All Things Reo

An interesting post from the Porcupine Master!

"I want to make a mod for the do it your self folks one that is set up for a chip . The wood run is done I am starting to take on new projects

I have a 18650 mod I want to build this year as well mechanical of course . No one will see it unfortunately until it is just about ready to ship . The days of me sharing the progress of a new mod is over you can thank the cloners for that . All I can say is you will love it and please don't ask time frames I am not even close

Keep in mind guys I have a really small company me and 3 other guys and mom does the shipping . I can only do so much Robs tired"
Thanks, very interesting. Never a dull moment.
An interesting post from the Porcupine Master!

"I want to make a mod for the do it your self folks one that is set up for a chip . The wood run is done I am starting to take on new projects

I have a 18650 mod I want to build this year as well mechanical of course . No one will see it unfortunately until it is just about ready to ship . The days of me sharing the progress of a new mod is over you can thank the cloners for that . All I can say is you will love it and please don't ask time frames I am not even close

Keep in mind guys I have a really small company me and 3 other guys and mom does the shipping . I can only do so much Robs tired"
Really interesting
Posts from ECF:

...or some of you who are enjoying your first Reos during this Woodvil run, and finding out first hand why Reonauts really, truly love their Mods, I would like to mention a long standing tradition in REOVille. We feel no need to talk down someone else's vaping gear.
Some of us who have been around several years, and a few even longer, are aware of just what incredible devices Rob has produced. Often, in other forums or on other threads, someone might challenge our belief in the superior quality of a Reos Mod. We do not need to condemn anyone else for what they believe, they are on their own Vaping Journey, If they have to make a few stops along the way before coming home to Reoville, that's simply the journey they are on. Be polite, and let them follow their own path. Anything that keeps someone "off the stinkies" is just fine by us.
A few years back there was an expression called "ProVari Snob", although my friends who use ProVaris never quite seemed to match that description. But you NEVER heard similar comments about Reonauts, and we don't want to be seen in that light anyways. We have often heard REOVille being described as "one of the nicest places on the ECF", and we would like to keep it that way.
Be Proud of your Reos ... Of Course ! It truly is the Best there is. But please show consideration and tolerance for those who have not yet arrived here in REOVille.
We have no need to condemn other people's vaping gear, it is simply their journey."


"I hate that I have reached a point in my vape career where it isn't nearly as interesting as it was before. I went through the motions. 2 years ago I got starter gear and I quit smoking. I started doing research hard and found all the subreddits. I upgraded and got into rebuildables. I started collecting clones. I tried the crazy coil builds. I started making my own juice. I built my own mods. I started making / selling them to others. I took great pride in my craftsmanship and I pushed myself into smaller and smaller enclosures. I made a local name for myself. People at vape shops knew me and I was part of the local community. I went to swap meets and vape parties and it was a lot of fun. After a while, I sold off all the clones I had and I started collecting authentic hard to find stuff. I had a juice line going at a local shop. People really liked it. I sold off all my authentic gear because I wanted to invest in TC. I really tried to like it but it just wasn't for me because I really didn't need it. I sold off all my authentic gear and invested in simplicity. I started buying Reo's and now I just live in reoville and vape unflavored nic. All the flavored juice I try is too overpowered and my carefully concocted DIY recipes lost their appeal. Nothing hits the spot like a lack of flavoring does. I stopped selling juice to shops. I stopped making mods. I stopped going to vape shops. I stopped being part of a community that embraced a culture I didn't like. I've had the same .8 ohm microcoil and readyxwick build in my RDA for the last 2 months and it looks and behaves just like it did when I built it.

Vaping has become entirely a background activity. All I have to do anymore is fill up juice bottles, charge batteries, and change a coil out maybe every 3 months. I clean my reo's the last Sunday of the month. I had a kid in july of 2014 and vaping was my smoking exit strategy because I could still "smoke" without having to smoke. My wife couldn't complain because I was making a positive change. It ended up turning into a big hobby that I poured a lot of time and energy into. I really loved it. Now that things have normalized and I have learned so much and done so much, it just seems like all the appeal and fun is gone. I figured it out.

Did I reach vaping nirvana? Did I replicate and eventually trump a cigarette? I don't know. All I do know is its better than smoking and I am fine with that."

I am firmly planted in a happy REO forest on the outskirts of REOville
Random thought of the day:

I have to say, it is an absolute pleasure to own a Reo :inlove:
I am so chuffed with Alessandra :happy:

I was at a 30th bday last night, things got rowdy and people got thrown into the jacuzzi. Amongst the horror of dead mods, I was drying up Alessandra, replacing the wick whilst still in the jacuzzi, squonked and chucking the clouds like a boss! Out of the 4 mods that went for a swim, Alessandra was the only one still chucking clouds :rock:
(I've got to admit though, one of the swimmers was a ego type battery which also made a surprising come back, no clouds but the little one was puffing away at the end of the night ;-) )

Reo's rock, the end :D

As you were :call::cool:
Random thought of the day:

I have to say, it is an absolute pleasure to own a Reo :inlove:
I am so chuffed with Alessandra :happy:

I was at a 30th bday last night, things got rowdy and people got thrown into the jacuzzi. Amongst the horror of dead mods, I was drying up Alessandra, replacing the wick whilst still in the jacuzzi, squonked and chucking the clouds like a boss! Out of the 4 mods that went for a swim, Alessandra was the only one still chucking clouds :rock:
(I've got to admit though, one of the swimmers was a ego type battery which also made a surprising come back, no clouds but the little one was puffing away at the end of the night ;-) )

Reo's rock, the end :D

As you were :call::cool:
Amen to that too...but not taking my Woodvil to that party:D
I spent the weekend fishing and two woodvils went with (Marissa and Athena)! They so rock my world! :rock:
Random thought of the day:

I have to say, it is an absolute pleasure to own a Reo :inlove:
I am so chuffed with Alessandra :happy:

I was at a 30th bday last night, things got rowdy and people got thrown into the jacuzzi. Amongst the horror of dead mods, I was drying up Alessandra, replacing the wick whilst still in the jacuzzi, squonked and chucking the clouds like a boss! Out of the 4 mods that went for a swim, Alessandra was the only one still chucking clouds :rock:
(I've got to admit though, one of the swimmers was a ego type battery which also made a surprising come back, no clouds but the little one was puffing away at the end of the night ;-) )

Reo's rock, the end :D

As you were :call::cool:

Lovely post @DoubleD
I assume the battery went into the jacuzzi too?
Lovely post @DoubleD
I assume the battery went into the jacuzzi too?

Yip, the battery as well, I changed batteries to be safe though and let it dry, I'm using that very one right now and all seems fine with it.
Funny thing is, I thought I had my istick20 in my pocket, I reacted with the speed of light to save the mod and then realize there's no drama, it's my Reo :D
Yip, the battery as well, I changed batteries to be safe though and let it dry, I'm using that very one right now and all seems fine with it.
Funny thing is, I thought I had my istick20 in my pocket, I reacted with the speed of light to save the mod and then realize there's no drama, it's my Reo :D

Great that the batt is working!
The Reo likes a jacuzzi from time to time i suppose ;-)
Great that the batt is working!
The Reo likes a jacuzzi from time to time i suppose ;-)

Yeah i honestly thought it was done for, you can imagine it was pretty soaked thanks to Alessandra being a SL and all but alas, it hasn't let me down so far.
I spent the weekend fishing and two woodvils went with (Marissa and Athena)! They so rock my world! :rock:

Please explain the difference between "fooshing" and "fishing' to a simple mind like me?
Please explain the difference between "fooshing" and "fishing' to a simple mind like me?

There is no difference Ω @johan... it stems back to my time on the fishing forums... my brother in law who got me into bass fishing used to say it's time to go Fooooshing! And I just borrowed it from him... then it was annoying to a couple of people I wasn't crazy about so I have just kept saying it like that out of habit! :D
There is no difference Ω @johan... it stems back to my time on the fishing forums... my brother in law who got me into bass fishing used to say it's time to go Fooooshing! And I just borrowed it from him... then it was annoying to a couple of people I wasn't crazy about so I have just kept saying it like that out of habit! :D

Thanks for the explanation and keep on Fooshing ;).
Hey all. Tell me, are the older Reo's 510's upgradabe to the new one?
Yes, if you send it to Reosmods they will do it for you. Think $48, then another $48 for shipping back to you plus whatever it cost you to ship to them. Do not think it is worth the trouble.
The old 510s is perfectly good, and the repair kit widely available.
Yes, if you send it to Reosmods they will do it for you. Think $48, then another $48 for shipping back to you plus whatever it cost you to ship to them. Do not think it is worth the trouble.
The old 510s is perfectly good, and the repair kit widely available.

Oooh right.
So its not necesary. Good to know
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After 3 days with the Reo I feel that I just have to report back on a few things. Yes I am probably still a bit euphoric about the Reo and struggle to be unbiased, but here goes.

I now fully understand why all the Reo owners drop everything else and use only their Reo. It is the simplest device ever. I can actually see every single part and nothing is hidden under covers or layers of plastic that is impossible to reach. I got the RM3 which I understand is not the best or easiest atty to use, but to me it is amazing so far. I haven’t used any of the other atties before, so this is my only point of reference. I have messed around with different coils, but for the last day and a half it has been a 26g coil, around a 1.5 mm drill bit, coming out at 0.7 Ohms. The Efest 3100 mAh battery fires it beautifully and the flavour and vapour is amazing. It took a bit of studying of Ohms law to figure out my best setup, but it was worth it.

I use mostly DIY juice, but my own kind of DIY. I basically use one flavour only on a 50/50 mix of 6mg. I haven’t got the expertise yet to mix different flavours, but will hopefully get there. Most of my DIY juice have a bit of menthol in the mix. The flavour on the Reo is so great that I’ve had to tone down the menthol a bit as it was becoming over powering. I have ordered some VM juices and cannot wait for it to arrive and to experience the flavours. I have vaped all the VM juices on the Nautilus, but I think on the Reo it is going to be fantastic.

I was using Nautilus minis most of my vaping journey, but it cannot compare to the Reo experience. I was worried that the Reo would be too harsh after the Nautilus, but it is the smoothest vape ever. I have tried the Subtank – I hated it. I have tried the Kayfun Lite – the damn wicking is such a hit and miss affair for me that I just gave up. That left me with only the Nautilus minis that I really enjoyed, but then I had the issue that coils only last 4-5 days. Hurghhh!!! I was going through 1 to 2 packs of coils a month and at R50 a coil it was frustrating me endlessly. I tried various rebuilds on the coils, but was never able to get the same performance as a new coil. We all have a vaping budget, even if we don’t want to admit it and I was constantly looking for better hardware instead of spending my money on interesting juices. Frustrating!!

It the Reo worth the money? I would have to say 100% yes. I got mine second hand, but knowing what I know now, I would gladly pay the price of a new one. Luckily they do appear in the Classifieds from time to time. My biggest win is the fact that I don’t have to spend hours contemplating new hardware and the frustration of not having money left over for good juices.

Blah blah blah. I know I am carrying on a bit so lets just stop right there.
My biggest win is the fact that I don’t have to spend hours contemplating new hardware and the frustration of not having money left over for good juices.

Thank you for the feedback, it is valuable info.
This is basically where I'm at - paying a grand for a mod and it lasts a month. Another one I had lasted a week!.

I know I'm not the most careful person, but I don't believe the QC is there with stuff coming out of China for this industry. I'm in AV and know that there is always failure rates with anything electronic, but still the odds really stack up for me - 4 mods and only 1 saw 5 months of being in service in 100% working order. I have dropped the one that works countless times too, so the way I see it, something is either made to be durable, or not.

So personally I'm tired of supporting it all. I would rather spend what I consider an expensive ammount, and have something that I know will bloody well keep working. All these R500 here and R1000 there for a mod are really starting to add up. I'd still LOVE a regulated mod, but I'm a little tired of rolling the dice.
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