Vaping bucket list


Vaping Addict
Brackenfell, Cape Town
If you could choose any device, (mod, batteries and topper) right now, and money was not an issue, what would it be?

A serious question, and rather difficult to answer as even as I am typing this the option leaves me indecisive... If all vape setups cost R9.99, what would you choose?

At this moment-
Mod: Therion 75C.
Batteries: Samsung 30Q x 2.
Topper: OBS Engine Nano.

That is it for now, tomorrow?, who knows...

What is on your "vaping bucket list"? (Based on what is on the market right now.)

For me sx550 g class . And even if i can afford it look like no vendor stock it in za
the mod i have thanx to uncle @Rob Fisher

mod:Asmodus Ohmsmuim kodama stabwood
Topper:petri sxk clone 22mm ime getting on wensday
Batteries:1x samsung 30Q

So come wensday i would have my perfect setup.
Nice thread @Raindance

I would go for a silver/black Billet Box - I think they call that colour option "Piebald" (although the naming of the BBs does confuse me a bit and I haven't quite worked it out yet. lol)

Just because I would like to see what the BB owners are on about

I have a feeling it will suit my style of vaping (medium/lowish power restrictive lung hit)
Also, if I like it - it will be a fantastic all in one for me.

One like this:

Nice thread @Raindance

I would go for a silver/black Billet Box - I think they call that colour option "Piebald"

Just because I would like to see what the BB owners are on about and also because I have a good feeling it will suit my style of vaping (medium/lowish power restrictive lung hit) - and also because I think if I like it - it will be a fantastic all in one for me.

One like this:

The BB's also feature high on my rather indecisive mind as well. They do look great and all the options make them a gadget freaks dream come true. Great choice in my opinion!

If you could choose any device, (mod, batteries and topper) right now, and money was not an issue, what would it be?

A serious question, and rather difficult to answer as even as I am typing this the option leaves me indecisive... If all vape setups cost R9.99, what would you choose?

At this moment-
Mod: Therion 75C.
Batteries: Samsung 30Q x 2.
Topper: OBS Engine Nano.

That is it for now, tomorrow?, who knows...

What is on your "vaping bucket list"? (Based on what is on the market right now.)

Almost forgot, that OBS would also need a custom @hands drip tip to round it off. All for R9.99 lol!

If I won a competition and the prize was a mod and atty of my choice - with the stipulation that I had to actually use it - I would be in a serious quandary. I'm inclined to say the Noisy Cricket II as that strikes me as being a good reliable simple no-nonsense mod. I would then take another Hadaly, doesn't matter whether it's authentic or clone. But the two don't really go together for me. I like the Hadaly at 25W and am not sure I could get that low on the NC2, with it not having wattage control and all. So I'd probably go Hadaly and then any decent single or dual 18650 wattage control mod. Just as long as it was reliable and durable, and didn't have problems like a funky 510 connector, it would be fine. I am easy to please. :)

Of course, if I was allowed to sell the prize, I'd take the most expensive mod and atty ever, sell them, buy a Hadaly clone and a Pico Dual or somesuch, and then spend the rest on concentrates. :p

For batts, I'd go with pinkies. I don't do high watts so I don't need 30A batts. mAh ftw.
For me it'd be a Reo P67 with a Hadaly. Can't wait for the next batch of P67s to go on sale!
Two mods always appealed to me. The arctic dolphin Adonis and the black rose v1 @Rob Fisher owned. The look is the best I've seen. Tank wise I would love either a kayfun v5 or miniv3 for MTL. But mostly I'd probably take the ESG skyline with the MTL deck option. Sitting on the black rose
IMG_2867.JPG IMG_2869.JPG
For me it'd be a Reo P67 with a Hadaly. Can't wait for the next batch of P67s to go on sale!

Best setup one can ever own brother.
The P67 is one amazing mod and one that will never give you any issues (you can even swim with the thing without worrying it will get damaged - although i dont recommend doing that :-D)

Also its a timeless piece.
Seeing that I already have my Reo Grand and O16 combo, well two of them :-D:p

I'll go for a Ratblack BB and exo :emo:

.....and then all the tube mechs in the world :D
1. Buy more concentrates.
2. Buy more concentrates.
3. Buy more concentrates.
4. ...
My bucket list although not pertinent to the topic is to stop buying mods and atties.
I have over 11 working mods all with atties and I would like to stop...
I want a Geppetto and a NarBA! NarBA on it's way... need a Geppetto!
Mine for a long time has been a stab wood mod, which I have now gotten. I actually haven't used it because I didn't have an RTA that I thought was suitable for it. I now have a Sherman and then on the way as well is Sector One Vapors NXS with Ultem Nano kit!

So my bucket list has now shifted to a BB, just because I've vaped one and it was instant love! I will one day get one for RRP on the BB website if PayPal doesn't trap us! @Rob Fisher

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