Real Whiskey as additive in liquid


Experienced Vaper
Hermanus, Western Cape, South Africa
Not sure if this has surfaced before and apologies if it has. Would it be safe to add real whiskey in a mix? I know it's acceptable to add small amounts of alcohol and I can't think that anything in whiskey would be a problem. The only thing that could be an issue is that you may need a tad to much whiskey to get the flavour and this could dilute the mix a bit much?
Yuk! Why would you want to ruin your juice like that? :D

I have no idea how bad it would be, but personally I wouldn't vape anything that wasn't specifically designed to be vaped. The last time I did something for science it backfired so have become a little cautious in my old age.
... The last time I did something for science it backfired so have become a little cautious in my old age.

Agree with @Stosta. Last time I did a experiment I ended up walking around without eyebrows for two months.
So I will be cautious :mask:
Yuk! Why would you want to ruin your juice like that? :D

I have no idea how bad it would be, but personally I wouldn't vape anything that wasn't specifically designed to be vaped. The last time I did something for science it backfired so have become a little cautious in my old age.

Most if not all the things we vape weren't designed for vaping. Most of our concentrates for DIY are food flavorings, VG and PG have strong backgrounds in medicine, food and industry.

I'm sure I've seen a DIY recipe calling for Jack Daniels before.

If anything, I'm inclined to think the whisk(e)y may lead to extra coil gunking.

Maybe @Spydro has some input?

Oh @Stosta , the last time I did a vape experiment 'for science' it was to make my own coffee addiditve, even put me off drinking coffee for a couple of months.
Agree with @Stosta. Last time I did a experiment I ended up walking around without eyebrows for two months.
So I will be cautious :mask:

I had to spend the weekend plastering a wall in my warehouse :-D

There's not only the health issue to consider though @gdigitel , we also got to think about the flash point of whiskey. I have no idea how flammable it is in whatever quantities, but food for thought.
My biggest concern would be impurities in the whiskey and how they react to the heat, but then also the dosage. I doubt it will give it much extra "whiskey" flavour, probably just a bit more throat hit.

Also don't listen to these other pansies, experiment away but do it with safety and education foremost in your mind.
Exactly and all you have to do is make sure someone like @Stosta is there for you to push in front of the bang. Safe as houses.

I actually think @Andre or @rogue zombie might have a more informed idea on OP's question.
Hmm, I've got some JD in the cupboard that hasn't seen daylight for a while. Seems like it would go well with a good dark tobacco... any eastranders with the concentrates want to join me in an experiment?:tmi:
So it would be best to use a 12 year old and stay well clear of the R60 plonk cause their contents is questionable even for regular consumption. Also would be advisable to have plucked eyebrows and shaved head. Who knows, maybe it will be a taste explosion though.
So it would be best to use a 12 year old and stay well clear of the R60 plonk cause their contents is questionable even for regular consumption. Also would be advisable to have plucked eyebrows and shaved head. Who knows, maybe it will be a taste explosion though.
I highly recommend you try, just to satisfy my curiosity as to it's efficacy and safety
Exactly and all you have to do is make sure someone like @Stosta is there for you to push in front of the bang. Safe as houses.

I actually think @Andre or @rogue zombie might have a more informed idea on OP's question.

Humm I don't have a clue.

I know folks have aired out juices to get rid of traces of alcohol, so a full on "shot" of it sounds extreme to me.

Maybe diluted in PG?
Just vape it outside. If it catches alight throw that mofo like a hand grenade into the neighbors garden

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And maybe just to make this all legit, let someone film you and give them rights to upload the resultant footage onto youtubeB;)(Gees, sorry my small smileys are on the blink)