
  1. TFM

    WS-23 by Cloud Corporation is cooler than a polar bear's toenails!

    =AZUqzt2tnJL3KZzmBDngIeryuHnuwXNlRPy_i61cOtKVkyuvB6xVMHW5Qiqtr137MHaYE1mptv_xgJ_Dwt_2EG_Fe2sC6QD_2UoA9DHIfi2rGHuiKwIN9-bMVz9rYpa1WAjuIgZ8GcCLp6QjVwusjV8UqMm4HjSCW5WUTwVo-u4kuQ&__tn__=*NK-R']#cooldown Get it on The Flavour Mill.
  2. Hooked

    RELX WS-23 not Toxic

    6 April 2021 "The WS-23 cooling agent has limited impact on the experiment animals at the tested dose, according to a study performed by RLX Technology and published in the Journal of Applied...
  3. Chukin'Vape

    Easy Does It - WS23

    In This Episode - Is WS23 the coolant of choice for us all 3? Deetz compares Polar Blast with WS23 - he also gives advice how to use this in fruity recipes. Theo puts a challenge forward for the viewers.