Cloud 9 Cotton

Rob Fisher

Staff member
Winston Park, Durbs
Well, I have had a few fails trying other kinds of cotton and Titanium Fiber Cotton and Mavaton X are my go-to wicking materials by a country mile!

A couple of my international mates kept telling me Cloud 9 is the best of the best! I tried finding it a few times and it was always way too expensive to ship to SA... and then I found the new distributor in the USA and shipped two tins to my MyUS parcel consolidation service.

So it's time to give Cloud 9 Cotton a test and what better way to test it than with a brand new Dvarw DL, brand new coil from The Coil company, and a fresh bottle of Red Pill!

The build is done and the DVarw is standing by to go onto a mod. More once I have tested it for the next 24 hours!
Cloud9-1.jpg Cloud9-6.jpg Cloud9-8.jpg
SolarStorm driving tomorrow testing Cloud 9 Cotton in the Dvarw DL! Initial impressions are positive!
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Thanks for the effort and testing @Rob Fisher. We may actually need to find a new cotton as I believe TFC elite has been altered recently and is not the same cotton we grew to love.
@Christos really? What makes you say that?
I have been informed from a reliable source that the cotton has been reformulated. Haven’t tried it and Can’t find anything relating to the reformulated cotton as I still have a few tins in stock.
I have been informed from a reliable source that the cotton has been reformulated. Haven’t tried it and Can’t find anything relating to the reformulated cotton as I still have a few tins in stock.

Happy I have plenty of tins... but will investigate! Thanks @Christos!
Been using Cloud 9 cotton for a day or so now and am very happy with it and it's up there with Mavaton X and TFC Elite both of which I enjoy. The amount of cotton in the tin is not a lot and about half of what you get in the TFC tin so it's not cheap... but it's easy to use and the flavor is spot on with no cotton taste so it's a win!
I have been informed from a reliable source that the cotton has been reformulated. Haven’t tried it and Can’t find anything relating to the reformulated cotton as I still have a few tins in stock.

@Christos I spoke to Tandi at TFC directly and he assures me that the cotton is exactly the same as it was in the tins and no changes have been made to the cotton. I still think they made a mistake changing the tins for a ziplock packet.