk dripper, put the bottle of juice you're using in each right next to the dripper it's being used in. Last night I had two desk setups.. one with lemon creams, and one with coffee.

At one point I lost focus and dripped coffee into the lemon cream RDA. therapist says it will take time for me to trust again.

Hmmm lemon cream with coffee .... sounds tasty!
Hmmm lemon cream with coffee .... sounds tasty!

I do the same with my mods. At night, each mod is put to sleep in its own bed, alongside the bottle of juice which is in the mod. If I don't do that, I don't always know what juice is in the mod - which proves that blind-tasting isn't accurate (for me, anyway).
You can get attys really clean by dismantling and leaving in a small glass of water overnight with half a sterodent tablet added. Need to rinse in warm water before reassembly.

But don’t try a raw REO with a sterodent tablet... been there and got that t-shirt... took a lot of elbow grease to get rid of the marks.
How about naming your kits...for instance...."Henry" :-D in that way....if you take a hit....and it's can say "Ag Henry, I love it when you give me Clouds"...or a good flavour..."oooh Henry, that tastes flippin Amazeballs" or if you get a dry hit...or spit can say "F#*k Henry, WTF did you do that for"....
Lol...No I don't give mine names!
Just thought of it and had to share my bit of a laugh;-):giggle::rofl::-D:--P:nod: