All Things Reo

After 3 days with the Reo I feel that I just have to report back on a few things. Yes I am probably still a bit euphoric about the Reo and struggle to be unbiased, but here goes.

I now fully understand why all the Reo owners drop everything else and use only their Reo. It is the simplest device ever. I can actually see every single part and nothing is hidden under covers or layers of plastic that is impossible to reach. I got the RM3 which I understand is not the best or easiest atty to use, but to me it is amazing so far. I haven’t used any of the other atties before, so this is my only point of reference. I have messed around with different coils, but for the last day and a half it has been a 26g coil, around a 1.5 mm drill bit, coming out at 0.7 Ohms. The Efest 3100 mAh battery fires it beautifully and the flavour and vapour is amazing. It took a bit of studying of Ohms law to figure out my best setup, but it was worth it.

I use mostly DIY juice, but my own kind of DIY. I basically use one flavour only on a 50/50 mix of 6mg. I haven’t got the expertise yet to mix different flavours, but will hopefully get there. Most of my DIY juice have a bit of menthol in the mix. The flavour on the Reo is so great that I’ve had to tone down the menthol a bit as it was becoming over powering. I have ordered some VM juices and cannot wait for it to arrive and to experience the flavours. I have vaped all the VM juices on the Nautilus, but I think on the Reo it is going to be fantastic.

I was using Nautilus minis most of my vaping journey, but it cannot compare to the Reo experience. I was worried that the Reo would be too harsh after the Nautilus, but it is the smoothest vape ever. I have tried the Subtank – I hated it. I have tried the Kayfun Lite – the damn wicking is such a hit and miss affair for me that I just gave up. That left me with only the Nautilus minis that I really enjoyed, but then I had the issue that coils only last 4-5 days. Hurghhh!!! I was going through 1 to 2 packs of coils a month and at R50 a coil it was frustrating me endlessly. I tried various rebuilds on the coils, but was never able to get the same performance as a new coil. We all have a vaping budget, even if we don’t want to admit it and I was constantly looking for better hardware instead of spending my money on interesting juices. Frustrating!!

It the Reo worth the money? I would have to say 100% yes. I got mine second hand, but knowing what I know now, I would gladly pay the price of a new one. Luckily they do appear in the Classifieds from time to time. My biggest win is the fact that I don’t have to spend hours contemplating new hardware and the frustration of not having money left over for good juices.

Blah blah blah. I know I am carrying on a bit so lets just stop right there.
Great stuff.

I also hated the Subtank, just did not get decent flavour from it. The Lemo2 works for me, but compared to a Reo with a bf RDA it is still a hassle. Any RTA is for that matter.

And, despite all the latest and greatest stuff coming out (like the Subox Mini), I still believe not many beat the Mini Nautilus for a carefree and flavourful vape. Pity about the lifespan and the cost of coils - I now get them from Fasttech for HRH and the daughter in law.

Just a tip if you have not picked it up yet: The air hole (especially in the smaller atties) must be opposite your vaping position to prevent gurgling. Luckily, with the adjustable 510 as you have, very easy to position the atty correctly. Just tighten the atty down well in its final position, for if the atty loosens the 510 adjustment screw will shift.
Thank you for the feedback, it is valuable info.
This is basically where I'm at - paying a grand for a mod and it lasts a month. Another one I had lasted a week!.

I know I'm not the most careful person, but I don't believe the QC is there with stuff coming out of China for this industry. I'm in AV and know that there is always failure rates with anything electronic, but still the odds really stack up for me - 4 mods and only 1 saw 5 months of being in service in 100% working order. I have dropped the one that works countless times too, so the way I see it, something is either made to be durable, or not.

So personally I'm tired of supporting it all. I would rather spend what I consider an expensive ammount, and have something that I know will bloody well keep working. All these R500 here and R1000 there for a mod are really starting to add up. I'd still LOVE a regulated mod, but I'm a little tired of rolling the dice.
Thank you @Andre . I saw that part about the air hole last week in one of your posts. I have two air holes on the RM3 so I am pointing them to the left and right.
Great post about your Reo @Mufasa and wishing you all the best with it!

For me, the Reos have made my vaping journey fantastic. They are not necessarily liked by everyone because some people don't like mechs, some don't like building coils, some don't like squonking. But they are certainly very special. They give an exceptional customisable vape and are reliable.

I have also bought lots of non-Reo things. Most of it hasn't been used all that much - more in the name of Science and testing. But the Reo seems to trump the vape on most of my other things. It could be because I know the Reo and am comfortable with building on it and using it but I do think I have put in my fair share of effort on some of the other non-Reo devices. I really do like my Lemo1 - it gives me a vape on my Strawberry Menthol that I particularly like and its for squonkless mindless vaping at the computer. And I figured out how to wick it so it behaves 90% of the time. And I like my Evod for the mornings. But at all other times, the Reos are just marvellous.

Something I would like to emphasise is to spend the time setting up your Reo atty correctly and exploring. I think its pretty easy to get a very good vape on the RM2 for example - but to get it really exceptional and perfectly tuned in to your preferences, one needs to play with different gauges of wire, different IDs, different coil positions and different wicks. Time spent on this type of exploring and testing I think is well worth it.
Thank you for your post @Silver. I think I am now about halfway through all the Reo posts on this forum and I am making notes like crazy. I fully intend exploring all the Reonaut's suggestions and can't wait for the results
So glad you are euphoric @Mufasa because sometimes I think I'm a little overboard with my love of REO's... but I have tried a lot of Vape Gear and there is a reason I use a REO 99,8% of the time... awesome vape and so easy to maintain!

The REO is simply a Chicken Dinner machine of note! Especially with a Cyclone with a slightly enlarged airhole! :rock:
Mini's a new Brass Mini's available shortly! Rob's message below...

"I will start listing the 14500 minis next week 6/24 No worries folks there is plenty to go around .
I will have aluminum and brass mods . I will have some brass patina mods as well . I have also been making some nice brass patina grand and mini 2.1 doors"
After 3 days with the Reo I feel that I just have to report back on a few things. Yes I am probably still a bit euphoric about the Reo and struggle to be unbiased, but here goes.

I now fully understand why all the Reo owners drop everything else and use only their Reo. It is the simplest device ever. I can actually see every single part and nothing is hidden under covers or layers of plastic that is impossible to reach. I got the RM3 which I understand is not the best or easiest atty to use, but to me it is amazing so far. I haven’t used any of the other atties before, so this is my only point of reference. I have messed around with different coils, but for the last day and a half it has been a 26g coil, around a 1.5 mm drill bit, coming out at 0.7 Ohms. The Efest 3100 mAh battery fires it beautifully and the flavour and vapour is amazing. It took a bit of studying of Ohms law to figure out my best setup, but it was worth it.

I use mostly DIY juice, but my own kind of DIY. I basically use one flavour only on a 50/50 mix of 6mg. I haven’t got the expertise yet to mix different flavours, but will hopefully get there. Most of my DIY juice have a bit of menthol in the mix. The flavour on the Reo is so great that I’ve had to tone down the menthol a bit as it was becoming over powering. I have ordered some VM juices and cannot wait for it to arrive and to experience the flavours. I have vaped all the VM juices on the Nautilus, but I think on the Reo it is going to be fantastic.

I was using Nautilus minis most of my vaping journey, but it cannot compare to the Reo experience. I was worried that the Reo would be too harsh after the Nautilus, but it is the smoothest vape ever. I have tried the Subtank – I hated it. I have tried the Kayfun Lite – the damn wicking is such a hit and miss affair for me that I just gave up. That left me with only the Nautilus minis that I really enjoyed, but then I had the issue that coils only last 4-5 days. Hurghhh!!! I was going through 1 to 2 packs of coils a month and at R50 a coil it was frustrating me endlessly. I tried various rebuilds on the coils, but was never able to get the same performance as a new coil. We all have a vaping budget, even if we don’t want to admit it and I was constantly looking for better hardware instead of spending my money on interesting juices. Frustrating!!

It the Reo worth the money? I would have to say 100% yes. I got mine second hand, but knowing what I know now, I would gladly pay the price of a new one. Luckily they do appear in the Classifieds from time to time. My biggest win is the fact that I don’t have to spend hours contemplating new hardware and the frustration of not having money left over for good juices.

Blah blah blah. I know I am carrying on a bit so lets just stop right there.

Thanks for your detailed experience thus far @Mufasa, I too am still a ridiculously huge fan of my Reo Grands. If everyone stopped making vaping devices today, I would be content in the knowledge that I have a tool to last a lifetime, perhaps even longer.

Remember to pay particular attention to the battery arcing with sub-ohm coils, if you see signs like black marks on your battery terminals, just scrape them off and use some dielectric grease which aids in keeping contaminants from entering the point of electrical contact.

Welcome to Reoville. :rock:
Aargh... the last two Reo Grands at VM are gone.
Yaaaayy for the new owners :sick:

Seriously, if you Reonauts could just relax with the buying of all Reo's for a sec, I'd appreciate it. You don't need to own every Reo ever made. You will survive.
You want a new one, or will you settle for a used one? I may have one available for you later on in this month.
It's a Silver Vein Grand LP and sub ohm capable. It still has the original 510, firing pin and spring in, but I have a maintenance kit with it and will include it.
It's a Silver Vein Grand LP and sub ohm capable. It still has the original 510, firing pin and spring in, but I have a maintenance kit with it and will include it.

Perfect man!
I will wait for you then, if you want to let her go when you ready, I will be grateful to buy it.
Perfect man!
I will wait for you then, if you want to let her go when you ready, I will be grateful to buy it.

I'll let you know soon. Waiting for someone to contact me about another bottom feeder that I want to buy, so Selene has to go as Davina (Woodvil) has now taken her place. You are of course most welcome to rename her if you wish. :p
Mini's a new Brass Mini's available shortly! Rob's message below...

"I will start listing the 14500 minis next week 6/24 No worries folks there is plenty to go around .
I will have aluminum and brass mods . I will have some brass patina mods as well . I have also been making some nice brass patina grand and mini 2.1 doors"

Just to add to the excitement, he also mentioned this....

"I started painting them this week . I am also polishing some of the brass mini mods this week . It wont be long and I will start listing them. I will list some pictures monday"

Hi all. I amnot sure where to ask this, so would the moderators please advise. I've quit the stinkies more than a year ago thanks to vaping and got myself a REO Grand lp in November last year from @Oupa. About two months ago i've quit vaping to and is very proud to say smoke and vape free. I would like to sell my REO with Reomiser 2 some kanthal, bottles ect. but have no idea what a second hand REO sells for any more. I know everybody is going to ask for photos and tell me to advertise it in the classified section and i will, but i would also like to say a very Thank you to this forum and all its members for always helping and giving advice. Surely one of the friendliest forums i have ever seen