Does the type of cotton matter for flavour?


New Vaper
cape town
just wanted to know because ive only been using cotton bacon prime and its ok but im just looking for more ways to maybe enhance flavour
Huge difference.

There is only one cotton i stand by. Having tried like 10 or 15 other brands along the way.
hi guys so what cotton do use prefer or use kendo, cotton bacon prime /firebolt, ect let me know what works for use
I have been using Octocotton for the past year and cannot find fault with it. Titanium Fibre cotton is also very good
Tfc has been in my tanks for over a year now. Some people claim it tends to start burning after a while but I like to wick it hard and no tank that I have wicked got burnt cotton.

Octocotton is a great budget cotton. Won't find anything better for the price.
If you read through the archives of the forum you will see that almost every brand of cotton was hailed by a few people as the best there is.
So that does not answer your question
Or maybe it does?:-D
Well I for one disagree with the masses regarding Cotton Bacon Prime. If you like your flavour to taste like a cotton ball get yourself Cotton Bacon Prime.
There is no question cotton makes a massive difference to the taste. Titanium FIber Cotton Elite is what I use... excellent flavour and very easy to use and manipulate. Mavaton X is also outstanding but is a ***** to work with so I only use it if I'm feeling very energetic!
TFC 003.JPG Mavaton 002.JPG
You have had four different replies and have been given three options. I personally prefer Cotton Bacon to TFC. Now you have a fourth option.

It is the nature of the vaping beast that we have tons of personal opinions on the best cotton, juice, RDA, RDTA, RTA, cotton, coil material, coil type, mod, etc etc.

I guess that it is part of the fun of being a vape hobbyist.

I try to avoid hype but the mind is a fragile thing. I know that it is best to wait until there is a consensus that a particular item is the "best" but I am weak. The truth of the matter is that if we were to vote on the "best" of each item mentioned above there would be tons of suggestions put forward for the winner in each category.

In other words, there would never be a consensus.
We vape juice, not cotton. Unless we are trying to find out which cotton gives the best dry hit, how could there be a difference in flavor after the initial cotton taste is gone?
If it wicks well and lasts a sufficient time... what else do we want?

I hate Cotton Bacon, love TFC but my favourite is plain Muji cotton pads.
just wanted to know because ive only been using cotton bacon prime and its ok but im just looking for more ways to maybe enhance flavour

Great question @camie

I think a lot of this has to do with personal preference and that everyone's taste buds are a bit different.

I also think that some cottons suit some flavours better.

For example, with me I find that cotton bacon or the old jap cotton pads are better for tobacco juices. They bring out an "earthiness" and make the tobaccoes more rounded and deeper for me.

For fruity menthols at low power I find Rayon the best for me. It makes the vape crisp and sharp. Rayon doesnt wick as well and needs to be packed very tight (it doesnt expand when wet, it actually contracts) but I find it brings out the best in menthol vapes for me.

The differences between the cottons I have tried is minor - I need to know a juice very well to notice the difference - but I can notice it on my ADVs in my workhorse devices.

You need to experiment and try out different wicks for a while with everything else the same (ie same juice, same device, same coil). And not for just a few vapes - sometimes these wicks take a few mls of juice to settle in.
Using Coil Buster Vape Cotton at the moment and its awesome.