
Flavour and throat hit seeker
Staff member
Came across this great video done in Yorkshire about demystifying vaping
Its a year old, but it’s very good

The UK is very pro Vaping as a means to quit smoking and this video shows why
Their public health executives, researchers and thought leaders are doing it right

I liked what Clive Bates said early on in the video
“Vaping is a major innovation that will ultimately render cigarettes obsolete”

Have a watch, it’s good.
And it can also be used to show anyone who is unsure about Vaping, what the benefits are




The other thing I forgot to highlight from the video

They compared the success rate of quitting smoking between :

conventional nicotine patches plus support
vaping plus support

(by support I think they are referring to support groups, medical help and ongoing help from peers)

Vaping was twice as successful

Makes me think of my own experience.
Vaping (Twisp in those days) plus the support of the great people on this forum got me off smoking.
I don’t think I would have done it or been nearly as successful without the help and ongoing camaraderie / encouragement from the people on this forum. It was a very important factor of the success. Discovering new juices and vapes that suited my preference plus checking in to share and learn made it possible. I was not alone. This forum made it a much easier and way more pleasant journey.

I think we can safely say that this forum and the wonderful people on it have helped many over the years to quit the stinkies !
The other thing I forgot to highlight from the video

They compared the success rate of quitting smoking between :

conventional nicotine patches plus support
vaping plus support

(by support I think they are referring to support groups, medical help and ongoing help from peers)

Vaping was twice as successful

Makes me think of my own experience.
Vaping (Twisp in those days) plus the support of the great people on this forum got me off smoking.
I don’t think I would have done it or been nearly as successful without the help and ongoing camaraderie / encouragement from the people on this forum. It was a very important factor of the success. Discovering new juices and vapes that suited my preference plus checking in to share and learn made it possible. I was not alone. This forum made it a much easier and way more pleasant journey.

I think we can safely say that this forum and the wonderful people on it have helped many over the years to quit the stinkies !
And with a forum like thisecigssa-logo.png
Your even more in luck
Maybe worthy of a separate thread, but I still remember how and why I switched to vaping. I'd gotten home one night and was chilling in the lounge. There was this smell that kept bothering me. I got up from the couch and looked around a bit to see if I could find the source. Maybe about 30 minutes into the search, I ran my fingers through my beard and so got my beard closer to my nose. It was my beard that stank of Camel. I then realised that my wife and kids have to put up with this smell all the time around me.

Spent a lot of time over the next few days as a lurker on this forum and then went and bought my first device. Some or other Smok kit that I struggled to maintain the no ciggies with. But this forum helped me realise that I needed to experiment with different devices and styles of vaping, and here we are, more than 4 years later, without a single cigarette since. I feel much healthier and I know my kids appreciate the way I smell a lot more.
Maybe worthy of a separate thread, but I still remember how and why I switched to vaping. I'd gotten home one night and was chilling in the lounge. There was this smell that kept bothering me. I got up from the couch and looked around a bit to see if I could find the source. Maybe about 30 minutes into the search, I ran my fingers through my beard and so got my beard closer to my nose. It was my beard that stank of Camel. I then realised that my wife and kids have to put up with this smell all the time around me.

Spent a lot of time over the next few days as a lurker on this forum and then went and bought my first device. Some or other Smok kit that I struggled to maintain the no ciggies with. But this forum helped me realise that I needed to experiment with different devices and styles of vaping, and here we are, more than 4 years later, without a single cigarette since. I feel much healthier and I know my kids appreciate the way I smell a lot more.

congrats @X-Calibre786
thanks for sharing the story!