Juicy vape


Elite Vaper
Have any of you found after sitting or walking with your mod inverted the vape is much more juicy and flavour full with a bit of gravity assistance for the wicking? I am not saying that the flavour isn't good keeping it upright but isn't definitely nicer after being inverted for a short while. Obviously talking about RTA'S as squonking and dripping you add your own juice to your taste.20210926_201550.jpg
The wick and coils saturates a little better. But only to an extent. Depending on how full the tank is.
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I haven't experienced this on any of my tanks, nonetheless ... I'm going to lean towards some condensate and or juice running up the chamber / chimney, and this being (re)atomized, (whether by heat in the chimney when you suck on your mod again, or through the venturi effect of your chimney, or both), as I can't see how inverting a Zeus would help juice flow ... rather the opposite would happen in my opinion, with you temporarily 'starving' the wicks, (dependent upon the juice level in the tank of course).
Never really thought of it like that, but as stated above, I think the tank level would play a role here. For instance, on my Zeus tanks the juice would simply sit on the outside of the chimney and run out of the wicking cavity, as it would when you can remove the tanks while filled for maintenance. Then again, I'm no expert, so I'm following this to hear what smarter men than me think
The bottom of your wick is saturated whether the tank is ful or nearly empty. Surely that is logical. The wick draws juice up buy capillary action inside the chamber. Inverting the tank will assist the capillary action by my logic. But I guess my logic is wrong according to the people with more experience I guess.
. But I guess my logic is wrong according to the people with more experience I guess.

I'm still a novice vaper, but I won't say you are wrong. I noticed this on the PnP coils. Saturates more evenly for my style of vaping. Everyone's different and experiences things differently. 2 identical setups can have a world of difference between them depending on different factors.(coils,wick,juice) what you experience and what someone else experience is 2 totally different things. If it works for you, great, keep at it. Someone might try this and love it.
You got my curiosity going Stew .... so I had a lookie see at the inner chamber / chimney of a Zeus in 'standard' form .... The chamber / chimney has a row of 5 holes at the top of the chamber on both sides, (where it tapers to the chimney), and any condensate or juice below this point would logically run out of the top air intake on inversion. logically too ... any condensate above that point, (dependent on the volume of condensate of course), would find it's way out the drip tip, or ... if you managed to catch it before it dripped out ... would by virtue of a venturi effect be drawn into your vape stream effectively enriching the concentration / flavor.
There is a post somewhere on the forum, where I machined a few new inner chambers, and changed the placement of the air intake holes, and I can say by virtue of those experiments, that it definitely helped with the 'peeing out the air intake holes with loose wicking issue' that these tanks are prone to, whilst supporting my notion above ... the lower air intakes and removal of the one on the top of the chamber markedly improved the flavour / saturation.
The bottom of your wick is saturated whether the tank is ful or nearly empty. Surely that is logical. The wick draws juice up buy capillary action inside the chamber. Inverting the tank will assist the capillary action by my logic. But I guess my logic is wrong according to the people with more experience I guess.

I think what was trying to be said is that while it's upside down gravity will pull it out of the wick and in to the chimney (especially if the levels are low, the space that's now at the bottom/top will help with this), and what you are maybe experiencing are small droplets of juice being forced up with the aerosol from the next pull.
I'm still a novice vaper, but I won't say you are wrong. I noticed this on the PnP coils. Saturates more evenly for my style of vaping. Everyone's different and experiences things differently. 2 identical setups can have a world of difference between them depending on different factors.(coils,wick,juice) what you experience and what someone else experience is 2 totally different things. If it works for you, great, keep at it. Someone might try this and love it.

