Recent content by AxisAdam

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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    Apologies for not being able to respond to you guys. I couldn't login and all of the password reset questions were things that I didn't know and had to try to google and finally came up with one that I found the answer to. Anyhow, I am officially back in. Maxxis, I looked at your mod when it...
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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    Hello Takie, We do have a 90 Day Warranty, once that time has elapsed it is our policy that there is a $55 service fee to repair the device. This is the policy that has been set in place since the beginning and has worked very well. Typically if the mod fails after 90 days, it is not a defect...
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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    We will get you taken care of Maxxis. Thank you. We have had issues with the 510s, I will be contacting our vendor about this. Thank you for the feedback.
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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    Hi Rob, We will get this fixed up for you one way or another. Faith will waive the fee if you can send it back and will provide you with an address. Thank you! Adam
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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    Hi Maxis, I understand now what happened. I do apologize about the 510 issue, we will resolve that as well when we get the mod back. I also apologize about the battery tube problem, that is something that has never happened before which is why I thought it was due to an overheating issue...
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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    Maxxis: Please see my post above. The email message I recieved was as follows: "Hi guys I have some serious problems with my M17. Firstly the 510 is faulty giving me no atomizer found errors Then today the mod shorted out internally causing the 26650 in the mod to get hot enough to melt...
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    Axis Vapes M17 - Any other ones need repair?

    Good afternoon Rob Fisher and Maxxis. I am one of the owners at Axis and just got information from Faith (our customer service person) regarding these issues. I heard about Maxxis, and waived the $55USD fee for repair based on his circumstance (which i was told the board failed, causing the...