
  1. CHase

    Smok Pro Color not charging USB

    Hey Guys, my Smok Procolor stopped charging via the USB, the unit is about 5 or so months old. I have always only charged via USB as i do not have and additional charger. Is there a quick fix / DIY or is it still under warranty? Any advise would be appreciated.
  2. Alex

    Charging station!

  3. Preggz

    AL85 not charging

    Hi guys My AL85 charging port is not working it is not charging the battery. But if I charge the battery externally it chargers. Would like to know if the warranty will cover the charging port. Thanks in advance. Preggz
  4. H

    VapeOnly Malle, A Stylish & Portable Charging Case Kit

    Speaking of VapeOnly, many vapers may be not familiar. But if you've ever happened to use their Aura mini kit, you would definitely love its delicate design and innovative features. It is no exaggeration that VapeOnly focus on introducing quality vape gears that combines aesthetics with...
  5. AlphaDog

    Therion 166 DNA 250 Charging question

    Hi all, i recently purchased a new Therion DNA250 mod and am pretty chuffed with it to say the least. I also bought two brand new Samsung 30q batteries for it. Now, the mod does cell balanced charging so i simply charge via a 2amp usb port. Question is, why is it charging each battery to 4.21v...
  6. Eldene

    Smok Guardian 3 pipe not charging

    Good evening all. so last night i did a firmware upgrade, and ever since the battery no longer wants to charge ,it shows its charging but its actually not . did anyone experience the same problem before? Apparently its a common problem, and the only solution is to use an external charger.
  7. Downtown Vapoury

  8. Coldfront

    Car charging

    What affects would you encounter if you were to charge your lipo (built into the mod) through a 1apm car charger?
  9. BLFM

    Nitecore Intellicharger i4EU - Not charging problem!!

    I've had this charger for about 2 months now, Only been charging 18650 batteries daily, Problem occurred about a week ago, picture attached below two middle slots led light constantly flashing even without the batteries. I tried charging using these two middle slots and it doesn't work. So...
  10. V

    Battery and Charging help needed?

    Hi Guys I at extreme novice stage, purchasing a Kangertech Toptank mini and would like to purchase Samsung 25R battery for it. My dilemma is that at a later stage I would like to buy an external charger and extra battery and so forth. However at this stage I wanted to start as soon as I...
  11. The_Ice

    Kbox mini (75W) overcharge protection

    Good day vape veterans, I am awaiting a Kanger toptank mini starter-kit for fasttech and I've been reading up on the forum. I can't find any info or mention if the KBox mini (75W) comes with overcharge protection, and one of my fellow vapers mentioned in the noob-corner that he constantly...