STM/Trinity Bellcap/Atom gClapton cons?


Dedicated Vaper
Yebo Chaps and Chapesses,

Been running sub tank mini with Trinity Bellcap and Atom gClaptons (0.5) for about a month now and it is without doubt a fantastic set up, am highly delighted. I have however encountered a small irritation to this set up, being that when unscrewing base to re-fill, the coil stays attached to the chimney and not to the base. Not a big problem but was wondering if any other of you good people running this set up have had a similar experience?
Yebo Chaps and Chapesses,

Been running sub tank mini with Trinity Bellcap and Atom gClaptons (0.5) for about a month now and it is without doubt a fantastic set up, am highly delighted. I have however encountered a small irritation to this set up, being that when unscrewing base to re-fill, the coil stays attached to the chimney and not to the base. Not a big problem but was wondering if any other of you good people running this set up have had a similar experience?
Not with this setup, but the first time I built on my Subtank RBA it did this. I just screwed the coil in a bit tighter, and used a small amount (and I mean SMALL!) of juice to lube the chimney piece, haven't had it since (and I've never had to repeat the process, I think it's just a tighter fit when new).
@Neal I haven't had this issue with the trinity cap... but it has happened on the sub tank mini cap... screwing the coil into the deck a little tighter solved the issue for me.
I've had mine for about a week. No such issues.

However I was preparing to sell my setup because it was spitting like a cobra with gingivitis.

Today I can't put it down because it's ******* perfect!

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I've had mine for about a week. No such issues.

However I was preparing to sell my setup because it was spitting like a cobra with gingivitis.

Today I can't put it down because it's ******* perfect!

Sent from my SM-N920C using Tapatalk
Wow full PG settings

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Haven't had it happen with the trinity, but does happen with the plastic bell cap. Totally agree, such an awesome setup, and the GClapton coils just seems to go on and on and .....