Archive Wanted - Authentic Kayfun

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OG vaper
Cape Town
Item wanted: Authentic Kayfun, preferably a Prime but also interested in Mini V3, or 24mm Lite (MTL tanks)

Price Preference: Will pay a fair price, depending on condition.

: 'Good' to 'As New'

Age of the item
: Doesn't matter

Location of item
: SA

: Either

: I like Kayfuns

Picture here (if it helps describe what you looking for)
Ok .... time for some schooling here. :)

Fact 1 : @BioHAZarD advertised a kayfun for R2200
Fact 2 : I gave a "optimistic" rating as i thought it was a tad too high.
Fact 3 : Ad was archived by seller after no response from potential buyers.
Fact 4 : A classified for the Kayfun was placed where someone was looking for one.
Fact 5 : @BioHAZarD contacts buyer and sells Kayfun
Fact 6 : The Kayfun was sold for cheaper than initially advertised....... interesting. :)
Fact 7 : @BioHAZarD types in a childish comment. :)

@BioHAZarD ...... if you decide to make someone look like a idiot then please make sure you do it based on merit and not by hypocritical means where crucial info is purposely withheld. My oh my ..... basic 101 snowflake tactics. :)
Best you leave me out of "want to cause shyte" endeavors you might be contemplating in the future.

But i got to thank you for some more material i can discuss Thursday evening in my show.:applaudit:
U don’t reckon u taking this a bit far? If a man makes a joke simply saying know your market it’s jus a bit of a tongue in cheek hav a laugh kinda comment.... reckon this is getting a bit dramatic about the whole thing with a lengthy broken down play by play. Jus my thoughts. Anyways as long as it adds to content for your many subscribers no harm there.
Omg @BioHAZarD ..... let it go m8. You are barking up the wrong tree and going to cause way more harm than good with your approach.

Sounds like a threat? We dont do that in this community. To add, you also got a bit salty with me on one of your videos when I called you out about giving poor advice. We all like to play nice but sometimes we have to also defend ourselves and you never seem to like that. I mentioned previously, I used to enjoy your videos but then something changed this year and I no longer do.
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