
Random Awards These are our playful awards, that are handed out to our "special" individuals.
Chatter Box Award
This medal is awarded to the member that always has to make a comment.
Total awarded: 4
Always a good LOL
Always making a joke. Keeping a LOL thread going, well lollified.
Total awarded: 14
This is awarded to a member that spends a ridiculous amount of time on the forum. A true ECIGSSA junkie to the max. Much love for these members.
Total awarded: 7
Bright Spark
This is awarded to the member that always has a bright idea. Super valuable guy to have around when we are vaping too much rather then thinking.
Total awarded: 1
The Philosopher of note
This member has some special powers. A true Philosopher.
Total awarded: 2
diligent and systematic inquiry or investigation into a subject in order to discover or revise facts, theories, applications, etc
Total awarded: 1
Loves Everybody
This medal is handed out to the member that can't help but like nearly every post. Super friendly and always a pleasure to have around.
Total awarded: 1