Introduce Yourselves:

Welcome @Neil

Cutting down on smoking is already a big improvement and in time (if you feel the need) it is quite possible (and worth it) to quit completely...but take it at your own pace :D

Gear improvement seems great, I personally still love my Kayfun and use it daily - even though I have 3 other devices that have replaced it and more incoming ;)

DIY is a really great extra hobby (over and above vaping itself) and I'm also throroughly enjoying that...share some ideas if you want, or just browse around here for some inspiration from other members :)

Enjoy the forum
Thanks free3dom, so true...I will stop cig smoking...but will let that happen at my own pace.

The Kayfun is a solid RTA, I don't have any issues with it and I like it, but its also nice to get newer attys to keep up with the ever changing times :)

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Thanks free3dom, so true...I will stop cig smoking...but will let that happen at my own pace.

The Kayfun is a solid RTA, I don't have any issues with it and I like it, but its also nice to get newer attys to keep up with the ever changing times :)


Vaping is a fantastic journey...and it remains an immensely interesting one ;)
You never know just how good vaping can be until that next upgrade :giggle:
Hi everyone, I think its high time I introduce myself...have been like a thief in the night on this forum for a couple of months now. I think its safe to say I am a "newbie" to this forum but I have been vaping for a couple of years now ("stinky-free) approx. 5years. This forum is truly amazing, I've learnt a lot, bought a lot, vaped a heres to many more of those!!!!
Welcome @saadiq

Great to have yet another veteran step into the light...we don't frown on lurking, but we much prefer having everyone participate :D
And quite a veteran you are...5 years is a lifetime in vape years. Looking forward to seeing you contribute to the forum and sharing the vast amount of experience you have gained ;)

Enjoy the forum...some more :p
Hi everyone, I think its high time I introduce myself...have been like a thief in the night on this forum for a couple of months now. I think its safe to say I am a "newbie" to this forum but I have been vaping for a couple of years now ("stinky-free) approx. 5years. This forum is truly amazing, I've learnt a lot, bought a lot, vaped a heres to many more of those!!!!
Most welcome. Wow, congrats on all those years stinky free. You certainly are not a "Noob Vaper"! Feel free to change your title. Go to your name top right, click on Personal Details, type in a custom title and save at the bottom.
thanks so much! @free3dom yes 5 years! I wont dwell on the gear but many of the "veterans" can pay homeage to those primitive gears or kits that kick-started or provided a platform to where many of US are's to ECIGSSA!!!
thanks so much! @free3dom yes 5 years! I wont dwell on the gear but many of the "veterans" can pay homeage to those primitive gears or kits that kick-started or provided a platform to where many of US are's to ECIGSSA!!!

5 years ago the pinnacle of "devices" I had were yellowish at one end and caught fire at the other...I was way more primitive :rofl::rofl::rofl:
They also smelled like crap ;)
Hi everyone, I think its high time I introduce myself...have been like a thief in the night on this forum for a couple of months now. I think its safe to say I am a "newbie" to this forum but I have been vaping for a couple of years now ("stinky-free) approx. 5years. This forum is truly amazing, I've learnt a lot, bought a lot, vaped a heres to many more of those!!!!

Warm welcome @saadiq
Glad you joined and can now take part more interactively instead of just being a thief in the night ;-) lol
Enjoy the forum!
Hi guys, I am a new member to this forum. I am from Durban and I've been vaping for about 6 months now, I still smoke cigarettes but I have definitely cut down on this with the help of my e-cig.

My Set up when I started was the iTaste vv3 + iClear16, now I am using a Kayfun lite + Eleaf 20w. Its been a great journey so far.

I am also into my DIY and have made a few good combos too. My collection of concentrates are growing steadily hehe.

Take it easy.
Glad you could finally make it ;)


Neil and I work together... He's the guy that got me on to vaping in the first place, and he's the man I share all my vape purchases with ;)

Between @Neil and myself, we have quiet a good collection of juices and concentrates :D
So because Mr Fisher didn't send me the manual I had to put all the bits together myself.

Just can't figure out where my mouth goes.

Hey everyone. im a newbie all the way from Cape Town. been vaping since Jan and loving it all the way. im completely off the cigs going into month four. initially started on the eGo stuff and now moved up to the eLeaf iStick 20w with a nautilus and a iStick 50w with a CLT2 Dripper on there. i've recently started venturing into making my own ejuices. when i say recently, i mean like literally a few days. It's an annoying process because it doesn't always come out right but i suppose its the road that needs to be travelled.
Hey everyone. im a newbie all the way from Cape Town. been vaping since Jan and loving it all the way. im completely off the cigs going into month four. initially started on the eGo stuff and now moved up to the eLeaf iStick 20w with a nautilus and a iStick 50w with a CLT2 Dripper on there. i've recently started venturing into making my own ejuices. when i say recently, i mean like literally a few days. It's an annoying process because it doesn't always come out right but i suppose its the road that needs to be travelled.
Most welcome to the forum. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit - a great accomplishment. All the best with your DIY journey, lots of info about that on the forum. Shout if you have any questions. Happy vaping.
Most welcome to the forum. Congrats on kicking the stinky habit - a great accomplishment. All the best with your DIY journey, lots of info about that on the forum. Shout if you have any questions. Happy vaping.

Thanks Andre
Welcome @Waheebh

Congratulations on upgrading your life from v1.0stinky to v2.0vaping_is_awesome :D
And you are over the rough parts - I am of course referring to vaping on egos, not quitting smoking :p:p
Great upgraded gear you've got...them iSticks are fantastic little devices and it's good to see them helping out so many vapers ;)
And already dripping, so yeah...still only tons to learn :rofl:

DIY can be quite frustrating, but keep at it...I guarantee you at some point you will make something you enjoy, and that alone makes the struggle worthwhile. For some good tips on getting started have a look at this thread (if you haven't already). Another thing that makes the struggle easier is to do a few clone recipes - not only do these usually leave you with a nice vapable juice, they also give you insight into what types of percentages work well and what flavours work together.

Best of luck and enjoy the forum
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