What's in your hand right now?

Reo tollie shot guess the problem... And no its not the tollie...

That's one well done @Silver

Not a big problem @Daniel
Its easy to replace - even I did it on my Reo Mini once ;-)
You just need to clean out the inside of the magnet hole and then use "epoxy putty" (if I remember correctly) as once explained to me by @johan. The one you mix two parts. Its more elastic than superglue so lasts longer. Mine has held up for a long time.
I missed you Lagertha....

Honestly tanks mods whatever may come and go but I'm yet to find flavour as constant as this.


Gave my aging H-Priv a rejuvenation with a zapwrap, Dark Grey and Silver Carbon Fibre.
Came out better than I expected in the end :D

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Haha..friends are always welcome! But not to my juices!

Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Haha! I'm the same, I used to have loads of friends, then they helped themselves to my juices and...
:monoloco: :machinegun: :flamethrower2::laser-kill::2guns::camper::bash::para::mgwhore::rocket::rocket2::sniper::uzi:

On a side note, I didn't realise how many hostile Emojis we had!
Youre out of juice there

Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

Haha , you the only one that spotted that .... well done goue sterretjie vir jou hoor.

At least the Reo is up and running again , vaping some lakker Orion Galaxy .....
This little setup finally made it out of the house! Four horse-and-trailers to off-load in this glorious rain today, but I'm being kept in good company with my cyanide-infused tank and POS Honeyhive!


Day 2 with my new Joytech eVic Dual 75W/ 150W Mod. Thanks to the good gents at Sir Vape. Loving it to bits. Great versatility! You can use a single battery with a cover for it @75W or go duel battery with a different cover @ 150W.

Only con: A 25mm atty will have a very slight overhang. However, this is one of my exclusive office mods, only for my eyes, so that does not worry me.

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Im looking at getting me a small pocket size thing. That looks awesome. What is the full name of it? Thank you.