I'm releasing a book!

How's this for a cover! Releasing the second book later this month :rofl:
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Any plans to bring out a soft cover? Im not a fan of kindle and such. I love the feel and smell of a book in my hand. The crisp feel of a page when flipping it over

Some reviews of your 1st book @Imperator. Very positive reviews
Hope to get some money together to buy a copy

It's going better than expected, but I'm not sure I'm ready for the damning reviews that are sure to follow :-D

Paperbacks once I've finished up the trilogy! The first novelette is only around 15k words so I can't do it just yet... Should have them all completed by Feb though! Time permitting.
I enjoyed the short first one, thank you. Second one downloaded onto my Kindle.
Something a little different for you lot!
One of our artists has started an Indiegogo campaign to get his comic book off and running. It's, as you'd expect, absolutely stunning so far.


Some of the backing tiers:

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First page:
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Anyway! If you're interested in helping out there are a bunch of tiers and you get a lot of cool stuff!
Link to the prelaunch campaign!
Another glorious cover!
Bear cavalry! Yes! Haha.

This one is going to be free, as will the accompanying audiobook - if I ever find the time to finish it.
Enjoyed book two of The Plagueborne trilogy, thank you @Imperator. When is the next installment due? Please start with a small recap of what went before.

Thanks! We're currently working on the audiobook for part 2, then we're publishing another author's work and doing a comic con. It might be a while - probably May. I'll definitely do that.
Hot off the (digital) press!
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It's free! You can pick up a copy here: https://mailchi.mp/2d28eda4f947/theblackhussars

We're going to be at the Cape Town fancon at the end of the month for any of you looking for physical copies. Two cons in one month with vape fest. Oof. Haha
Gonna be at Fancon at the CTICC this year with physical copies, audiobooks, prints and probably e-liquid to help cover costs :-D
We officially launched our indie publishing house at Fancon this weekend. Phew, if I thought doing one day vape conventions was rough...Two days is a killer! It was a ton of fun though!

We also launched the physical copies of Plagueborne and The Jethro Parables - eBook and audiobook will be released in the near future. We actually sold some e-liquid too haha! It looks like we're going to be picking up a distro for these quite soon, so you'll be able to pick up physical copies in stores once we've got everything in line!

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We've got an audiobook on the way! It sounds pretty snazzy at the moment! I wrote the score and a colleague, Mr Miller, did the narrating! We've got a very talented female voice artist that we'll be announcing shortly!

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Any of you lot got Audible accounts? I've got some promo codes for our latest book on Audible. Let me know who wants! I expect reviews in return though >:)
Reviving this old thread for a new anthology. We put it together during lockdown (what else is there to do).
Anyway, it features a tale by C. L. Werner, one of my favourite authors! As well as some local talent.

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You can pre-order it here: Amazon product ASIN B088YB3MQC