Molicel - A few lesser known facts


Noob Vaper
Supporting Vendor
Molicel are by no means newcomers to the battery manufacturing world. Although they might not be as well known as some of the other manufactures, here are a few milestones reached by the Molicel over the years.

1987 - 1st in the world to make Lithium metal rechargeable cells
1995 - 1st manufacturer of Li-ion in North America
2004 - 2.9Ah, IMR-26700 1st high rate cell for power tools
2005 - 1st 18650 Li-ion cell for EV application
2008 - BMW's 1st EV - Mini E cell supplier
2018 - Sole cell development partner of Uber Elevate
2020 - 1st Gigafactory up to 5GWh capacity

Molicel's Notable use cases:

NASA Space Walks & Satellite
Medical & Military equipment
Agricultural Drones
Mini EV's
Zero Motorcycles
Uber Jump Bikes
High Powered E-Cigs / Vapes
Power Tools
Uber Elevate (Air Taxi)
Large Energy Storage Systems
Amazing , thanks @Electron

if they’re good enough for NASA then they ought to be good for Vaping !
Nah, forget all that

What is really important to us is that we can be sure this supplier is selling us a genuine article. There are so many fake batts around that you are never sure 100%. Yes I trust my suppliers but even they have been caught out.
Nah, forget all that

What is really important to us is that we can be sure this supplier is selling us a genuine article. There are so many fake batts around that you are never sure 100%. Yes I trust my suppliers but even they have been caught out.
True story, one can never be 100% sure. What I can assure you is that I get my cells directly from the sole global distributor for E-One Moli Energy aka Molicel.