Calling all the clever people!


General dumbass
So I need the people with big brains to help me out a bit please.

Built and wicked a new boro bridge today and on my trusty vaporesso gen it reads 0.35ohms. Put it all back together and popped it in the pulse mini and it said 0.52. Loosened the nut and tightened it all back again and it read 0.49ohms.

I know different mods will read SLIGHTLY differently but this seems a bit much to me.

It vapes lekker (which is the point) but I was just wondering why it could be so different mod to mod.

Checked connections and made sure no pieces of wire left touching anywhere it shouldn’t be.

Just intrigued I suppose.
It’s settled down to 0.43 now. Panic was for nothing it seems :facepalm:
It’s settled down to 0.43 now. Panic was for nothing it seems :facepalm:
Yep with a new build quite often my resistance is all over the shop but soon settles down, it can be worse with different wire material!
As you know I build and have an arsenal of wire in the vape drawer. In particular if I build an exotic it will change readings from the tab at first push to when it has been strummed and pinched and then even again after it is wicked and then again from device to device.
As you know I build and have an arsenal of wire in the vape drawer. In particular if I build an exotic it will change readings from the tab at first push to when it has been strummed and pinched and then even again after it is wicked and then again from device to device.
Strumming will indeed change the resistance of a coil, as the point to it, is to allow the individual wires to glow and form a layer of insulation in the form of an oxide layer, so although the wire strands are seemingly intertwined / wrapped together, they are insulated, (partially or otherwise), from one another by the oxide layer created by said strumming.

The issue of different readings in different mods, as mentioned by @Timwis , is addressed in the thread