Cape Town Takes Legal Opinion On E-cigarettes

A man, It will be such a shaim, damn the idiots that complains about vapor
I think we as a forum should get in contact with the mayor/premier and make a noise/state our case... any suggestions?
I think we as a forum should get in contact with the mayor/premier and make a noise/state our case... any suggestions?

Agree, at least half of the forum members are from Capetown. And if they do it there Gauteng and the rest will soon follow
I think we as a forum should get in contact with the mayor/premier and make a noise/state our case... any suggestions?

Yeah let's stop this nonsense......not vaping at my desk=less productive
Bastards! They complain about vapour that smells good. If vaping is illegal we should blow our disgusting tobacco smoke into their faces so they can realize what big mistake they made...
I think we as a forum should get in contact with the mayor/premier and make a noise/state our case... any suggestions?

I say go for it. If any local level government will listen it will be Cape Town, so let's be heard before the others catch wind of the idea
my suggestion, call in to cape talk (or talk radio in JHB)

they always have contacts in every government department and will definitely steer us in the right direction
Wonder if tannie Helen Zille takes phone calls :think:
this is such nonsense!!! we must all stand together!!! why can't they just leave us alone to be healthier... why do they all feel so threatened by vaping...?
this is such nonsense!!! we must all stand together!!! why can't they just leave us alone to be healthier... why do they all feel so threatened by vaping...?
loss of income thru tobacco tax is the threat!
And we are having fun and they are not... so that does not work for them.
just do what i did, go facebook register and comment on the article. if even half the forum does this they will start to hopefully see the light
Guys let's not miss the point of the article. They are complaining about vaping in public.
The jury is still out(as far as i know) on the effects on 2nd hand vape.
I don't blame people for being concerned... they have chosen not to pollute their lungs by smoking or vaping, we should respect that.
Yes I stealth vape, but I would never blow it the direction of anyone. If they asked me to stop, I would without arguing.
Guys let's not miss the point of the article. They are complaining about vaping in public.
The jury is still out(as far as i know) on the effects on 2nd hand vape.
I don't blame people for being concerned... they have chosen not to pollute their lungs by smoking or vaping, we should respect that.
Yes I stealth vape, but I would never blow it the direction of anyone. If they asked me to stop, I would without arguing.

I agree with you, but guess what, SMOKERS complain about us vaping. More smokers complain than nonsmokers, believe me. I've seen it.
It's our job to educate everyone on the health benefits it has for us, not to argue whether we should vape in public. This might get their back up against the wall immediately and not help our cause.

I watched a video of rip trippers where he said he(or a friend) experienced a nic rush from 2nd hand inhalation...
It's our job to educate everyone on the health benefits it has for us, not to argue whether we should vape in public. This might get their back up against the wall immediately and not help our cause.

I watched a video of rip trippers where he said he(or a friend) experienced a nic rush from 2nd hand inhalation...

That is correct. I agree 100%. But have you explained the health benefits to a smoker that just don't want to listen and then keep on complaining and going on about it every time you see them ? There is allot of them out there, at some point you must stop explaining and stand up for your rights. I myself can not argue, or fight. Its not in my skill set. But using the information we have to make a point and not taking no for an answer might just work.
no i meant you can comment on the article by going to it and registering, so you can comment. the more of us that comment over there, the better i think
Unfortunately ignorance breeds contempt..............and at the moment the unsubstantiated sensationalist negative connotations in the general media is doing a lot of damage to a worthy cause...:banghead::banghead::banghead:????
Anyone have friends in the media? Maybe we should invite them to the forum, or even a vape meet, so they can see first hand what vaping is all about, talk to real vapers.
How about someone making a documentary about ecigs... lots of interviews with ecig users and what ecigs mean to them and what it did for them. Any videographers, producers or directors out there?