the FreeMax Autopod50 - Review by Resistance


Vaping Royalty
The Freemax Autopod50

Thank you firstly to Freemax for the opportunity to review @FreeMax , Linda, Tina and Paul.

I have delayed this review due to circumstances above me, but I am happy to report that the prolonged period I had to write this review was definitely worth it.

What’s in the box.


You get the pod-mod, a pod with pre-fitted coil

(AX2 mesh 0.25, a spare coil, AX2 mesh 0.5) Coil Tech 4 series.

A few clear silicone Orings.

The USB cable, warning- and warranty cards and the user manual.

This also states it includes a silicon protective case. This one didn’t have one in the box.

This might be due to it being a trial or review version.

Upon opening the box a bright shiny gunmetal device, looked back at me, depending on the colour yours might stare back at you to. (I could see myself in the mod)


It’s a mirror type finish on the gunmetal finish and I thought fingerprint magnet. Well it wasn’t that bad for me. Maybe a few dull marks rather than fingerprints or maybe the fact that we have to sanitize more often now could be why.

If you know me, you would know that small things like that doesn’t bother me much. If the device performs as promised and it delivers that performance consistently then I would say it’s a good day.

And it surely was a good few days. Not checking if the coil was fitted correctly I filled it and started vaping after a few minutes. I didn’t change anything, I figured it should work a prescribed. Fill and vape.

Epic results. The Autopod was set on 30W. The coil (Dual Mesh 904SS- tea tree cotton) responded immediately when I fired the device and a big cloud accompanied with an awesome amount of flavour exited my lungs. I have tried different wattage levels but 30-35 watts was my happy place and most of the testing was done on this wattages.

I also noticed with the 0.5 ohm coil it resets to 20w…nice, this means it pics up the coil and you wont be surprised or rather caught with a burnt coil.

Press the fire button 3 times and you get a menu with settings, a puff counter, a battery monitor with current voltage level, temperature monitor(internal) and the version (V1).

You can set the timeout, the puff counter, the time vaped (in seconds) and a factory reset which I accidentally pressed and regretted it afterword’s. I really wanted to keep track of usage.

The keys lock with holding the up- and down buttons simultaneously and the screen flips with the fire button and the down button being held in for a second and flips on two.

The pod has three magnets which matches to two on the device itself to keep it in place. It’s made of PCTG (food safe) , has 4ml capacity and the drip tip/mouthpiece is a one piece unit with the pod. The silicone rubber bung that keeps the liquid in the pod hasn’t failed yet (referring to all the devices Freemax manufacture that utilises this silicon bung) and keeps the liquid in the pod. A little to no condensation under the pod. Coil change is also easy. You twist the coil and pull it out. Similar to a bayonet style bulb. Unscrew the coil and replace in the same way in the base.


Airflow is just above the fire button and its smooth. The airflow on the coil can also be set from a perfect MTL to a very restricted to loose and the DL vape on the coil base.

You can see the dual coil configuration looking down the drip tip. The drip tip however would need some reducing for MTL mode (my opinion). I think this pod system was designed for DL, but MTL is certainly possible.


The finish I was referring to earlier.

The device itself is made of FeCrAl, yes Kanthal. It has a decent weight to it and I think most of it is the 2000mah built in battery. Its still very comfortable and ergonomic so holding it for long hours didn’t bother me.

It has a screen with all the relevant info displayed like wattage, the puff- and seconds of use counter. The resistance and voltage as well as the battery meter.
It has type-C charging port and charges roughly in an hour from flat till full. The charge port is on the bottom. some may not like it but its because the AutoPod50 can be used as a pass-through. (An added bonus for me.)

Using the Autopod50 on 30-35W made the battery last whole day and I had to refill the pod roughly 4-5 times within that time. The Freemax Autopod50 is a flavour banger along with the latest innovative devices @FreeMax is currently producing. There was little to no flavour drop with the use of the first coil. The reason I actually changed it was due to me forgetting to switch off the Autopod and the coils burnt by accident.

The device also has all the safety features you would expect it to have like 10 second cut off, low resistance, high temperature, low voltage short circuit protection, it also sports an open voltage protection(no pod/coil)

Did I enjoy this Autopod50 from @FreeMax. Yes! I still am.



Would I recommend it. Absolutely.

I don’t want to sound repetitive but, get two!. I cannot fault this device and for a pod system with dual mesh coils (the first ever) flavour and clouds are world class.

The link to the Freemax site for a well detailed 3D view.