Recent content by Jess

  1. Jess

    How much juice do you vape a day?

    Average id say 10ml, all comes down to the juice ...If its that new gem you just cant put down, then we talking 15ml in about 45 mins :P
  2. Jess

    Enhancing the flavours

    Smooth at 2% ...almost toothpaste to me, in taste not texture.:brush:
  3. Jess

    The Official Happy Birthday Thread

    Thank you!!!!! :D
  4. Jess

    Lemon cream cookie help

    I think Iv found the missing ingredient ... FA Pandoro at 3% ...its lemon cream cake, I know it will create magic in any lemon cookie recipe! it just needs a touch of cookie and sweetner to be epic as is :D
  5. Jess

    Lemon cream cookie help

    Cools, Its their house brand from the Vaperite shop in PE... I agree! and also with your FW fruity flakes comment, definitely adds the lemon sweetness in the cream, Im looking forward to trying TFA lemonade cookie for sure, if the description is correct it could add some of that missing...
  6. Jess

    Lemon cream cookie help

    This stuff! ... its magical ... #Local_premium_inspiration
  7. Jess

    Lemon cream cookie help

    I have to try that, thanks man
  8. Jess

    Lemon cream cookie help

    Hey guys, been struggling with a lemon cream cookie, seems so simple yet everytime it tastes flat and bland, been craving a decent lemon vape for months now lol ..what could be wrong with this recipe in your guys opinion? TPA Bavarian cream - 1.5% FA cookie - 3% LA cream cheese icing - 2% FA...
  9. Jess

    what recipes can I make with vapeowave concentrates

    Check out the attached PDF for an idea on %s I got from them I don't think they are accurate tho :/
  10. Jess

    Single flavour mixes

    Cap Strawberry Taffy, is a great stand alone shake and vape, but it changes allot, it gets a hell of allot sweeter, somewhat thicker with a long steep at 8% ..I only use it to add a candy sweetness to flavors now...a sweet candy apple, could work well
  11. Jess

    Worst flavourings you have come across?

    Awesome, thanks, oooh yes def not stand alone, I checked out a recipe, I can see how it will work in a nutty cakey fruit mix at about 0.1 % that's probably about it, 10mls could easily last 10 years :P
  12. Jess

    Worst flavourings you have come across?

    That dam R2 savings hey, live and learn lols
  13. Jess

    Worst flavourings you have come across?

    So far only- FA Torrone - its very strong, its def not Nougat FA Condensed milk - more dry powder milk, chalky feel Cap Italian Lemon Sicily - sour lemon cleaner FW Fruit rings Vapeowave marshmellow Vapeowave bubblegum