Recent content by Andremal

  1. Andremal

    Introduce Yourselves:

    Hi Vaporers. I am Andre, joined today. Reside in KZN and been vaporing since 6 Nov 2013, just going onto 3 months now. Best thing ever!! No stinkies since then. Tried once, about 3 weeks back...took two draws...most awful taste ever...squashed it lol. May ecigs always be available!! Don't know...
  2. Andremal

    Science 'wrong' In Eu's Proposed E-cigarette Law

    Hi, just joined. It is so totally daft. I am sure there are other reasons behind this. Has to be money...goverments don't get those nice taxes from the vaping perhaps???
  3. Andremal

    Kzn Vape Meet, Round 1

    Heya Silver. Thanks for telling me about the SA forum! Just joined. Vaping 3 months now, no analogs whoopeee. From KZN. Vaalboy, uhm not into that poison stuff :D