How to Clean a Mechanical Mod

Does anyone know the difference between using alcohol like he did in the video and using that EC Contact Cleaner spray I got from Builders Warehouse?
Does anyone know the difference between using alcohol like he did in the video and using that EC Contact Cleaner spray I got from Builders Warehouse?
Unfortunately I cant view the video whilst at work but I use both contact cleaner and alcohol swabs

I first spray the mech with contact cleaner then scrub it with a soft toothbrush then I wipe it down with alcohol swabs then give it a good rinse and wipe it dry
@Silver, contact cleaner get rid of all the carbon & oxidation build up. Alcohol removes the oily residue left by the contact cleaner. Follow @BhavZ suggestion and you will have a mech cleaner than new.
Where can I buy contact cleaner and alcohol ?
Most pharmacies sell rubbing alcohol or you can get alcohol swabs

Communica in salt river / woodstock sell contact cleaner
Builders warehouse do contact cleaner too, don't be shy with the spray. I noticed methylated spirits leaves a slightly oily residue to so stopped using that.