All Day Vapes Monthly Draw

We have winners! :campeon:

11 - saali - Melon Mix - 200ml of juices!
8 - mattg - Chilled Red Berries - 10% off juices next order
1 - rudi - ADV PM Chilled Lychee - 5% off juices next order

@Slick @Stosta @Rude Rudi

Congrats to all! And thanks for your participation, it is appreciated.
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Our standard menthol mix, though a very few prefer light and some strong and very strong, has never been called 'overpowering', but it was called that in a premix review. Was it mixed correctly? I have no idea, but it is so far from the very many descriptions I've heard re our standard menthol made to order juices that it leaves a question in my mind.

@YeOldeOke I am the one who posted that review of the chilled irish cream, and yes it was mixed at 10% / 70-30 pg/vg and 3mg nic, if I mixed it wrong please let me know, I mixed up a 100ml batch (I was a dummy and didnt test) im not a big fan of menthols but the resulting mix is what prompted me to make that review.

I have subsequently halved the concentration to 5% and added 2% strawberry red touch and that makes a beautiful vape
@YeOldeOke I am the one who posted that review of the chilled irish cream, and yes it was mixed at 10% / 70-30 pg/vg and 3mg nic, if I mixed it wrong please let me know, I mixed up a 100ml batch (I was a dummy and didnt test) im not a big fan of menthols but the resulting mix is what prompted me to make that review.

I have subsequently halved the concentration to 5% and added 2% strawberry red touch and that makes a beautiful vape

@Trimerion Thanks for your feedback. It seems like you know enough to mix it correctly so I will accept that. Maybe you are just sensitive to menthol and would be one of our few 'light' customers if you were buying the juice, or maybe something in the rest of that mix is giving the menthol a kick, although so far we have not had any other feedback to that effect.

Either way, we will keep an eye on that flavour.
Thanks for your feedback. It seems like you know enough to mix it correctly so I will accept that. Maybe you are just sensitive to menthol and would be one of our few 'light' customers if you were buying the juice, or maybe something in the rest of that mix is giving the menthol a kick, although so far we have not had any other feedback to that effect.

its quite possible, I like the cool hit of that pre-mix its just that menthol flavour at 10% was too much for me, however it makes a nice base when mixing flavoured menthols and I will possibly be using it as such in the future
A new month, a new list. For the 16th March draw.

1 - adamh - Strawberry Lemonade
2 - adamh - Pineapple & Lychee
3 - adamh - Lychee & Pear
4 - adamh - Strawberry YPC
5 - adamh - Toffee Apple
6 - adamh - Lemon Parfait
7 - adamh - Strawberry Lemon Scone
List update:

1 - adamh - Strawberry Lemonade
2 - adamh - Pineapple & Lychee
3 - adamh - Lychee & Pear
4 - adamh - Strawberry YPC
5 - adamh - Toffee Apple
6 - adamh - Lemon Parfait
7 - adamh - Strawberry Lemon Scone
8 - rudi - ADV concentrate Chilled Grape
List update:

1 - adamh - Strawberry Lemonade
2 - adamh - Pineapple & Lychee
3 - adamh - Lychee & Pear
4 - adamh - Strawberry YPC
5 - adamh - Toffee Apple
6 - adamh - Lemon Parfait
7 - adamh - Strawberry Lemon Scone
8 - rudi - ADV concentrate Chilled Grape
9 - spard - Melon Mix
10 - lfgm - Melon Mix
List update:

1 - adamh - Strawberry Lemonade
2 - adamh - Pineapple & Lychee
3 - adamh - Lychee & Pear
4 - adamh - Strawberry YPC
5 - adamh - Toffee Apple
6 - adamh - Lemon Parfait
7 - adamh - Strawberry Lemon Scone
8 - rudi - ADV concentrate Chilled Grape
9 - spard - Melon Mix
10 - lfgm - Melon Mix
11 - rudi - ADV concentrate Cocolime YPC
12 - lfgm - Apple Cinnamon Scone
Two days left till the next draw. Still time to get some reviews in guys.
List update:

1 - adamh - Strawberry Lemonade
2 - adamh - Pineapple & Lychee
3 - adamh - Lychee & Pear
4 - adamh - Strawberry YPC
5 - adamh - Toffee Apple
6 - adamh - Lemon Parfait
7 - adamh - Strawberry Lemon Scone
8 - rudi - ADV concentrate Chilled Grape
9 - spard - Melon Mix
10 - lfgm - Melon Mix
11 - rudi - ADV concentrate Cocolime YPC
12 - lfgm - Apple Cinnamon Scone
13 - rober - Chilled Liquorice

Last day for entries in tomorrows draw.
Draw day! The above is the final list.

We will do the draw between 10-11 am as usual.
The draw is as follows:

10 - lfgm - Melon Mix - I can't see a review in the juice reviews thread so it looks like 150ml
6 - adamh - 10%
9 - spard - 5%

I will send the relevant coupons today.

Congrats guys and thanks to all for the reviews.
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I'm not 100% sure who is on the forum so please make yourselves known else I'll send the details to the emails on the orders.
The draw is as follows:

10 - lfgm - Melon Mix - I can't see a review in the juice reviews thread so it looks like 150ml
6 - adamh - 10%
9 - spard - 5%

I will send the relevant coupons today.

Congrats guys and thanks to all for the reviews.
Awesome!! Thank you, only saw now, been working flat out, not much sleep. Looking foward to the juice :)
Awesome!! Thank you, only saw now, been working flat out, not much sleep. Looking foward to the juice :)

I was 99% sure it was you, but 99% isn't good enough.
Do you know the process of ordering this?

I will sort out all today - hopefully. The DIY sale is making things a bit hectic so please just bear with us.
I was 99% sure it was you, but 99% isn't good enough.
Do you know the process of ordering this?

I will sort out all today - hopefully. The DIY sale is making things a bit hectic so please just bear with us.
Cool, please email me the instructions. No hurry at all, relax. Enjoy the weekend.
Starting a new list for draw on 16th April.

1 - janom - ADV Gold Liquorice
2 - janom - Chocmint Shake

The last 2 months has seen a sharp drop in interest for this competition so lets see how this month goes.
List update.

1 - janom - ADV Gold Liquorice
2 - janom - Chocmint Shake
3 - lfgm - Cinnana Snickerdoodle
List update.

1 - janom - ADV Gold Liquorice
2 - janom - Chocmint Shake
3 - lfgm - Cinnana Snickerdoodle
4 - hugod - Forest Berry YPC
5 - hugod - Pineapple & Lychee
6 - hugod - Melon Mix
7 - spard - Chilled Black Berries