Need 2-4 flavour "Shake And Vape" Recipe


Experienced Vaper
Cape Town
Hey Guys and Gals,

I have been doing DIY for around a year or two, but mainly focused on desserts/custards/creamy recipes.

They are good, but take long to steep and sometimes require quite a few flavours that go into it.

Now days i have moved out from the mother's nest and into my own place i call home with my better half. So budget and spending is super tight, i can no longer purchase 10 flavours to make a complex recipe and only use 1ml from a 10ml bottle.

What i am looking for is a half decent, 2 - 4 flavour Shake and Vape type juice, where there is minimal left over flavour concentrates.

Now i know there will be left over, i'm not trying to negate that, i just don't want to use 0.1-2ml of a 10ml bottle. It's money i can't really afford to throw at a juice right now.

Flavour profile wise, anything is good, desert or fruity, sweet or sour, anything really besides coffee and tobacco.

If any of you have some good idea's i would love to hear them, I am hoping to order the DIY goodies from BLCK Vapour and to order them this afternoon.

Can't wait to read the responses,
What I would suggest is look through some of the threads like the one @Andre suggested above, then look at juices which have similar ingredients and buy concentrates for those. So if recipe A calls for, for example, 2ml of Blueberry Extra, but recipe B calls for 6ml Blueberry extra, then you can make recipe A twice and recipe B once with a 10ml bottle. So August will then be a Blueberry kinda month. Then September you can look for similar custard recipes, etc. etc.

Then also look where you can interchange ingredients. E.g. CAP Sweet Cream vs. TFA Sweet Cream (easy) or if something calls for TFA Vanilla Swirl you can use TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (not the exact same profile, but the major base is vanilla, so you will almost get the same). So again, if recipe A calls for Vanilla Swirl, but recipe B calls for VBIC, then just get VBIC as it is a much more commonly use flavour which you can reuse on many recipes. Other examples (note, there are definite differences in the flavours but on a budget one can overlook that):
Blueberry wild TFA = Blueberry Extra TFA = Blueberry CLY = Blueberry ZAC
Butterscotch FW = Butterscotch Ripple FW = Butterscotch CLY = Butterscotch Candy ZAC
Cookie FA = Biscuit INW = Shortcake CLY = ShortcakeZAC
Caramel FA = Dulce de Leche TFA = Caramel CLY = Caramel ZAC
I think you get the idea here. :)

Lastly I would say is look at some of the South African flavour manufacturers as their pricing is also very competitive. I am thinking along the lines of Clyrolinx (@Geoff) or ZA Concentrates (@AndreH). They have some really good flavours at good prices and their flavours are quite strong as well, same as FlavorArt, thus you use less and the concentrate will last longer.

Great great flavour. i normally drop down the custard to 5% so i can make 2 bottles off 1 custard. Also sub the Custard with Vanilla Bean Ice cream at 4-5%% . This gives a great second flavour to make
What I would suggest is look through some of the threads like the one @Andre suggested above, then look at juices which have similar ingredients and buy concentrates for those. So if recipe A calls for, for example, 2ml of Blueberry Extra, but recipe B calls for 6ml Blueberry extra, then you can make recipe A twice and recipe B once with a 10ml bottle. So August will then be a Blueberry kinda month. Then September you can look for similar custard recipes, etc. etc.

Then also look where you can interchange ingredients. E.g. CAP Sweet Cream vs. TFA Sweet Cream (easy) or if something calls for TFA Vanilla Swirl you can use TFA Vanilla Bean Ice Cream (not the exact same profile, but the major base is vanilla, so you will almost get the same). So again, if recipe A calls for Vanilla Swirl, but recipe B calls for VBIC, then just get VBIC as it is a much more commonly use flavour which you can reuse on many recipes. Other examples (note, there are definite differences in the flavours but on a budget one can overlook that):
Blueberry wild TFA = Blueberry Extra TFA = Blueberry CLY = Blueberry ZAC
Butterscotch FW = Butterscotch Ripple FW = Butterscotch CLY = Butterscotch Candy ZAC
Cookie FA = Biscuit INW = Shortcake CLY = ShortcakeZAC
Caramel FA = Dulce de Leche TFA = Caramel CLY = Caramel ZAC
I think you get the idea here. :)

Lastly I would say is look at some of the South African flavour manufacturers as their pricing is also very competitive. I am thinking along the lines of Clyrolinx (@Geoff) or ZA Concentrates (@AndreH). They have some really good flavours at good prices and their flavours are quite strong as well, same as FlavorArt, thus you use less and the concentrate will last longer.

Some good advice, Also with Clyrolinx there is quite a few that you only need to use the one concentrate usually at around 3% so real value for money