
Vapin' up a Storm
OKVMI_Haute Mocha + Nic Salts.jpg
OKAMI – HAUTE MOCHA (Mocha Frappé) (Freebase & Nic Salts)
(Int. – Las Vegas)

Flavour Description:
“Chocolate, espresso, and other rich "coffee-esque" flavors”

I will review the freebase first, followed by the Nic Salts.


VG/PG: 70/30
Nic: 3mg

My comments:

First a comment about the brand name. It is OKAMI, but the way in which it is printed it looks like OKVMI. It's a little confusing - but memorable!

This coffee is the Rolls Royce of coffee juice. From the first fingertip taste to the lingering aftertaste full, rich roast coffee and mocha fill the senses.

In fact, I found the flavour rather overwhelming using my usual coffee mod, so I made a change.

My usual coffee mod is:
Eleaf iJust 3
Coil: Commercial - Kanthal Net and Multihole HW-M 0.15 ohm
Watts: 80W

Opinion: The flavour was strong; very strong and I didn’t particularly like it.

However, the fingertip taste was so good I knew that I couldn’t just give up on this, so I tried it in the following:

Vapour Storm Eco Mod
Atty: Freemax Gemm 0.50ohm (disposable)
Watts: 30W

Superb!!!!! Strong, roast coffee side-by-side with rich mocha – pure heaven!!!! Both flavours came through extremely well and the aftertaste remained for quite a while too. It leaves a flavour which rolls on the tongue and I didn't even want to have a sip of real coffee for fear of losing the flavour. It is exquisite.

However, what I have said above does not do justice to this juice. I simply cannot find words which adequately describe it. It is my 139th coffee review and this is by far the best coffee juice which I have ever vaped, displacing Bumblebee - Machete which has always been in first place. So sorry, @BumbleBee!

Would I buy this juice again: I would stand in torrential rain and gale-force winds to buy it.

Coffee Review #139



VG/PG: 50/50
Nic: 25mg

Even the nic salts is exceptionally good, though not as rich as the freebase and somewhat sweeter.

Mod: Nord
Coil: 1.6ohm

Would I buy the nic salts again: Absolutely!

Coffee Review #140

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OKAMI – HAUTE MOCHA (Mocha Frappé) (Freebase & Nic Salts)
(Int. – Las Vegas)

Flavour Description:
“Chocolate, espresso, and other rich "coffee-esque" flavors”

I will review the freebase first, followed by the Nic Salts.


VG/PG: 70/30
Nic: 3mg

My comments:

First a comment about the brand name. It is OKAMI, but the way in which it is printed it looks like OKVMI. It's a little confusing - but memorable!

This coffee is the Rolls Royce of coffee juice. From the first fingertip taste to the lingering aftertaste full, rich roast coffee and mocha fill the senses.

In fact, I found the flavour rather overwhelming using my usual coffee mod, so I made a change.

My usual coffee mod is:
Eleaf iJust 3
Coil: Commercial - Kanthal Net and Multihole HW-M 0.15 ohm
Watts: 80W

Opinion: The flavour was strong; very strong and I didn’t particularly like it.

However, the fingertip taste was so good I knew that I couldn’t just give up on this, so I tried it in the following:

Vapour Storm Eco Mod
Atty: Freemax Gemm 0.50ohm (disposable)
Watts: 30W

Superb!!!!! Strong, roast coffee side-by-side with rich mocha – pure heaven!!!! Both flavours came through extremely well and the aftertaste remained for quite a while too. It leaves a flavour which rolls on the tongue and I didn't even want to have a sip of real coffee for fear of losing the flavour. It is exquisite.

However, what I have said above does not do justice to this juice. I simply cannot find words which adequately describe it. It is my 139th coffee review and this is by far the best coffee juice which I have ever vaped, displacing Bumblebee - Machete which has always been in first place. So sorry, @BumbleBee!

Would I buy this juice again: I would stand in torrential rain and gale-force winds to buy it.

Coffee Review #139



VG/PG: 50/50
Nic: 25mg

Even the nic salts is exceptionally good, though not as rich as the freebase and somewhat sweeter.

Mod: Nord
Coil: 1.6ohm

Would I buy the nic salts again: Absolutely!

Coffee Review #140

View attachment 184897

I got a few okami eliquids around a year and a half ago. The Lichie and mango guava, intense flavor and soft on cotton and coils. A really well made juice.
This sounds amazing. Does anyone know who has stock of this? If not, what is the next best coffee (freebase or nic salt) that is in stock right now?
OKAMI – HAUTE MOCHA (Mocha Frappé) (Freebase & Nic Salts)
(Int. – Las Vegas)

Would I buy this juice again: I would stand in torrential rain and gale-force winds to buy it.

Bummer both shops that had stock in SA are out of stock! I was way too slow on this one! :-(