Bumpedy Bump - Vape Mail!

Om nom nom

Thanks @baksteen8168

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It's murder waiting for my shipment from the states :(

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It has been a while for me on this thread but here goes

Whatever do we have today :)
Thanks for my 2000mah 18500 vtc6 bro. really appreciate it

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Vape Mail Baby!

30g and 32g Kanthal to try more options like parallel and dual coils... and then some evods for juice testing.
VapeMail 011.JPG
The highlight of my super crazy day!!

One of my converts in the office is addicted to trying out new juices and I snuck this in with her order :rock:

Long live the derv!

Again.... he did it again!

Outfrikkenstanding service, he even organised some 18mg of my favourite juices for me in between getting organised for the vape meet, this guy rocks! This is why I love supporting our local vape vendors :)

@ShaneW .... can't thank you enough :rock:

and @Tristan, Thank you for this epic juice!

Went and fetched it but here is my Vape mail.. thanks @johan uploadfromtaptalk1410432833734.jpg

Oh and I got a packet of test rayon from @HPBotha. Thanks man. Sorry forgot to take a pic.
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Looks a bit like something jack baur would use to torture someone :p

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