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  1. Ruan

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    Haha like how most people get Vape mail at work. Is it not the best thing ever when the reception lady calls and tells you there is someone to see you and you know exactly what its for. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  2. Ruan

    Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

    528 Goon arrived today.
  3. Ruan

    Vape King Slither.IO Massive Giveaway

    Are the scores not stored somewhere? Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  4. Ruan

    Vape King Slither.IO Massive Giveaway

    Kidding me! Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  5. Ruan

    E-cigarette advice

    I had a Kayfun mini which I got while quitting the analogues. Looks quite the same as a skinny 3.1 but could fit flush on any ego battery. And I remember the pull was tight on it with half open airflow. And when you closed it all the way you couldn't draw it at all. So maybe a Kayfun is your...
  6. Ruan

    Vape King Slither.IO Massive Giveaway

    Getting there! Lag got me at just over 16k something. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  7. Ruan

    Vape King Slither.IO Massive Giveaway

    Oh my word! was going to post my score and then saw yours, here I go again :D
  8. Ruan

    Battery reuse

    I have a bunch of batteries that I use and randomly cycle through my x Cube 2. They tend to just die and never charge again. But that's after many charging cycles. I know it is good practice to keep check of the pairs you use and try and keep the charging cycles synced but I've never had any...
  9. Ruan

    Twisp - Retailer Reviews

    Hahahaha Twisp users seeing you with your Vape for the first time (Never knew such devices existed): Twisp-Pro: Holy crap what is that your walkie-Talkie? Sub-Ohm-Me: It's my vape good sir! Twisp-Pro: A Vape, What is a vape? Looks like a freaking Bong that you smoke your drugs in. Sub-Ohm-Me...
  10. Ruan

    E-cigarette advice

    Just closed the airflow completely on my TFV4 and got that tight feeling pull, mouth to lung just like it it feels like pulling a cigarette. Didn't know it was even possible to use this tank like this. I know a couple of smokers that don't like the fact that with an rba and rda it's normally a...
  11. Ruan

    Vape Tricks

    Got allot to do with the shape of your mouth it seems. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  12. Ruan

    E-cigarette advice

    In My experience high VG juices are much thicker and and with the pen devices being smaller and spaces for juice to flow is limited results in dry hits because your coil isn't getting enough juice flow.
  13. Ruan

    Two noob questions

    Holy crap 18mg [emoji43] I can hardly handle a 6mg. But that's the thing even when trying 0mg I've also gotten a cough and or scratchy throat with something not agreeing with me in the juice. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  14. Ruan

    Best method for changing e-juice

    I usually also juice burn through the old juice but if I had a strong mint or sweet flavour in the tank I would usually remove the cotton dry burn the coil until red hot and then run some water over it (not while firing) and then burn it again to dry it, wait for it to cool and rewick and juice...
  15. Ruan

    Vape Tricks

    Gees that's epic you must make a vid of you doing it? Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  16. Ruan

    Smok X Cube 2 dead screen - Vaping Tour app finally has a use.

    My Cube 2 stopped working a while ago and I have been using the Vaping Tour app to see what ohms I'm getting and also to change settinga on the mod etc. I was wondering if there is a way to get the lcd display only from somewhere because I gave it to a technician who says he will be able to...
  17. Ruan

    Two noob questions

    I tend to follow a general rule when trying new flavours. It all depends on what you feel and taste when you Vape. I think your body is quite a good judge of what is good for you or not. For instance some juices leave my throat feeling dry and scratchy. Or make me cough and generally I know the...
  18. Ruan


  19. Ruan

    Wismec RX75W TC Box Mod by JayBo

    Quite a strange one did the Googles and checked this page its listed but think its just a temp listing waiting for stock to arrive. Also no pics or any other info. Another Store...
  20. Ruan

    Smokey room problems

    Get hold of some old PC cooling fans and wire it up to a USB cable like so: currently I plug mine into the TV for power as the windows are behind the TV. I have two on top of each other held together with cable ties sitting in the...