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  1. Dirge

    46mm Alliance RDA

    A bit of a step up from the 22mm atty
  2. Dirge

    Need advice, dropped a brand new LG HG2

    Hey guys. I was about to put my paired LG HG2's in my charger when I dropped one of them on the floor tiles, fall was probably less than a meter. After some profanity I picked it up for inspection(no visible damage) and then held it up to my ear. I heard a bit of hissing, no liquid came out...
  3. Dirge

    Batteries, in terms you can directly relate to.

    Nice video regarding batteries and vaping. Didn't know where to post as there is no battery or safety forum I could find, might be part of the Health forum but didn't feel right. Also had a quick search and could find no post containing this, sorry if there was.
  4. Dirge

    Sony statement regarding VTC4 and VTC5 batteries

    FYI Apologies if this has been posted already or should be posted elsewhere.
  5. Dirge

    What liquid to vape while ill?

    Hi All. So recently fell ill and found that any e-liquid that had the slightest sweetness to it was very off putting. Not being a fan of menthol flavours I was wondering what else was out there? I didn't have any fruit flavours on hand, but fruit being in itself sweet, I can't imagine a...