Suggestion: Taste Box


Vape Enthusiast
I got that idea from a german forum:

How about creating a "taste box", where everyone puts in the ejuices he/she does not enjoy? Then sends it for a period of time to a person that is next on a list. This one will have a set time period to taste through the different ones, and then sends it to the next one and so forth.
As taste is subjective, the juices that is not liked by the one, could be heaven for the next one.

Of course, there will have to be rules, as no plundering. The peeps in the german forum have thousands of members and from what i read there it is working smooth.

they even included fav juice samples, as well as a pouch where people can donate money for new juices that should go into the taste box.
well, that would have to be worked out if there is interest...

ok, have checked the way they started that:

  • one moderator started it, and asked forumites and vendors to donate various ejuices
  • she then got the stuff sent to her and made up different taste boxes (according to nic strenghts, or certain styles, i.e. tobaccoes only, fruits only)
  • created lists for the different boxes, where interested forumites put their names down
  • at the start of distribution she sends a pm to the first, or next on the list, with the request of address and contact number. giving 24h to respond, if no response the next one on the list gets the pm
  • when the parcel is received then the receipt will be taken into the list, as well when it is sent to the next one on the list
  • after 5-7 days the story starts again with the moderator sending the pm to the next on the list, asking for the contact details ....she will then let the previous owner know where to send the box next and so on...
  • once in a while the moderator requests the box to be sent back to her first, for a checkup as well as filling up with donations that have arrived whilst the box was en route.
It is just an idea to get everyone to find the real flavour for them, at the end one would have all people happily vaping their favorite ones. Its gr8 for new vapers as well, we all know how hard it can be to find the right ones!
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they even included fav juice samples, as well as a pouch where people can donate money for new juices that should go into the taste box.
well, that would have to be worked out if there is interest...

ok, have checked the way they started that:

  • one moderator started it, and asked forumites and vendors to donate various ejuices
  • she then got the stuff sent to her and made up different taste boxes (according to nic strenghts, or certain styles, i.e. tobaccoes only, fruits only)
  • created lists for the different boxes, where interested forumites put their names down
  • at the start of distribution she sends a pm to the first, or next on the list, with the request of address and contact number. giving 24h to respond, if no response the next one on the list gets the pm
  • when the parcel is received then the receipt will be taken into the list, as well when it is sent to the next one on the list
  • after 5-7 days the story starts again with the moderator sending the pm to the next on the list, asking for the contact details ....she will then let the previous owner know where to send the box next and so on...
  • once in a while the moderator requests the box to be sent back to her first, for a checkup as well as filling up with donations that have arrived whilst the box was en route.
It is just an idea to get everyone to find the real flavour for them, at the end one would have all people happily vaping their favorite ones. Its gr8 for new vapers as well, we all know how hard it can be to find the right ones!
Sounds like a great idea, Tom.
I like the idea Tom - only thing is that the juices would need to be carefully packed so that they don't spill.
And seeing as though they are used, they won't be sealed.
So there would need to be rules as to how one goes about packing them.

Sounds like a very good idea though
I will definitely put my name down for that ..
How do they finance the packaging and posting, Tom? Maybe we should consider a Jhb and CT centre for distribution?
I think it would be at the current "taster" account to post to the next one...however, they have included a pouch for monetary donations. For new juices, postage to the "moderator".
And yes, because there is only 2 major centers in SA, it could be much easier. sometimes it prob does not need a postal service. but the SA community is still small, so there should not be too many boxes as well. I think that one is sufficient.
I really think this can work, Tom. Why don't you assume the role as administrator, set the rules and set the ball rolling. I am ready to post you some juices!
I really think this can work, Tom. Why don't you assume the role as administrator, set the rules and set the ball rolling. I am ready to post you some juices!
I really would love to kickstart this, it would actually be a gr8 role to play in this top community, but.... I have some big things coming up, my whole life will be turned upside down. Therefore I won't be able to do this. And I would not like to start something quickly and then let people down because of those life changing reasons.

I still hope that the idea (which is not my own) will be somehow realized, and that it will benefit the community!
If anyone ever starts this I have a LOT of Liquids that I should, in retrospect, not have bought that I would be willing to donate to the Box
Although there are some of them that I would not wish upon my worst enemy and will probably just throw down the drain.
i could never throw any out , cos somebody somewhere will vape it , garrenteed .
Spoken like someone who has never had the misfortune of buying triple packs of Hangsen Fluid !
Trust me, the exciting flavors of Alkaline, Ethanol and Ether sounded a lot better than they were
They will go in the Taste Box Though as long as everyone signs a waiver releasing me from responsibility :)
Well, we are looking for a volunteer to run a Taste Box. Sadly time does not allow me to.
Spoken like someone who has never had the misfortune of buying triple packs of Hangsen Fluid !
Trust me, the exciting flavors of Alkaline, Ethanol and Ether sounded a lot better than they were
They will go in the Taste Box Though as long as everyone signs a waiver releasing me from responsibility :)

No , spoke like somebody who has had to buy and vape what was available OR go back to analogs ??
Dudes, this is awesome! We have to get someone to arrange and run with this! I dont have any juice i would like to get rid of but i could make a donation! JHB and the surrounding areas are quite close together, perhaps we can just move the box between members ourselves?
I felt like that and then used the Shotgun Approach to buying Liquids, lots, often
Most of them were bad, but like I said I will donate these freely as I am 100% sure that I would rather go back to smoking Boxer and 320GSM Fax Paper than smoke any of these liquids :p
I think this could definitely be a winner. Although I do think there will be a lot of teething problems to get it running smoothly.
True in deed! But that said, if everyone plays nicely together and contributes something towards the box it could be a winner! Taste some nasty juice, and not make the mistake of buying it in the future! Crisis avoided! :)
Well I would suggest that whoever runs this follows the basic guidelines as per this thread as a whole
Each member who receives a box should really be asked to donate at least 5ml of Liquid when they send the box on and should cover the postage or delivery to the next recipient.

As soon as you guys have this up and running I'll post my unwanted fluids
They include:
Hangsen Banana (Sealed)
Hangsen Mild Blend Tobacco (Sealed)
Hangsen Mint (Sealed)
Hell High Menthol - Yuk this stuff is terrible (7.5ml Left of 10ml)
Hell High Minty Chocolate (7.5ml Left of 10ml)
Green Menthol (30ml unused)
Green Cherry (25ml used once in a leaking tank)
Liqua Berry (Sealed)
Liqua Strawberry (Sealed)
Great idea, but I foresee lots of PT in managing/administering this.
we were lucky/unlucky enough to be given a full bottle at the vape meet :p

You would have to use it in your dripper cuz this stuff annihilates plastic :p

Will chat to @Gizmo and see if we can send you a small bottle :)
we were lucky/unlucky enough to be given a full bottle at the vape meet :p

You would have to use it in your dripper cuz this stuff annihilates plastic :p

Will chat to @Gizmo and see if we can send you a small bottle :)
Oh wow! Thats awesome! I loved that stuff! Really, licorice is the best! That be great thanks Stroodle! :D

Yip i saw what it did to Hotti's tank, madness!! Ill do so for sure! Actually been using the ERD Mini all day long today!
How about we just have a juice box at the vape meets - people take or give at the meets, lot less PT and admin I think