Reo refurb advice.

Once my tumble finish has warn of my REO i use these scourer pads from Spar with soap and water to keep a nice finish on the REO, when its all dry i also like to rub some baby powder on it. Don't ask why the baby powder, i just do:D
Baby powder after polishing?

Wouldn't a bit of baby powder before polishing make it a bit shinier when using a very fine grit? I've done this before using wood.
The baby powder is not for polishing its just for well i don't really know :--P maybe i just like the feel of it on a clean mod:*
@Stevape;), a quickie pic of the back to TRA with brass patina door idea that you mentioned to give you an idea of the look.

So this.

is it easy to do this ?
Must go to Brights hardware this morning so paint stripper is on top of my list. Will try and do a step by step as I do the transformation
So this.

is it easy to do this ?

Doing patina on metals is not hard at all. The results will vary, but you can soon learn what gives you what results. This particular patina on brass can usually be done with stuff already found around the house or bought at a food store. What the metal is dictates what is needed to patina it. Some metals can be done in various colors, patterns, etc... some only limited options. There are lots of video's out there on doing metal patina, so different methods... including many that are doing vaping tube and box mods specifically. Watch a few to learn a lot about it fast.
Guys could my Reos black be anodised and not painted? Reason I'm asking is I had it in paint stripper almost an hour with not even a sign op paint coming of. So I decided to to it the old fashioned way and started sanding it down.
Brilliant will give that a try I only have the top left to do.