Jungle Flavors / Flavor Jungle Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer


The SteamCrave Guy
**Jungle Flavors / Flavor Jungle**

1st round of testing, mixing now.


1st round of JF single flavor testing. ALL tested on SteamCrave RDTA v.1, @ 55 watts, single wire Kanthal, 7 wrap coils @ 0.30 ohms, on the Para 250C. Fresh cotton, and dry burned coils before every test. Percentages varied by flavor. All steeped 1.5 + weeks plus.

**Honey Peach (Jungle Flavors) 2.5% (10-26-18)** -- Since one of my favorite mixing peaches is currently TPA Juicy Peach, even though it's weak, this one sounded very interesting for my profile and needs. Out of the gate it was a WINNER !!! Now as a disclaimer I've had some AWFUL trouble with some honeys' in the past, so I was a little skeeered to vape it up, but FEAR NOT, this one IS a gem. At 2.5% it was perfectly hard hitting, without being overbearing or past it's upper limits. Less sweet than I would have thought, and perhaps, similar to CAP Yellow Peach, but this one is in a different league. It might even benefit from a little sweet kick from some Stevia, so fear not about it being over sweetened. It is NOT a juicy peach like TPA's, but really more of a fresh, yellow peach, BUT, there's a kicker in here. Thankfully for me (my fear runs deep) it is NOT honey, at least to my taste, but I'm thinking maybe a hint of nectarine, or better yet, maybe a apricot kick. The more I think about it, I think it might BE an apricot kicker. Either way, it's very full, delicious, and with the "kicker" that's in there, it bends slightly away from a typical peach, into something different, and better. I can see why they named it Honey Peach, and it's good. I am on the 2nd 3ml tanker and I'm struggling to find something I don't like about it, ....... I can't. **10/10**.

**Strawberry Sweet (Jungle Flavors) 5.0% (10-26-18)** -- Out of the gate, this one impressed. Very solid SB with depth. Mixed @ 5.0% it was very full and rich (as rich as a SB could be that is). Nothing off putting, or artificial tasting, but a great ripened strawberry. Not really a fresh per se, and had a tough of jammy-ness to it. I would rate it higher than CAP's Sweet SB, but only a notch or two, as it seemed fuller, and perhaps more versatile. On a second tester tank if that's any sign. Struggling to find an SB that I would compare it to, but maybe OOO Strawberry Ripe would be in the same ball park. For a jammy infused, ripe strawberry, that has just the right amount of sweetness this will work for you. **9.3/10**.

**Yellow Cake (Jungle Flavors) 5.0% (10-26-18)** -- I think everyone who loves or has used FW Yellow Cake would love it, if it weren't for the sugar. Hearing rumors about JF's YC couldn't not get it. Mixed it @5% and this level it was a damned good Yellow Cake, no if's and's or but's. Already I can tell it is AS good, if not better than FW's version, but without any sugar. Yellow Cake fans rejoice. Had nothing off putting, or anything that got in the way of a simple YC. Didn't feel overdone at this strength, sweetness was good, and it was balanced nicely. Not sure how to elaborate more on this, but if you need a YC flavor, without any sugar, this one WILL do it for you. Spot on @ **10/10**.

**Honey Dew Melon (Jungle Flavors) 1.8% (10-29-18)** -- I have vaped more than a few Honey Dew Mellons and am pretty aware of the pitfalls, shortcomings, and olfactory offenses that I've experienced. Many times when SF testing, the moment you take a vape of a new flavor you immediately think of a similar flavor. That happened with this one, and it immediately reminded me of none other than Medicine Flower's HDM. Now before I overcharge the flux capacitor and blow up the universe, it's not quite that good, BUT, it's in the same arena (that means very good). It's a very rich, green, and fresh tasting HDM. It's a tad sweeter than MF's, and higher than average sweetness, but that's not a terrible thing here, but worth noting. Lots and lots of nice green melon with the inner and outer fleshy parts, with maybe a hint of rind. This does NOT come across near as effortlessly natural as the MF does, but once again, it's in the ballpark. @estorm cautioned some of the Jungle Flavors were strong, and this is one of the stronger ones. @ 1.8% but could probably range lower @ 1.0-1.5%. Very smooth, with an apparent mix of the green parts, with good sweetness, and very smooth. Not harsh, off putting, or overtly artificial, even at this strength. Almost getting two different notes, one on inhale, and another on exhale, both great. This is the 6th winner in a row from JF for me. **9.6/10**.

**Cocoa (Jungle Flavors) 1.5% (10-28-18)** -- Having only vaped ONE (I think Cocoa) so far (FA Cocoa) and being stricken with it's utter coil destroying ways, I was a little apprehensive in trying another, but try I must. First things, this one is clear, clear, CLEAR. What ?? How is that possible ?? At the low 1.5% strength, and after 2 weeks steep, this one looks to be another GEM from JF. Smells like it, tastes like it, but doesn't gunk coils like it ?? Can't compare to any other than FA's, and it is in the same ballpark, without the gunking, and dryness that I got from the FA. Accuracy was pretty spot on, sweetness was at the mid point, with a nice even, mid to mid-dark cocoa. They really got this one pretty nailed down. Not a milk chocolate, nor a dark chocolate, but right smack dab in the middle of the cocoa road. No bitters, or dryness here, tastes pretty natural with no chemical, artificial, or off putting notes. Now this is NO Medicine Flower Dark Chocolate, but it's not trying to be. I could see using this QUITE often, and am glad I bought a mini jug of it on sale no less. Going to toss this into one of my S'mores to really see what's what, but at this point, this will be the fifth Jungle Flavor win in a row. One thing I noticed vaping it at 65 watts, I didn't get any burning from it, as many chocolates do not like higher wattages, even though 65 watts isn't terribly high. Having a hard time knocking it down, maybe 0.5 for a slight lack of richness/depth, but it's just too damned tasty for being so clear, and non-gunking. **9.5/10**.

**Biscuit (Jungle Flavors) 3.0% (10-27-18)** -- I felt I already knew this flavor before testing it, as I read countless reviews stating it was JUST like a perfect pairing of INW Biscuit, and FA Cookie. Well, that's about as RIGHT as it gets. I actually can't think of a better description than that INW Biscuit + FA Cookie = JF Biscuit !!!!
It's actually quite an interesting blend (if not exactly those two companies flavors, but profiles for sure). INW Biscuit is more of an American biscuit like Bisquick, and FA Cookie is more like a European biscuit which would lean towards more cookie-ish. Pairing these two profiles yields a very interesting result. Actually vaped the entire tester which I didn't see coming. I can already see countless uses for this, mostly bakery obviously, crust enhancements, some graininess, etc. The slight sweetness could really shift things in mixes, and probably in a good way at that. At 3% it was very full with just a hint of sweet, not overly dry, with nothing off putting, harsh, or artificial tasting. **9.5/10**.


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