The Vape Guy - Retailer Reviews

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
I didn't really need anything but I was intrigued with the new little iJust starter Kit I spotted on the forum so I went to have a look... this web site should be a lesson to any online vape shop retailer. The site is beautifully designed and really smartly done. After looking at the iJust I started to browse because of the look and feel of the web site because way back in the early days of the internet I was a webmaster and I really pay attention when I see a website that is something different and The Vape Guy web site certainly stands out for me.

The design is outstanding and the search option is right there! 10 out of 10 for design and 9.9 out of 10 for functionality because there is no what's new button and that is always a must for me.

I can't rave enough and any vape shop should take a good look at on how it should be done!

So I went for a look and ended up spending some money on @BumbleBee's web site even though I didn't really need anything. And then I found 26650 battery cases that I have been searching for for ages!

Good job @BumbleBee! :b1:
I'm all blushy right now :blush:

This is my first web site, before this I didn't have a clue how to build one, it took quite a bit of time, research, trial and error and an unusually large amount of hair-pulling to get it right. I still haven't figured out how to do the "What's New" button, what I have done though is put all the new stuff right on the home page, so you don't even have to look for a button ;)

But wow Rob, thanks for that awesome website review, that means a helavalot coming from someone that spends so much time on e-commerce sites :D

... and I will continue to research that What's New button
This is my first web site, before this I didn't have a clue how to build one,

Well if you ever decide to get out of the vape or tatoo game you could get a job as a UI specialist at a Web Dev company!
I would also like to comment about The Vape Guy

I have bought from them too. Great service. @BumbleBee cares for his customers and will go the extra mile. I also like the website. Very clean and easy to see what's going on.


I have also had the privilege of working with @BumbleBee on this forum and its various events over the past few years.

For those who don't know he was previously a member of the Admin and Mod Team. @BumbleBee gave it his all and was always there, supporting everything. He has a heart of gold and will go out of his way to help - even if it's late in the evening or at the last minute. He has contributed a lot to this forum, the ECIGSSA Vape Meets and events such as VapeCon. He is a great ambassador and a passionate vaper.

Ok I may be a bit biased because I know @BumbleBee :D but heck, he is really passionate about this.
Received my first order from The Vape Guy a few days ago. The website is very user friendly and simple to navigate. In all honesty this vendor had slipped off my radar, he is quite low profile though!

The website is surprisingly well stocked, especially with accessories! You can be sure that if they sell you a tank they will carry spare glasses for you and that is actually quite rare. The prices on accessories are also great so even those on a budget can trick out their tanks with a few drip tips. DRIP TIP COLOURS CAN BE CHOSEN! There is no "random" crap where you pay for a tip and want to match something and end up with a totally incorrect colour.

The best part is the personal service. I placed the order and stated a preference for a colour of drip tip. He contacts me to tell me that he has another option that matches my request. I took too long to respond so he sent both before I replied, one drip tip on the house! His reason for this was that I was too excited about the mod so he didn't want to delay it! Impatience can be a virtue, sometimes!

Well done @BumbleBee I appreciate the great service.
Received my first order from The Vape Guy a few days ago. The website is very user friendly and simple to navigate. In all honesty this vendor had slipped off my radar, he is quite low profile though!

The website is surprisingly well stocked, especially with accessories! You can be sure that if they sell you a tank they will carry spare glasses for you and that is actually quite rare. The prices on accessories are also great so even those on a budget can trick out their tanks with a few drip tips. DRIP TIP COLOURS CAN BE CHOSEN! There is no "random" crap where you pay for a tip and want to match something and end up with a totally incorrect colour.

The best part is the personal service. I placed the order and stated a preference for a colour of drip tip. He contacts me to tell me that he has another option that matches my request. I took too long to respond so he sent both before I replied, one drip tip on the house! His reason for this was that I was too excited about the mod so he didn't want to delay it! Impatience can be a virtue, sometimes!

Well done @BumbleBee I appreciate the great service.
Ah thanks for the glowing review, I really appreciate it @M5000 :blush:
I have to say that The Vape Guy has fast become my favourite vendor to deal with.

I love the tongue-in-cheek approach to their website, and how it is all laid out. More than once they have gone above and beyond to help me out. The service and feedback that I get from @BumbleBee and @Rincewind is just incredible. It sometimes feels like they're more excited about me getting my orders than I am. I recommend this vendor to anyone that will listen, every time has just been an absolute pleasure.

Keep up the good work guys!
Ii have generally received very good service from all the registered vendors on this forum that I've ordered / bought from. However, The Vape Guy are in a different league from anything I've personally encountered.

I PMed @BumbleBee the night before Vapecon to ask if it would be at all possible to hold out a Coppervape Skyline for me, since I could only be there in the afternoon. I mentioned that I understand if it's not possible / if he's too busy to even read the message, but that same night I still got a response that unfortunately they were out of the Skyline's, but he is holding 2 for one person and if that guy doesn't pitch - he'll hold one for me.

The afternoon at Vapecon I went to the stand. @BumbleBee was very friendly and immediately knew who I was, but informed me that the other gentleman had picked up his Skyline's. I then tried out some of his juices and I was especially impressed by the Pumpkin Pie and Superfruit. Although as a DIYer I almost never ever buy juices, I immediately bought the Pumpkin Pie (I'm not that big of a dessert / bakery fan, but this juice was so unique and tasty).

The week after Vapecon @BumbleBee messaged me, saying it was great chatting and was "feeling honored" that I bought one of his juices - having told him that I almost never buy juice. He wanted to know how I was experiencing the Pumpkin Pie and whether he should order a Skyline for me. I thanked him for the offer of the Skyline order, but said that I cannot afford to buy anything vape related whatsoever after Vapecon for at least the next month. I also told him that I was really enjoying the Pumpkin Pie, but that I was only able to vape it very sparingly, since the 6 MG that I bought it in was actually way too strong for me (I've been mixing a lot at 4.5 mg lately, as I felt that 3 mg suddenly became a bit 'weak' for me. However, I now realise that the Nic that I bought in a pinch from a B & M very close to me, not a supporting vendor, is actually an 'understrength' / not diluted correctly batch, and that my 4.5 mg mixes are still closer to 3 mg).

He immediately offered to send me a 0 mg free of charge to mix it down with. Although I don't feel comfortable with accepting Freebies, he insisted with "please just let me do this" and I reluctantly but gratefully accepted.

Late this afternoon I got the parcel with the juice, but also with a VERY special extra included (you can guess what based on our initial conversation). I immediately phoned to thank him, but also to insist that I simply CANNOT accept and would please like to pay for the tank. I first spoke to @Rincewind, who was very friendly and helpful and who then handed the phone to @BumbleBee. I insisted that I cannot accept and have to pay for at least the tank, but @BumbleBee refused, saying that he was under no circumstances going to accept payment - since it was his personal tank that he wasn't using in any case.

I still feel a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed with accepting so much, but I do appreciate the gifts and the awesome service from the bottom of my heart and I will recommend The Vape Guy to any vaper / prospective vaper in a heartbeat and if they have what I want in stock, I will order from there (even though @BumbleBee also made clear that none of this was "to buy loyalty")
Ii have generally received very good service from all the registered vendors on this forum that I've ordered / bought from. However, The Vape Guy are in a different league from anything I've personally encountered.

I PMed @BumbleBee the night before Vapecon to ask if it would be at all possible to hold out a Coppervape Skyline for me, since I could only be there in the afternoon. I mentioned that I understand if it's not possible / if he's too busy to even read the message, but that same night I still got a response that unfortunately they were out of the Skyline's, but he is holding 2 for one person and if that guy doesn't pitch - he'll hold one for me.

The afternoon at Vapecon I went to the stand. @BumbleBee was very friendly and immediately knew who I was, but informed me that the other gentleman had picked up his Skyline's. I then tried out some of his juices and I was especially impressed by the Pumpkin Pie and Superfruit. Although as a DIYer I almost never ever buy juices, I immediately bought the Pumpkin Pie (I'm not that big of a dessert / bakery fan, but this juice was so unique and tasty).

The week after Vapecon @BumbleBee messaged me, saying it was great chatting and was "feeling honored" that I bought one of his juices - having told him that I almost never buy juice. He wanted to know how I was experiencing the Pumpkin Pie and whether he should order a Skyline for me. I thanked him for the offer of the Skyline order, but said that I cannot afford to buy anything vape related whatsoever after Vapecon for at least the next month. I also told him that I was really enjoying the Pumpkin Pie, but that I was only able to vape it very sparingly, since the 6 MG that I bought it in was actually way too strong for me (I've been mixing a lot at 4.5 mg lately, as I felt that 3 mg suddenly became a bit 'weak' for me. However, I now realise that the Nic that I bought in a pinch from a B & M very close to me, not a supporting vendor, is actually an 'understrength' / not diluted correctly batch, and that my 4.5 mg mixes are still closer to 3 mg).

He immediately offered to send me a 0 mg free of charge to mix it down with. Although I don't feel comfortable with accepting Freebies, he insisted with "please just let me do this" and I reluctantly but gratefully accepted.

Late this afternoon I got the parcel with the juice, but also with a VERY special extra included (you can guess what based on our initial conversation). I immediately phoned to thank him, but also to insist that I simply CANNOT accept and would please like to pay for the tank. I first spoke to @Rincewind, who was very friendly and helpful and who then handed the phone to @BumbleBee. I insisted that I cannot accept and have to pay for at least the tank, but @BumbleBee refused, saying that he was under no circumstances going to accept payment - since it was his personal tank that he wasn't using in any case.

I still feel a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed with accepting so much, but I do appreciate the gifts and the awesome service from the bottom of my heart and I will recommend The Vape Guy to any vaper / prospective vaper in a heartbeat and if they have what I want in stock, I will order from there (even though @BumbleBee also made clear that none of this was "to buy loyalty")
Oh wow @Lingogrey, thank you so much for taking the time to write this, it really warms my heart :blush:
@BumbleBee is indeed an awesome guy, and I also had a chance to sample the "pumpkin pie" at vapecon, it really is spot on for flavour. The other juice I loved was "Kiwichi" - a slightly menthol, kiwi fruit, litchi flavour that was completely unique to me. I need to get some of this soon.
Ii have generally received very good service from all the registered vendors on this forum that I've ordered / bought from. However, The Vape Guy are in a different league from anything I've personally encountered.

I PMed @BumbleBee the night before Vapecon to ask if it would be at all possible to hold out a Coppervape Skyline for me, since I could only be there in the afternoon. I mentioned that I understand if it's not possible / if he's too busy to even read the message, but that same night I still got a response that unfortunately they were out of the Skyline's, but he is holding 2 for one person and if that guy doesn't pitch - he'll hold one for me.

The afternoon at Vapecon I went to the stand. @BumbleBee was very friendly and immediately knew who I was, but informed me that the other gentleman had picked up his Skyline's. I then tried out some of his juices and I was especially impressed by the Pumpkin Pie and Superfruit. Although as a DIYer I almost never ever buy juices, I immediately bought the Pumpkin Pie (I'm not that big of a dessert / bakery fan, but this juice was so unique and tasty).

The week after Vapecon @BumbleBee messaged me, saying it was great chatting and was "feeling honored" that I bought one of his juices - having told him that I almost never buy juice. He wanted to know how I was experiencing the Pumpkin Pie and whether he should order a Skyline for me. I thanked him for the offer of the Skyline order, but said that I cannot afford to buy anything vape related whatsoever after Vapecon for at least the next month. I also told him that I was really enjoying the Pumpkin Pie, but that I was only able to vape it very sparingly, since the 6 MG that I bought it in was actually way too strong for me (I've been mixing a lot at 4.5 mg lately, as I felt that 3 mg suddenly became a bit 'weak' for me. However, I now realise that the Nic that I bought in a pinch from a B & M very close to me, not a supporting vendor, is actually an 'understrength' / not diluted correctly batch, and that my 4.5 mg mixes are still closer to 3 mg).

He immediately offered to send me a 0 mg free of charge to mix it down with. Although I don't feel comfortable with accepting Freebies, he insisted with "please just let me do this" and I reluctantly but gratefully accepted.

Late this afternoon I got the parcel with the juice, but also with a VERY special extra included (you can guess what based on our initial conversation). I immediately phoned to thank him, but also to insist that I simply CANNOT accept and would please like to pay for the tank. I first spoke to @Rincewind, who was very friendly and helpful and who then handed the phone to @BumbleBee. I insisted that I cannot accept and have to pay for at least the tank, but @BumbleBee refused, saying that he was under no circumstances going to accept payment - since it was his personal tank that he wasn't using in any case.

I still feel a bit uncomfortable and embarrassed with accepting so much, but I do appreciate the gifts and the awesome service from the bottom of my heart and I will recommend The Vape Guy to any vaper / prospective vaper in a heartbeat and if they have what I want in stock, I will order from there (even though @BumbleBee also made clear that none of this was "to buy loyalty")

And that ladiees and gents is @BumbleBee !
You go for it @BumbleBee - with your passion, integrity and kindness you deserve to go very far!

So very well told @Lingogrey - thanks for sharing such a great experience
Well Done @BumbleBee - and to extend - my order collected from you at VapeCon was spot on and exactly what I ordered - :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: - I should still have purchased one it your Caps - even @KZOR was wearing his when he did his last review yesterday.

The Milk Tart and Pumpkin Pie received are in line for my next rotation.

Again - Thank You so much for your excellent service and support.

Best Regards
@BumbleBee service is top notch! He is patient and always willing to answer any questions I have which I really appreciate. It’s clear that he cares about his customers.

BumbleBee, thank you for everything! Here’s to a happy and successful year for you. :)
Great retailer with excellent advice for his customers.

Thumbs up from me. Also a very generous guy.
I feel awful because I've been meaning to write a review about The Vape Guy. What makes @BumbleBee stand out from the crowd is the personal service that he gives. I bought a few mods from him at the end of last year and we exchanged countless PMs because of all my questions. As @Carnival said, he answers every question with patience and, as @Spyro said, he gives good advice based on what YOUR needs are. And he is indeed very generous!

Furthermore, if you buy a second-hand mod from him, you need have no concerns. If he says it's in good condition, you can take his word for it.

@BumbleBee's shop is in Tzaneen, yet peeps on this forum buy from him, instead of from vendors in their area. There are reasons for this, as mentioned above.

And as for his house-brand Machete ... now here's a juice that could definitely be a winner!

Thank you Bumblebee ... next Vapecon in Tzaneen?
If PM's weren't a private affair I'd post ours just to show everyone what real customer service looks like.
Thank you so much, feedback like this really makes me feel good :D

But, feedback like this wouldn't be possible without you awesome folks! Thank you all for being... awesome!

I know I say awesome a lot but there just isn't a better word ;)
A very big shout out to @BumbleBee at The Vape Guy for the care parcel that he put together and send to me.

He has thought of everything and included a few surprises.




Thank you so much @BumbleBee for all the goodies. I will definitely do a review on the juices you send.

I'm definitely iced by your Ice Queen - very nice flavour with a great Menthol in the nose! A great juice for when someone gives me the flu. Lol.
A very big shout out to @BumbleBee at The Vape Guy for the care parcel that he put together and send to me.

He has thought of everything and included a few surprises.

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Thank you so much @BumbleBee for all the goodies. I will definitely do a review on the juices you send.

I'm definitely iced by your Ice Queen - very nice flavour with a great Menthol in the nose! A great juice for when someone gives me the flu. Lol.
You’re very welcome @RainstormZA :)